The "National Highway Network Plan" emphasizes that by 2035, a modern national highway network covering the entire country, with complete functions, efficient integration, safety and reliability will be basically built, with a total scale of more than 460,000 kilometers, includin

2024/07/0304:38:33 international 1874

On July 12, Beijing time, multiple national departments jointly issued the latest " National Highway Network Planning " notice. The most eye-catching thing is that the expressway from Fuzhou to Taipei is included in the plan, no later than It will be completed and opened to traffic before 2035.

The "National Highway Network Plan" emphasizes that by 2035, a modern national highway network covering the whole country, fully functional, highly integrated, safe and reliable will be basically built, with a total scale of more than 460,000 kilometers, of which about 162,000 kilometers are national-level highways. , the general national highway is about 299,000 kilometers. The completion of the national highway network in the new era will effectively realize high-speed connectivity between provinces, urban agglomerations, prefecture-level cities and even county levels, meeting the needs of economic and social development and the travel needs of the people. The biggest highlight of


is naturally the " Beijing-Taiwan Expressway " that has been frequently mentioned by the outside world. The "Plan" points out that the starting point of the G3 expressway is Beijing, passing through Fuzhou all the way south, and finally connecting to Taipei across the sea, forming a high-speed trunk line from north to south of the motherland, connecting the two major regions of mainland China and Taiwan. It is planned to be completed before 2035 Completed and opened to traffic.

Of course, there is not only one expressway that bears the important task of connecting the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The "Plan" also mentions the G1534 Expressway from Xiamen to Kinmen and the G1533 Expressway from Quanzhou to Kinmen.


Obviously, the plan for the Fuzhou-Taipei section of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway was made by the country’s highest level from the perspective of long-term future development and from a strategic perspective. It is similar to the design goals of other transportation development plans and is not what the Democratic Progressive Party hypes. United Front Work”. As soon as the news related to

was announced, it immediately attracted great attention from all parties. Compared with the previous "taking the high-speed rail to Taiwan in 2035", self-driving to visit the beautiful mountains and rivers of the island is undoubtedly more meaningful, and you can experience Taiwan's customs as if you were there. Favor.

Of course, there is another important reason why this news is so popular, and that is the timing of its announcement.


On July 13, the 14th Strait Forum was held in Xiamen, a short distance away from Kinmen. Wang Yang, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He hoped that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait would use the platform of the Strait Forum to express their family ties and talk about each other, We call on young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to work together and work together. More and more young people from Taiwan with ideals and dreams are coming to the mainland to realize their dreams and add glory to the process of great rejuvenation.


Relevant politicians on the island responded positively to the mainland's statement. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian emphasized in his speech that we must stand firm on the complex and sensitive world situation and the situation in the Taiwan Strait, adhere to the "92 Consensus " and the principle that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, and oppose any form of "uniting the United States to resist China" ”, and the strategy of “rejecting reunification with force”. KMT Vice Chairman Xia Liyan also emphasized in his video speech that he is willing to promote the process of cross-strait peaceful dialogue and exchanges on the basis of the "1992 Consensus" and opposes the idea of ​​"Taiwan independence."

At this special moment when the Straits Forum was held and the reunification officials on the island were met, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport jointly announced the "Plan", which is equivalent to turning the blueprint into reality and accelerating the early arrival of the day of complete reunification of the motherland.


On the surface, this "Plan" only connects the mainland and Taiwan, which were originally separated by geographical transportation. However, the social, economic and political changes it brings far exceed what the highway itself can carry. value.

Mainland people can freely appreciate the island's unique natural scenery and cultural features, and experience a real Taiwan that cannot be experienced on the TV network. The people of Taiwan are no longer trapped by geographical limitations, and can more easily integrate into the overall situation of national development and reform, and realize the value of their lives in the 9.6 million square kilometers of China.


Today, although the Democratic Progressive Party authorities on the island continue to advocate "alliance with the United States to resist mainland China", "reject reunification with force", stigmatize the "1992 Consensus", and promote the so-called "Taiwan independence" line, almost all knowledgeable people Politicians, including some senior officials in the U.S. military and political circles, have felt that China's comprehensive reunification is an unstoppable trend. Any collusion conspiracy between the United States and Taiwan is nothing more than serving the United States' Indo-Pacific strategy. At the same time, taking advantage of the tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, it is The U.S. military-industrial complex reaps economic benefits.

Over the past few decades, the Taiwan authorities have spent huge amounts of money on military expenditures in order to expand their military and prepare for war against the mainland, which has seriously hindered the construction of people's livelihood and infrastructure on the island. After reunification, security issues will be resolved, Taiwan's finances will be fully invested in economic construction and people's livelihood, and the quality and standard of life of Taiwanese people will be improved to a greater extent.


The comprehensive reunification of both sides of the Taiwan Strait is an important foundation for the comprehensive and great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. When China is no longer trapped by the reality of national division, and its economy, military, science and technology, education and other fields have entered a high-speed development track, an extremely powerful country will rise in the eastern hemisphere . Any Chinese who loves the motherland will Children will all create their own bright futures in the great process.

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