Since the beginning of this year, Panwan Town, Sheyang County has insisted on strengthening party member training and education as a basic project for grassroots party building. Taking the education and management of the party member team as the starting point, it has taken multi

2024/06/2906:57:32 international 1179

Since this year, Panwan Town, Sheyang County has insisted on strengthening party member training and education as a basic project for grassroots party building. Taking the education and management of party members as the starting point, it has taken multiple measures to build a party member team with strong party spirit, excellent ability and hard work style. .

Since the beginning of this year, Panwan Town, Sheyang County has insisted on strengthening party member training and education as a basic project for grassroots party building. Taking the education and management of the party member team as the starting point, it has taken multi - DayDayNews

Innovative learning methods. The town continues to enrich learning carriers and adopts a combination of online and offline methods to make the education and training methods of party members "alive". Give full play to the advantageous resources of new media such as " learn to strengthen the country " and promote policies in grassroots party building, ideology , rural revitalization, social governance and other aspects through "micro-platforms" such as WeChat groups, public accounts, and APPs, so that The voice of the organization, communication between party members, and learning content are integrated into daily life, creating a good atmosphere of "relaxed and independent learning and real-time interactive communication" among party members and cadres. This year, more than 300 pieces of various learning materials have been pushed out.

Since the beginning of this year, Panwan Town, Sheyang County has insisted on strengthening party member training and education as a basic project for grassroots party building. Taking the education and management of the party member team as the starting point, it has taken multi - DayDayNews

Strengthen warning education. The town carries out warning education on a regular basis to ensure that party members are not lax in their management. Through giving party lectures, watching warning education films, visiting warning education bases, and having heart-to-heart conversations, we have taken a multi-pronged approach to enhance rural party members’ awareness of party discipline and laws, and continuously build a solid ideological defense line for compliance with discipline and law. Through the Saturday study days of the agency, party members are organized to study the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China", "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China", etc., regularly report cases of rural party members violating disciplines and laws, and use cases as warnings, so that the majority of party members can learn from negative warning cases. Experience and lessons should be learned to understand the law, abide by discipline, and be respectful. This year, a total of 6 warning education meetings were held, warning education films were watched 2 times, warning education bases were visited 2 times, and 10 heart-to-heart talks were held.

Since the beginning of this year, Panwan Town, Sheyang County has insisted on strengthening party member training and education as a basic project for grassroots party building. Taking the education and management of the party member team as the starting point, it has taken multi - DayDayNews

focuses on the combination of learning and application. The town focuses on transforming learning results into work efficiency, combines the study and education of party history, and carries out in-depth activities of "I do practical things for the masses", giving full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of party members, and organizing party members to actively participate in rural governance, the creation of civilized cities, and epidemic prevention. Control, volunteer service and other work, test learning results, learn by doing, learn by doing, apply what you learn, use it to promote learning, and learn from each other, stimulate party members' enthusiasm for learning, and improve party members' service capabilities. Up to now, the town has carried out more than 20 volunteer services for party members and 6 themed practical activities, with a total of more than 600 party members participating.

Correspondent Gu Wenjun Yuan Qing Cheng Linxiang

Proofreading Tao Shanggong

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