Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if.

2024/07/0113:03:32 international 1824

If the United States wants to defeat China, it will be very easy.

When I saw this ignorant statement, I frowned. I looked at the source carefully and found out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to say this. Ignorant words.

Under this comment, netizens from various countries are actively expressing their opinions.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

A comment from a Russian netizen said this.

Is it easy for the United States to defeat China? Are you still alive more than a hundred years ago?

It is indeed possible for the United States to defeat China, but if you say it is easy to defeat China, are you going too far?

Today's China is already a behemoth in the world. Although China's military strength is still somewhat inferior to that of the United States, it is not something that the United States can easily defeat.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Today's China is also at the forefront of the world in terms of military power. Don't underestimate China. If the United States really wants to defeat China easily, it must launch a nuclear war, but the United States is not the only one in the world. With nuclear weapons , if the United States dares to launch a nuclear war, it will inevitably be attacked by nuclear weapons.

Even if the United States defeats China in the end by relying on the superiority in the number of nuclear weapons, it will inevitably suffer a fatal attack. The final result may be that both countries disappear from this planet, or even humans disappear from this universe. In such a situation, Do you dare to say that it will be easy for the United States to defeat China?

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

If both sides make a tacit agreement not to use nuclear weapons, even though the United States has more military power, it may not be able to defeat China. This kind of thing has not never happened in history.

During the Korean War , in order to defend the motherland, China sent volunteer troops to North Korea to fight against the United Nations forces led by the United States. At that time, China used outdated firearms, outdated artillery, and almost no air power to defeat the enemy. The United States has advanced weapons and air supremacy.

With such a huge gap in military weapons, China has already won. In this war alone, the United States cannot easily defeat China. Even if God comes, it will still be the case.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

As Russian netizens said, it is impossible for the United States to easily defeat China. Even now, there is still a gap between China and the United States in terms of military strength. However, China is also catching up little by little. Coupled with the current existence of nuclear weapons, No country can say that it can easily defeat another nuclear power.

The existence of nuclear weapons not only represents the strength of military power, nuclear weapons serve more as a deterrent force, deterring the world and protecting one's own country from aggression.

No country in the world is willing to use nuclear weapons easily, because once they are used, it will be a matter of death and destruction, and if they do not use nuclear weapons, judging from the recent war between China and the United States, the United States still cannot easily do so. Defeat China.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

American netizens replied to

From the perspective of military warfare, China does have the ability to compete with the United States, but the military level of China and the United States still has an advantage. Perhaps from the perspective of military warfare, the United States cannot easily defeat it. China.

But don’t forget that the United States is still the largest economy in the world. If the United States launches an economic war against China, then China will inevitably lose, and naturally it can easily defeat China.

If the United States launches an economic war against China, China will definitely not be able to bear a series of consequences.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

A German netizen also expressed his opinion

Can the United States easily defeat China if it launches an economic war? How is this possible? No matter from which level, China is now an indispensable member of the world. If China is defeated by the United States, the United States may disappear as a result.

Even if the United States launches an economic war against China, I am afraid that the final result will be loss-lose. The United States is now the world's largest grain exporter, and China is now the world's largest grain importer. Every year, China imports tens of millions from the United States. tons of grain, and the United States also imports hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods every year. If the United States starts an economic war against China, it will be a heavy blow to both China and the United States.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Therefore, it is impossible for the United States to say that it can easily defeat China after provoking an economic war. If an economic war breaks out, it will only cause losses to both sides.

If the United States dares to launch an economic war against China, then China will also fight back. In this way, the United States and China will still suffer huge losses.

So from an economic perspective, in an economic war, the United States will certainly not be able to easily defeat China.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

German netizens’ point of view is based on economic war. Indeed, in the current environment, in terms of military war alone, no country can say that it can easily defeat another country, not even the United States.

From the perspective of economic war, in this era of global economic integration , each country has economic constraints on another country. If the United States launches an economic war against China, then the United States and China will inevitably Suffer losses, and this loss must not be small.

From the views of Russian netizens and German netizens, it can also be seen that in this era, whether from a military or economic perspective, the United States has no way to easily defeat China. If a war starts, both sides will lose. The consequences are consequences that neither China nor the United States want to bear.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Under the view put forward by this American netizen that the United States can easily defeat China, netizens from various countries have also expressed their own opinions, and most of them feel that the United States cannot easily defeat China.

American netizens were unconvinced and once again put forward their own opinions. American netizens commented

Economically speaking, the United States is still stronger than China. Even if it launches an economic war, China's losses will definitely be greater than ours, the United States. , although China cannot be defeated easily, China is still inferior to the United States.

Moreover, the United States not only has strong military power and strong economic power, but also has the world's cutting-edge scientific and technological power. If we start to block China from the technological aspect and implement technological blockade to China, we will definitely be able to easily defeat China.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

A Japanese netizen replied to

Technology blocking? Isn’t that what you’ve always done? Although the United States has many technologies that China does not have, China has never stopped its own research and development.

Take the former aircraft carrier construction technology as an example. In the past, China had aircraft carriers , but now, China also has the ability to build aircraft carriers independently. Hasn’t the United States been blocking China from these technologies?

But aren’t these technological barriers also broken by China? Although the United States still masters many technologies that China does not master, this does not affect China's development and even allows China to emerge more talents in these fields to conquer those technologies.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Therefore, in terms of science and technology, it is definitely impossible for the United States to easily defeat China.

Faced with the technological blockade of the United States, the Chinese will inevitably rise to the challenge, overcome technological barriers step by step, and master their own production technology, just like the previous missiles , atomic bombs , hydrogen bombs , aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines Wait, China did not have these technologies in the past, but now they have all been manufactured.

Today’s lithography machines , aero engines, chips, laser radar , high-end capacitors resistors and other technologies must have been invented through the unremitting efforts of the Chinese.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Indeed, as Japanese netizens said, many of China's modern science and technologies lag behind the world. However, with the efforts of our Chinese ancestors, many advanced technologies have been broken through and are even better than the world's mainstream.

Although China still has many "stuck" key technologies, we believe that with our efforts from generation to generation, these "stuck" technologies will eventually be overcome and even become better than the world's mainstream. Be the strongest in the world.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

American netizens replied again that if they launch a military war against China at the same time, coupled with economic war and technological blockade, the United States will surely be able to defeat China easily.

, this American netizen, obviously has no way to use more technology to refute netizens from various countries. Faced with the well-founded refutations from netizens from various countries, this American netizen has already started the unreasonable mode.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

Russian netizens replied

If that is true, maybe the United States may perish first. Even if the United States launches these three wars against China at the same time, the United States will only be slightly stronger than China in terms of military strength. In terms of economics, the United States will only be slightly stronger than China. , Economic war will only lead to losses for both countries. Talking about technological blockade, from a long-term perspective, such technological blockade will inevitably slow down China’s development. However, in an instant war, for China, But it is harmless.

And if a military war is launched, then the economic war will actually be meaningless. If it really gets out of hand, I am afraid that the entire world will suffer heavy losses. Seriously speaking, mankind may perish as a result.

By that time, how can the United States easily defeat China? This must be impossible.

Seeing this ignorant statement made people frown. After carefully looking at the source, it turned out that it was posted by an American netizen. This is not surprising. After all, some Americans are always arrogant to express such ignorance. if. - DayDayNews

As netizens from various countries have said, in this era, the United States will definitely not be able to defeat China easily. No matter from which aspect, China is already at the forefront of the world with the United States, although there is still some gap between China and the United States. , but this gap will inevitably be caught up slowly.

The United States was founded a hundred years longer than China, and developed more than a hundred years longer than China. China, when it was just founded, was very different from the United States. However, with the development of more than 70 years after the founding of China, China has also caught up. To the forefront of the world.

China will surely become stronger in the future. We should strengthen ourselves!

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