Red Net Moment News Correspondent Huang Rongjia reports from Changsha as we enter the red month of July, and the calls are encouraging people to move forward. On July 15, the centralized opening and completion ceremony of the major construction projects of Hunan Xiangjiang New Di

2024/07/0112:20:32 international 1819
Red Net Moment News Correspondent Huang Rongjia reports from Changsha as we enter the red month of July, and the calls are encouraging people to move forward. On July 15, the centralized opening and completion ceremony of the major construction projects of Hunan Xiangjiang New Di - DayDayNews

Red Network Moment News Correspondent Huang Rongjia reports from Changsha

has entered the red month of July, and the calls are encouraging people to move forward. On July 15, the centralized opening and completion ceremony of the major construction project of Hunan Xiangjiang New District's "Fighting for 100 Days and Celebrating the 20th National Congress" was held in Hunan San'an Semiconductor Industrial Park, Baima Street, Changsha High-tech Zone, which sounded the economic news of Hunan Xiangjiang New District. The clarion call for development of the “100-Day Sprint”.

stands on the field of "Strong Provincial Capital" and "Strong New District". Since this year, Baima Street has anchored its determination to "benchmark" with the best, "compete" with the strongest, and "race" with the fastest. Closely focusing on the strategic positioning and mission of "Three Highs and Four New", focusing on the strategy of "Strengthening the Provincial Capital", we insist on leading the high-quality development of the district with high-quality party building, and promote project construction, epidemic prevention and control, safe production, comprehensive management and stability maintenance, etc. All work continues to make new progress and new results, and we strive to ensure that " doubles and more than half ", laying a solid foundation for winning the "year-round red". The construction of the

Red Net Moment News Correspondent Huang Rongjia reports from Changsha as we enter the red month of July, and the calls are encouraging people to move forward. On July 15, the centralized opening and completion ceremony of the major construction projects of Hunan Xiangjiang New Di - DayDayNews

project is in full swing.

The "temperature" of party building ignites the "heat" of development

As the main position and battlefield of Changsha's westward expansion, Baima Street has always adhered to party building to lead and empower economic and social development, firmly holding the "nose" of project construction, and setting up projects on the front line The "temporary party branch" focuses on the urbanization transformation of Huangqiao Avenue, Xinao Gas, Heye Road and other projects. The street party and government leaders go to the front line to guide and dispatch, and party members and cadres strive to be the "main promoters" of the project. , visiting door to door, explaining policies and analyzing the pros and cons to the people involved in the demolition, paying close attention to the urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks such as demolition and construction during the implementation of the project, and implementing the "road map" and "schedule" led by party members in the form of "road map" and "schedule". The "wall chart combat" working mechanism uses the "temperature" of party building to ignite the "heat" of construction and continuously refreshes the "white horse speed" with hard work.

At the same time, the street strives to create a first-class business environment and use the "soft power" of party building to drive the "strong development" of enterprises. Guide the work of the San'an Party branch, effectively bring into play the political core and political leadership role of the enterprise party organization, and continuously stimulate the vitality of party building in non-public enterprises. Guided by the needs of the enterprise, we will create "nanny-style services" tailored for the enterprise, organize party members and cadres to go to the front line, coordinate and solve the actual difficulties of the enterprise, make every effort to ensure the smooth opening of the Changyichang Railway, escort the smooth capping of the Changsha West Railway Station, and promote Sanan Semiconductor The project has reached production and standards, helping Tianji Automobile to increase production and efficiency, and strive to achieve "double and more than half" with a decisive victory, laying a solid foundation for "continuing to be wonderful" throughout the year.

Red Net Moment News Correspondent Huang Rongjia reports from Changsha as we enter the red month of July, and the calls are encouraging people to move forward. On July 15, the centralized opening and completion ceremony of the major construction projects of Hunan Xiangjiang New Di - DayDayNews

Party members and cadres have built the "first line of defense" to isolate the epidemic.

Show "Party Building Red" to Protect "Healthy Green"

"Please turn on the interior lights, wear a mask, and scan the location code to accept inspection..." Although it is late at night, the entrance and exit of the Changsha West Expressway Toll Station are brightly lit, and white horses are flowing in the traffic. The party emblem on the chest of the street workers shines brightly against the night and lights.

In order to actively respond to the new situation and changes in epidemic prevention and control, Baima Sub-district organized party members and cadres, mobilized basic militia, and joined forces with traffic police, urban management departments and medical staff to guard the "Changsha West Gate" 24 hours a day, and conduct vehicle-by-person inspections of vehicles entering Changsha city. Conduct epidemic prevention inspections and build the "first line of defense" to isolate the epidemic.

’s persistence day and night is also the epitome of Baima Street’s all-out fight against the epidemic. Facing the big test of the epidemic, street party members “transformed” into epidemic prevention liaisons and went deep into the grid to guide enterprises and key units to establish a strong “epidemic prevention network”; mobilize volunteers We have put up a life-saving "line of protection" for elderly apartments and nursing homes; organized multiple rounds of regional nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner, and steadily promoted vaccination. Party members and cadres in the district actively responded and took the lead in providing point-to-point services to the elderly in their jurisdiction. Ensure "zero confirmed cases, zero infections, and zero suspicions" within the jurisdiction, and achieve the highest level of new crown vaccine vaccination rate and nucleic acid testing in the entire district. While

is doing its best to prevent and control the epidemic, the streets have implemented a combination of resumption of work and production. Party members and cadres have gone to the front lines of enterprises to understand the difficulties of enterprises in real time, and provided "one-on-one" services to help enterprises out of difficulties.In response to the employment problems of San'an, Tianji Automobile and other companies, we organized special job fairs to ensure the orderly resumption of work and production of corporate projects; guided Lantian to launch an "online auto show" to achieve an increase in sales against the trend; assisted Changyichang Railway, San'an Key construction projects such as semiconductors have carried out epidemic monitoring for more than 5,000 on-the-job employees to ensure that key enterprise projects have both epidemic prevention and production, and to help the sustained and stable economic development of the jurisdiction.

Deepen "Party Building + Safety" to build a solid "basic base"

Safety is the prerequisite for development, and development is the guarantee of safety. Baima Subdistrict takes "Party Building + Safety" as the starting point to continue to deepen the role of project party building in leading and guaranteeing safe production. The streets resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for production safety, keep a close eye on key areas and key links, continue to promote the "Double Hundred Actions", organize backbones of party members to carry out safety production inspections and special actions to "crack down on illegal and illegal activities", and carry out a three-year campaign for special rectification of production safety In the battle of "consolidation and improvement", we must work together to build a tight safety protection network and continuously consolidate the results of the creation of "provincial-level safety production demonstration streets".

All party members and cadres in the street actively participated in the battle to investigate and rectify hidden dangers in self-built houses, carried out the "knock-knock operation" to investigate and rectify hidden safety hazards in self-built houses, mobilized the masses to take the initiative to demolish temporary and illegal buildings, resolutely guarded the red line and bottom line of safety, and properly relocated dangerous houses. Restructure the poverty-stricken support objects to protect the lives and safety of the people. Organize the Changsha High-tech Zone " Safety Production Month " event in 2022, organize safety knowledge competitions, mobilize party members and cadres to strive to be propagandists, supervisors, and inspectors, and create a strong sense of safety in the jurisdiction through various forms of publicity activities. Atmosphere. We should further guide company leaders and employees to strengthen their sense of responsibility and striving to be the first, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and workers, make party building work truly visible and tangible in safe production, and help safe production.

At the same time, the street continues to improve the grassroots governance system of "party building guidance, diversified co-governance", using "party building + grid" as the starting point to promote community governance refinement and precise services, based on "doing practical things for the people", and doing Practical petitions and stability maintenance, comprehensive management and polling, civilized creation, and resident services have continuously improved the people's sense of security, happiness, and gain, and resolutely built the "basic foundation" for security and stability in the jurisdiction.

Since the beginning of this year, Baima Subdistrict has insisted on party building as the guide, made good moves in industrial development, taken the initiative in epidemic prevention, built a solid foundation for safety and harmony, and achieved "double over half" with hard work and success. Entering the Xiangjiang New District of Hunan Province with a high-spirited attitude. Based on the big platform, big stage, and competition field of Hunan Xiangjiang New District, the street will bravely shoulder the new mission of developing Hunan Xiangjiang New District with the fullest spirit, the most high-spirited attitude, and the most sufficient motivation, strive to be the first in the new district, and be the only one in the province and city. With the theme of "Fighting for a Hundred Days to Celebrate the 20th National Congress", we will carry out six "Hundred Days" special actions in depth, with the word "Chuang" as the top priority, the word "Qian" as the key, the word "Creation" as the first, and the word "Strict" as the word. Lay the foundation, stabilize the economy, build a safe defense line, maintain a stable bottom line, strictly discipline the red line, and strive to do well, get excellent results, and get high scores in the exams in this new era.

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