Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions.

2024/07/0309:21:32 international 1321

Just as U.S. President Biden visited the Middle East with great fanfare, and seemed to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously did not allow the United States to do whatever it wanted, but also adopted its own action. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a video meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Miqdad on the evening of July 15. According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs official website, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that the United States and other Western countries should change their past habits and stop meddling in Middle East affairs and trying to use their own standards to transform the region.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

Wang Yi said that the world should have less hegemony and more cooperation, less unilateral actions and more multilateralism . There should be no more wars but only lasting peace.

China firmly supports the people of the Middle East in exploring development paths independently and supports Middle Eastern countries in resolving regional security issues through unity and self-reliance. China believes that brothers and sisters in the Middle East have the ability and wisdom to maintain peace and stability and resolve issues left over from history. The United States and the West should change their old habits and stop meddling in Middle East affairs and trying to transform the region according to their own standards. We should truly respect the sovereignty of regional countries, truly proceed from the needs of the people in the region, and do things that are conducive to regional peace and development.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

You must know that the United States has often interfered in the internal affairs of other countries in the Middle East over the years, especially in Syria. The United States came uninvited in the name of the United Nations . It also supports anti-government forces in Syria and launches insurgent operations against the Syrian government. The United States even directly supports terrorists fighting against the Syrian government. At the same time, he also accused the Syrian government of legitimate attacks on terrorists, and the United States was behind the civil unrest in Syria. Moreover, the United States has also established an alliance with the Kurds to steal a large amount of oil and wheat from eastern Syria. These are all evil things the United States has done in Syria.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

However, the United States is not just in Syria. The United States indulges Israel, attacks Palestinians , and prevents the United Nations from condemning Israel's massacres internationally. At the same time, it carried out various interferences and accusations against Iran , Lebanon, Yemen and other countries in the Middle East, and used the hegemony of the United States in the Middle East to restrict other countries' normal business exchanges with North Korea. For example, the economic sanctions imposed by the United States against Iran in 2018 are typical of American hegemony and a serious violation of Iran's national rights. It's just that the United States relies on its powerful military power to adopt hegemonic behavior, which also leaves Middle Eastern countries with no choice but to endure the beatings.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

Now, after visiting Israel, US President Biden has begun to visit Saudi Arabia , and is preparing to participate in the Arab Summit held in Saudi Arabia. To put it bluntly, in addition to promoting its own influence, the United States wants to seek for Middle Eastern countries to increase crude oil production, thereby suppressing international oil prices and reducing domestic inflation in the United States. At the same time, it will strengthen cooperation with Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, further suppressing the prospects for normal cooperation between China and Russia in the Middle East. For example, the United States announced that it has signed as many as 18 cooperation projects with Saudi Arabia in fields such as 5G and clean energy. These are precisely the relevant cooperation projects between China and Saudi Arabia. The United States is clearly trying to seize China's commercial and trade cooperation in the Middle East, thus highlighting its economic influence.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

Faced with such bullying behavior by the United States, our Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphatically warned the United States and the West during a video meeting with the Syrian Foreign Minister that they should change their past habits and stop arbitrarily gesticulating, interfering in Middle East affairs, and trying to use their own Standard transformation of this area. Obviously, Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s domineering warning is telling the United States that the Middle East itself has the final say in affairs in the Middle East, and it should not be dictated by the United States. The United States has neither the right nor the qualification to criticize the countries in the Middle East. How the countries in the Middle East develop is a free choice of the people of the countries in the Middle East. China supports the free choices of the people of the countries in the Middle East, and the United States has no right to interfere.

Just as U.S. President Biden is visiting the Middle East with great fanfare, and seems to be having a very heated fight with the countries in the Middle East, China in the East obviously does not allow the United States to do whatever it wants, but is also taking its own actions. - DayDayNews

Wang Yi said that China will continue to speak uprightly for Syria to safeguard its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national dignity, and support Syria in improving relations with its neighboring countries. At the same time, Wang Yi also emphasized that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East issue and should not be forgotten by the international community, let alone marginalized. The suffering of the Palestinian people should not continue. China is willing to strengthen coordination with all parties to promote the Palestinian issue to be re-incorporated into a priority position on the international agenda. Miqdad said that China has always upheld a rational and fair stance, helped small and medium-sized countries develop together, and played a positive role in promoting world multipolarity and human development and progress. With more help, justice will prevail. Syria is willing to strengthen coordination with China, firmly support multilateralism, keep the world away from hegemonic powers, and share peace, security and stability. (The pictures in this article come from the Internet)

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