The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr

2024/06/2919:33:32 international 1376

District People’s Congress Standing Committee organized representatives to inspect

Civil Administration

Procuratorial work

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewshtml On the morning of July 15, the Pidu District People’s Congress Standing Committee conducted an inspection of the Pidu District Court’s civil and administrative procuratorial work. More than 20 people participated in this inspection, including Deng Zhimin, deputy director of the District People's Congress, heads of the District People's Congress Legal Affairs Committee and some special committees, and some representatives of the People's Congress. Yuan Yili, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the District Procuratorate and Chief Prosecutor, and responsible comrades from relevant functional departments at the district level accompanied the inspection.

The delegation from the District People’s Congress first visited the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center, the Procuratorate Hall, and the case handling work area of ​​the Pidu District Court, and listened to a briefing on the relevant situation. Through on-site visits, we gained a comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the work progress of the Pidu District Hospital.

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNews

At the subsequent symposium, the Pidu District Court first introduced to the participants the functions and responsibilities of the procuratorial organs after the reform of the internal organizations. Chief Prosecutor Yuan Yili reported in detail the progress of the Pidu District Court's civil administrative prosecution work, existing problems and next steps from the aspects of serving the overall interests of the center, protecting people's livelihood and interests, and handling the source of litigation. The participating units expressed opinions and suggestions on how to cooperate in carrying out civil administrative prosecution work. The representatives of the District People's Congress who attended the meeting put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on improving the civil administrative prosecution work of Pidu District Court.


The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNewsThe Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized representatives to inspect the civil and administrative prosecution work. On the morning of July 15, the Standing Committee of the Pidu District People's Congress conducted an inspection of the civil and administr - DayDayNews

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Deputy Director Deng Zhimin fully affirmed the civil administrative prosecution work of Pidu District Court. He requested that firstly should further improve its political position, deeply understand the importance of civil administrative prosecutorial supervision, and reflect its responsibility in the overall situation of the service center. Second, should strengthen its strengths and make up for its shortcomings in the main responsibilities of procuratorial work in the new era, closely focus on the "visible" and "feeling" issues around the people, do practical things for the people with heart and emotion, and protect people's livelihood and interests in accordance with the law. Efforts will be made to improve the quality and efficiency of supervision. Third, should strengthen collaboration, pay attention to communication, form a synergy in work, strive for greater support and cooperation, do practical management of the source of complaints, promote the settlement of cases, and realize the resonance of precise supervision and social governance at the same frequency.

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text / Liu Minyang

review / Fu Xianyi

typesetting / Huang Xiaoqin

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