Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media "Izvestia" that during the 14th BRICS leaders' summit held late last month, China, Russia, India and Pakistan A major BRICS country has discussed the issue of BRI

2024/06/2812:32:32 international 1179

The BRIC countries, which have not seen new faces for many years, suddenly became lively this year. After Iran and Argentina , two important regional players in the Middle East and South America, actively applied to join, news recently came out that Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt , these three are in the Islamic world. Countries with a pivotal position may "soon" contribute to the BRICS group in the future.

Purnima Anand, Chairman of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media "Izvestia" that during the 14th BRICS Leaders' Summit held late last month, China, Russia, India and Pakistan Several major BRICS countries have discussed the issue of BRICS expansion. Saudi Arabia, Türkiye and Egypt all intend to become new BRICS members. In addition to Iran and Argentina, which have previously confirmed their applications to join, if this expansion ends with all applications from these countries being approved, then the five BRICS countries will suddenly become the ten BRICS countries, and the scale will expand instantly. Exactly double.

Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media

The expansion of scale alone is not enough to explain the impact of this BRIC expansion on the existing world structure. If you observe carefully, you will find an interesting phenomenon: counting the original BRICS countries of China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and the five countries that intend to join in the BRICS, Aisha, Turkey, and Egypt, among the ten countries, Except for Iran and Egypt, the remaining eight are all members of the Group of Twenty (G20).

If you want to select the most influential pan-economic international organizations in the world, the Group of Seven (G7) and the Group of Twenty must all be on the list. The former is composed of a group of major Western countries, while the latter mainly regards economic size as an important threshold. The GDP rankings of the 20 member countries range from the first to the twentieth in the world.

Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media

Judging from the original intention of their establishment, whether it is the G7 or the G20, they were originally created to discuss and solve economic problems. But as the saying goes, there is no beginning and there is an end. With the passage of time and changes in the international situation, these two organizations have slowly changed and gone out of shape.

was the first to deteriorate with G7. The predecessor of the G7 was the Special Meeting of Finance Ministers established in 1973. It can also be seen from the name that it was first born to solve economic problems. But in the long years since then, topics such as politics, security and climate change have gradually gained greater weight on the G7 negotiation table. Today, the G7 has become like a "mini version of NATO ".

Russia was a member of this group from 1998 to 2014, when its name was still G8. However, due to the subsequent Crimean crisis, Russia was eventually deprived of its membership in the G8 and once again became an outsider on the mainstream Western poker table.

Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media

After kicking out Russia, the G7 has become a small circle of the most developed countries in the West. Although the topics discussed seem to be becoming more and more diverse, they are actually becoming more and more conservative. These Western developed countries have little interest in how to promote sustainable development of the world economy and solve problems such as uneven regional development. On the contrary, they are very interested in how to contain China and Russia.

Compared with the G7, the G20 is still committed to solving "major issues related to the global economy", but it is not immune to the influence of the international situation and major events. After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out at the beginning of this year, Western countries led by the United States increased sanctions on Russia and tried to use their huge influence to expel Russia from the G20.

Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media

Thanks to the efforts of Indonesia and other countries that hold the G20 rotating presidency this year, the West has not been able to do so for the time being. However, as time goes by, Russia's situation in the G20 will undoubtedly become more and more dangerous, even if it is still If you can maintain a place in the group, you will inevitably be isolated over time.

In this case, the importance of the BRICS countries to Russia has become highlighted. As the most important international organization among emerging countries, the BRICS countries have unparalleled appeal among developing countries and emerging markets.Moreover, because the BRICS countries do not yet have Western members, there is naturally no room for them to intervene and disrupt the situation. Furthermore, Russia is also a founding member of the BRICS and has a considerable voice in the organization. In any case, it is not like in the G8 or G20, where it is easy to receive red and yellow cards at the slightest sign of trouble.

Purnima Anand, chairperson of the BRICS International Forum in India, revealed in an interview with the Russian media

These advantages are not only given to Russia by the BRICS countries, but also to us. And thanks to the larger economic size and trade scale, this advantage can be amplified in China.

The West probably did not expect how far-reaching the butterfly effect their campaign against Russia would be. What happened to Russia is a reminder to the vast number of developing countries: If even a big country like Russia is like this, who can guarantee that in the future, in international organizations like the G20 that are still dominated by the West, there will not be any second or second countries. What about the third Russia?

No one can guarantee it. The best way to reduce risk right now is to diversify your investments. That being the case, is there any option more attractive than the BRICS?

Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt are the first countries to understand this truth, but they will not be the last. The BRICS is not a closed circle of vested interests like the G7, nor is it a club like the G20 that hates the poor and loves the rich. You can discuss business and make friends here, which is the charm of BRIC. As the teacher said: Make more friends and make fewer enemies. As the saying goes, "Every time comes, everyone works together." If you have more friends, do you still need to worry about the road being difficult?

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