People's Political Consultative Conference Network, Beijing, July 14 (Reporter Chen Shuyan, Liu Yitong, Xue Jing) On July 14, during the online themed interview event "Telling the Story of 'Chinese-style Consultation'" hosted by the People's Political Consultative Conference Netw

2024/06/2907:01:33 international 1593

People's Political Consultative Conference Network Beijing, July 14th (Reporter Chen Shuyan, Liu Yitong, Xue Jing) On July 14, during the online themed interview event "Telling the Story of 'Chinese-style Consultation'" hosted by the People's Political Consultative Conference Network, the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee Deputy Director and Spokesperson Zhang Guowei answered reporters' questions about his participation in the "Citizen Dialogue Leaders·Face-to-face Proposal Handling" series of consultation interviews.

People's Political Consultative Conference Network, Beijing, July 14 (Reporter Chen Shuyan, Liu Yitong, Xue Jing) On July 14, during the online themed interview event

Zhang Guowei, deputy director and spokesperson of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, introduced the work of handling proposals. People's Political Consultative Conference News and People's Political Consultative Conference Network reporter Qi Bo photo

In the "Citizen Dialogue Leaders·Face-to-face Proposal Handling" series of consultation interview programs, the sponsoring parties publicly broadcast live to the TV audience through the "Proposal Handling Consultation Process". So, what preparations should "top leaders" make before talking to citizens? What kind of work does the proposal organizer need to do before it goes on camera?

"First, arrange cadres above the office to contact representatives and committee members by telephone, face-to-face communication, etc., sincerely listen to the opinions of representatives and committee members, understand actual needs, and clarify the direction of treatment. Second, through the 12345 hotline and the petition department, collect citizens' opinions on the proposal The third is to conduct in-depth research on the issues involved in the proposal, propose practical solutions, and proactively respond to the committee members' suggestions with solutions." Zhang Guowei gave an introduction using the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission as an example.

"For example, in 2021, some members proposed that young people and public service workers in Beijing face housing difficulties. The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee attached great importance to this and increased research efforts, and then made relevant suggestions to the municipal government." Zhang Guowei introduced, This year, the Beijing Municipal Government specially issued the "Beijing Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Development of Affordable Rental Housing", which clearly proposed the phased construction goals of affordable housing in Beijing: striving to raise funds for construction during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. 400,000 rental housing units (rooms).

"We will raise funds to build 150,000 units this year, focusing on solving the housing difficulties of young people and public service workers. Some time ago, 1,000 graduate apartments were launched in four districts of the city to solve the housing difficulties of graduates in Beijing. "Zhang Guowei said that we will further increase housing security and propose to speed up the solution to the housing problem of public service personnel such as express delivery, logistics, cleaning, etc.

People's Political Consultative Conference Network, Beijing, July 14 (Reporter Chen Shuyan, Liu Yitong, Xue Jing) On July 14, during the online themed interview event

The scene of the media symposium on the series of consultation interviews on "Citizen Dialogue Leaders·Face-to-face Proposal Processing". People's Political Consultative Conference News and People's Political Consultative Conference Network reporter Qi Bo Photo

How can more people not only fully understand the handling of CPPCC proposals, but also be informed about the attitudes and practices of relevant government departments on these hot and difficult issues? Zhang Guowei further explained.

"In response to the relatively complex and difficult-to-solve problems raised by committee members and citizens, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee took advantage of the program's all-media platform to sincerely explain to committee members and citizens, and put forward countermeasures to improve work." Zhang Guowei express.

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