On July 14, Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court held a report on the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress. Party Secretary and Dean Zhang Yong gave a report, and all police officers attended.

2024/06/2910:17:32 international 1137

On July 14, Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court held a report on the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress. Party Secretary and Dean Zhang Yong gave a report, and all police officers participated.

On July 14, Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court held a report on the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress. Party Secretary and Dean Zhang Yong gave a report, and all police officers attended. - DayDayNews

Zhang Yong pointed out that the

Municipal Party Congress was a meeting that held high the banner, safeguarded the core, concentrated efforts, and united to win. Learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the Party Congress is the most important political task at present and in the future. We must effectively unify thoughts, understanding and actions into the spirit of the Party Congress, and condense wisdom and strength into the goals and tasks set by the Party Congress.

Zhang Yong stressed that

we must deeply understand the theme of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and deeply understand that unswervingly and resolutely defending " two to establish " and resolutely achieving " two to safeguard " are Tianjin's new journey. The fundamental requirements to create a new situation, accurately grasp the goals and overall requirements for the next five years, focus on the main task of comprehensively building a socialist modern metropolis, go all out to do a good job in judicial work, and effectively perform the duties of safeguarding national political security and ensuring the overall social interests Stabilize, promote social fairness and justice, and ensure that people live and work in peace and contentment.

Zhang Yong asked

1 to strengthen theoretical arms and effectively improve his political position. closely combines the study and implementation of the spirit of the Party Congress with the in-depth study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and always maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics, and actions. Closely integrate the study and implementation of the spirit of the Party Congress with the in-depth study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics, and actions.

2 We must prevent and resolve major risks and resolutely safeguard political security. adheres to a problem-oriented and goal-oriented approach, coordinates active and protracted battles to prevent and resolve major risks, bases itself on Tianjin’s characteristics, Tianjin’s responsibilities, and Tianjin’s defense, and resolutely builds a strong political “moat” security barrier for the capital. Adhere to problem orientation and goal orientation, coordinate proactive and protracted battles to prevent and resolve major risks, base on Tianjin's characteristics, Tianjin's responsibilities, and Tianjin's defense, and resolutely build a strong security barrier for the capital's political "moat".

3 It is necessary to improve the level of social governance and further promote the construction of the governance system. actively participates in the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, effectively solves the difficulties and pain points in mass litigation, and continuously meets the people’s growing diverse judicial needs. Actively participate in the joint construction, joint governance and shared social governance system, effectively solve the difficulties and pain points in mass litigation, and continue to meet the people's growing and diverse judicial needs.

4 It is necessary to promote the reform of judicial supporting facilities and improve the judicial restriction and supervision mechanism. adheres to the systemic concept, strengthens systemic thinking, strengthens trial supervision and management, takes deepening reform and innovation as the driving force, and strives to solve deep-seated problems that affect judicial fairness and restrict judicial capabilities. Adhere to the systemic concept, strengthen systemic thinking, strengthen trial supervision and management, use deepening reform and innovation as the driving force, and strive to solve deep-seated problems that affect judicial fairness and restrict judicial capabilities.

5 We must focus on giving full play to judicial functions and provide higher-level judicial services. focuses on the construction goals and tasks proposed by the Party Congress, identifies the focus and integration points of judicial services to ensure high-quality development, gives full play to judicial functions, performs duties and assumes responsibilities. Focus on the construction goals and tasks proposed by the Party Congress, identify the focus and integration points of judicial services to ensure high-quality development, give full play to judicial functions, perform duties and assume responsibilities.

6 It is necessary to strictly manage the party and the police in an all-round way and build a strong court team. insists on taking political construction as the guide, and carries out in-depth study, publicity, education and practical activities with the theme of "welcoming grand events, building loyalty, strengthening responsibility, and creating performance", and strives to build a court team that the party and the people can trust and trust. Adhere to political construction as the guide, carry out in-depth study, publicity, education and practical activities with the theme of "welcoming grand events, building loyalty, strengthening responsibility, and creating performance", and strive to build a court team that the party and the people can trust and trust.

Correspondent: Group Publicity Department Bai Han

Editor: Qiu Wei

Producer: Li Shiyun

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