[Source: Laifeng News Network] News from this website (Rong Media reporter Yang Yiquan, intern Chen Keyi) On July 14, Li Wei, Secretary of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee’s Deep Reform Committee, presided over the sixth meeting of the County

2024/07/0113:05:32 international 1003

[Source: Laifeng News Network]

News from this website (Integrated media reporter Yang Yiquan intern Chen Keyi) On July 14, Li Wei, Secretary of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee’s Deep Reform Committee, presided over the sixth meeting of the County Party Committee’s Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee , convey and study the spirit of the meeting of the central, provincial and state committees on comprehensively deepening reforms, review relevant documents and some key reform matters, and arrange for the next stage of comprehensively deepening reforms.

County CPPCC Chairman Zhao Changqing, and county leaders Zhu Chuanjie, Liu Zhihuang, He Xiaolan, Zhang Guanhua, Wang Jianmin, Huang Xiangping, Wu Xingcan, Wang Yuming, and Xiang Xuefeng attended the meeting.

[Source: Laifeng News Network] News from this website (Rong Media reporter Yang Yiquan, intern Chen Keyi) On July 14, Li Wei, Secretary of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee’s Deep Reform Committee, presided over the sixth meeting of the County  - DayDayNews

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the important meeting of the Central, Provincial and State Party Committee Comprehensively Deepening Reform Committee; reviewed the "Work Points of the Laifeng County Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2022 (Draft)" and "The Important Work Points of the Laifeng County Committee of the Communist Party of China in Comprehensively Deepening Reform Committee in 2022" Reforming the Division of Task Responsibilities Plan (Draft)"; reviewing the "Implementation Opinions on Optimizing Government Procurement and Project Bidding Procedures (Draft)", "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Eco-industrialization and Industrial Ecological Development (Draft)", "About the Headquarters" Economic (Business Incubation Center) Project Promotion Work Plan" and other key reform matters.

[Source: Laifeng News Network] News from this website (Rong Media reporter Yang Yiquan, intern Chen Keyi) On July 14, Li Wei, Secretary of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee’s Deep Reform Committee, presided over the sixth meeting of the County  - DayDayNews

Li Wei pointed out that we are currently in a critical period for the county's development. We must attach great importance to reform work, deepen our ideological understanding, enhance reform consciousness, resolutely implement new arrangements and new requirements for comprehensively deepening reform work, and continue to coordinate and promote all aspects of reform. Reform in all aspects of the field, and implement the reform requirements of the central, provincial and state committees to the letter, providing a strong impetus for Laifeng's green rise and high-quality development.

Li Wei requested that in the work system of comprehensively deepening the reform of in , the special team plays an important role in linking up and down and connecting left and right. It has heavy responsibilities and heavy tasks. It is necessary to strengthen its responsibility, keep a close eye on key tasks, and play a good role as a bridge. We need to coordinate all forces and solidly advance various reform tasks; we must strengthen the construction of the reform team and further coordinate and strengthen the reform forces to provide a strong guarantee for comprehensively deepening the reform. All special teams and project responsible units must strengthen supervision and implementation, further improve and reform the project ledger system according to key points and program requirements, further improve the supervision mechanism, and consolidate responsibilities, requirements, and assessments.

Li Wei requested that we should closely connect with the actual situation of our county, identify the reform goals, highlight the key points of reform, break them down one by one, and advance them in an orderly manner, so as to promote the maturity of one reform task, the cancellation of one account, and the implementation of one; it is necessary to highlight the problem orientation, Focus on the basic county conditions, take supply-side structural reform as the main line, solidly promote the construction of "five tens of billions of industry clusters", and use reform thinking and methods to promote the quality, efficiency, and power changes of Laifeng County's economic development , use reforms to protect and improve people's livelihood, vigorously promote the pilot construction of county-level social governance modernization and the creation of provincial-level civilized cities, and effectively enhance the people's sense of gains from reforms; we must focus on cultivating bright spots and deeply explore the reforms in the county and industry. The innovative measures, successful models, outstanding results, institutional achievements and other reform highlights in the process form typical reform experiences that can be replicated and promoted, and use good publicity effects to widely gather reform momentum, so that the general public can truly feel what is happening around them. "Reform changes" and the "reform dividends" we are enjoying.

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