In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chong

2024/06/2910:36:32 international 1762
In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chong - DayDayNews

In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chongzuo City Procuratorate, and his delegation went to the Daxin County Procuratorate to conduct business data analysis and judgment meeting to supervise the optimization and improvement of the core data of the procuratorial business. The meeting was chaired by Liang Haifeng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Prosecutor of the hospital, and attended by leaders and persons in charge of various departments.

In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chong - DayDayNews

Business Data Analysis and Judgment Meeting

At the business data analysis and judgment meeting

, the case management department of the hospital reported the overall situation of the core data of the procuratorial business from January to June. The heads of each department re-analyzed and re-judged the business data of their departments and proposed measures. Leaders in each department analyze and comment on their respective business work. Subsequently, Chief Prosecutor Liang Haifeng deeply analyzed the root causes of the decline in business data rankings from the aspects of law enforcement concepts, coordination and communication, and case handling quality and efficiency, and proposed specific measures to optimize and improve the comprehensive quality and efficiency of the hospital's prosecutorial business.

In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chong - DayDayNews

Deputy Prosecutor General Jia Wenyu of the Chongzuo City Procuratorate put forward work requirements

Deputy Prosecutor General Jia Wenyu expressed full affirmation of the achievements of our hospital and pointed out that we must focus on 60 core business data, coordinate progress, pay close attention to results, and provide guidance on how to do a good job In order to optimize and improve the core data of the procuratorial business, the following three requirements are put forward:


System research and analysis should be strengthened, and the case management department should do a good job of overall coordination and analysis.

Give full play to the guiding role and targeting role of business data research and judgment, and conduct an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the problem. , trends, and impacts, find gaps and breakthroughs from the analysis and judgment data, and provide scientific reference for business work.


must lay a solid foundation for work, strive to be the first to create excellence, and assume responsibilities as

. Each business department has its own characteristics. It is necessary to exert subjective initiative, plan its own breakthrough points, strengthen collaboration, up-down linkage, internal and external linkage, form synergy, and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling.


We must continuously strengthen professional learning and improve the ability to perform procuratorial duties

All police officers in the hospital must continue to carry forward the spirit of craftsman, proactively perform procuratorial functions in accordance with the law, insist on taking the initiative, devote themselves to procuratorial work with a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, and constantly create New achievements and new contributions.

Review: Liang Haifeng

Proofreading: Huang Yingze

Text: Ling Aixing

Editor: Xu Xiuxiu

Picture: Xu Yong

In order to give full play to the guiding role of procuratorial core data in procuratorial work and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, on the morning of July 14, Jia Wenyu, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy prosecutor general of the Chong - DayDayNews

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