Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai

2024/07/0103:02:33 international 1546

North Korea is a country that cannot be underestimated.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, 2022 has also become an unusual year. Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, the NATO headed by the United States continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries against Russia. Let Russia be unwilling to engage in unnecessary communication. In fact, the development of the situation to the current level is ultimately the result of the United States pushing behind the scenes, because the most important purpose of the United States is to create disputes and harvest Europe.

Of course, Russia also carried out a series of operations before taking military action against Ukraine. Among them, on February 21, three days before Russia launched military action, Russian President Putin signed an agreement to recognize the "Donetsk People's Republic". " and the "Luhansk People's Republic", and Russia's Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance with these two "Republics".

Originally, the Udong region is also a Russian-speaking area. This region does not have a strong sense of belonging to Ukraine itself. Instead, it is more inclined to join Russia. Just like in 2014, Russia included Crimea into its own forces through a referendum. scope, which also reflects to a certain extent the region’s weak sense of belonging to Ukraine. Of course, this move has also caused great controversy, but it also reflects that Russia has always wanted to take greater initiative. In fact, Ukraine has also adopted some incredible methods against Russian in the Udong region, which has also made the people in the Udong region extremely dissatisfied with Ukraine.

This series of measures taken by Russia has not received widespread support internationally. In the final analysis, Russia's actions always seem to be somewhat unjustified. Even if the eastern region of Ukraine is dissatisfied with Ukraine, it is Ukraine. In internal matters, Russia's interference always seems to have impure motives!

Therefore, very few countries have recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk internationally. Even Kazakhstan, which has an extraordinary relationship with Russia, directly rejected it in front of Putin. Recognizing the sovereignty of these two countries is actually a slap in Putin's face, which also reflects international attitudes to a certain extent.

Before July, apart from Russia, only Syria was the only country that recognized the independence and sovereignty of these two "countries" and stated that it would establish diplomatic relations with "both countries". Syria's statement is not surprising, because Syria is completely dependent on Russia. If it leaves Russia, the Syrian regime will inevitably be overthrown by Western countries.

Of course, Russia is also actively mediating. It needs more countries to respond to them and recognize the sovereignty of "Ukraine and East Asia". As for , on July 13, North Korea suddenly announced that it would recognize the Donetsk Republic and Lugan In the Republic of Skopje, ’s move is undoubtedly a strong support for Russia.

Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai - DayDayNews

As we all know, Donetsk and Lugansk both belong to the Donbass region. This region is close to the Russian border and is also Ukraine's largest coal base and industrial town.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Donbass region became a territory of Ukraine. However, the Donbass region has historically been closely related to Russia, and even the most commonly used language here is Russian.

In fact, the Donbass region has long been moving away from Ukraine. In April 2014, a large-scale armed conflict broke out between Ukrainian government forces and civilian armed forces in the Donbass region, which also led to the deterioration of the situation in the Donbass region. Subsequently, the civilian armed forces announced the establishment of the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Luhansk People's Republic", but at that time, they were not recognized by other countries. In September 2014, after international mediation, the Ukrainian government and representatives of civil armed forces reached a ceasefire agreement in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. However, the conflict between the two sides still continues.

In February 2022, Russia directly assumed the sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk, which was also a political means to attack Ukraine.Since the end of March, the Russian army has concentrated its forces and launched a fierce battle with the Ukrainian army in the Donbas region. On July 4, Russia announced a major "victory" in Luhansk and announced the completion of the military operation to "liberate" Luhansk. In fact, this is not the end, and Russia will inevitably continue to advance its military operations in Donetsk.

Today, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than four months. Instead of collapsing, Russia has become stronger. On the contrary, Europe has become increasingly uncomfortable and it is difficult to persist. If it loses the support of Europe and the United States, it will be difficult for Ukraine to withstand Russia's military power. Therefore, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will most likely end with Ukraine losing the entire eastern Ukraine region. However, this conflict will definitely have a great impact on the world structure.

First of all, it is obvious that Europe has been hit hard again by . Nowadays, the continued decline of the euro has made people see the weakness of Europe. If the conflict continues, Europe will inevitably face a greater impact. For example, British Prime Minister Boris has announced his resignation. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the European crisis. Next, Europe There is a strong possibility of bigger storms.

In addition, NATO is also very likely to face fragmentation. What is fighting Russia is not a simple Ukrainian army, but a NATO force. They strongly support Ukraine, but they fail to push Russia back even half a step. Will NATO countries lose confidence in NATO? Originally, NATO was a military organization that caused war, but now it has plunged Europe into a greater crisis. It is difficult for this kind of military organization to gain the trust of its member states, so it is very possible for NATO to split.

Furthermore, Russia still demonstrates its strong influence. In the consistent concept, Russia is only a military power and is very fragile economically. Unexpectedly, Russia not only withstood the torrent of sanctions imposed by Western countries, but also used energy resources to "borrow its strength" to make the entire Europe spend on the war. Pay the bill. After this battle, it is estimated that no country will dare to look down upon Russia anymore. Japan, for example, will definitely become more wary of it.

Although the development of the international situation to this point is unexpected for any country, Russia has greatly impacted the Western order through its actions, which has also made Western countries quite helpless.

Nowadays, Russia has also begun to take actions internationally to urge other countries to recognize the "Urban and Eastern countries". However, North Korea, based on its own interests, chose to side with Russia and recognize the sovereignty of the "Urban and Eastern countries". .

Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai - DayDayNews

North Korea’s attitude is actually not surprising, because in 2014, North Korea expressed its support for the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Recently, the relationship between North Korea and Russia has become increasingly close, and both sides are interested in strengthening cooperation with each other.

In fact, North Korea is a relatively closed country to the outside world. This is why Western countries have been exerting pressure and sanctions on North Korea, which makes North Korea unwilling to interact with Western countries. But this does not mean that North Korea is willing to remain isolated. They have also been looking for a way out. In comparison, China, as a big country around them, has relatively many contacts between North Korea and China, and North Korea also attaches great importance to its relations with Russia.

After all, North Korea and Russia have one thing in common, that is, they have been targeted and sanctioned by Western countries. As the saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." North Korea and Russia have more in common when it comes to facing Western countries. There are also similarities. Moreover, North Korea's economic situation is also quite unsatisfactory. They also need the support of other countries, and Russia has sufficient resources, which will also give them greater space for cooperation.

In mid-June, Russia and North Korea held a video meeting at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum to discuss the restoration and expansion of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries that had been interrupted by the epidemic. It is understood that the two sides mentioned the need to restore railway traffic between Russia and North Korea through the Hassan- Tumen River border crossing point, and discussed further implementation of the construction of a Russia-North Korea cross-border highway bridge over the Tumen River. Obviously, this also lays the foundation for the subsequent trade between the two parties.

In fact, North Korea has been actively in contact with Russia. On May 9, North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un sent a congratulatory message to Russia to celebrate the "Victory Day of the Russian Patriotic War", expressed support for Russia, and emphasized the strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries. .

Kim Jong-un's move is also to actively strengthen relations with Russia. In particular, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has brought the two isolated countries closer. In fact, they both need each other's support.

html On June 12, which was "Russia Day", North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong Un once again sent a congratulatory message to Putin, praising the Russian people for "making significant achievements in the just cause of safeguarding national dignity and security", and saying: " The North Korean people gave it full support and recognition.”

On July 13, North Korea suddenly announced that it recognized the Donetsk Republic and the Luhansk Republic. It is obvious that North Korea’s statement is both unexpected and reasonable. North Korea’s move directly gave Russia a strong support, like providing help in times of need. Moreover, this will definitely make Russia grateful, and North Korea is very likely to gain huge political benefits in the future. and real benefits, it can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

North Korea's statement was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ukraine. Ukraine then reacted strongly and directly announced the cessation of diplomatic relations and economic ties with North Korea , that is, the severance of diplomatic relations. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy also declared that Ukraine will respond very harshly at all levels to North Korea's recognition of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.

In fact, Ukraine's actions cannot scare North Korea. After all, North Korea has no contact with Ukraine at all. No matter how Ukraine expresses its position, North Korea does not take it seriously.

The exchanges between countries are nothing more than based on real interests. For North Korea, the benefits that Russia brings to them far exceed those of Ukraine, and North Korea’s situation determines that they must open a way to the outside world, so in When asked this simple multiple-choice question, they chose Russia without hesitation.

can only say that Ukraine’s international influence is far from reaching the level of Russia. North Korea has chosen to side with Russia based on its own interests and it is their decision after careful consideration. As for the subsequent impact, it must not be small.

Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai - DayDayNews

North Korea announced its recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk despite Ukraine's firm opposition. In fact, there are several reasons:

First of all, Russia is trying its best to win over North Korea.

North Korea and Russia have similar international situations, so the two sides are basically consistent in their attitudes towards the West. In this case, Russia began to win over North Korea and asked North Korea to recognize the sovereignty of Ukraine and East China.

Of course, Russia's wooing is also targeted. After all, China cannot take Russia's position on this issue, so it is impossible for Russia to open this topic in front of China. Once it does, it will be rejected. But North Korea is different. North Korea's attitude towards the West is tough, and it is completely barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Western countries have nothing to do with North Korea. Because of this, North Korea will not care about the attitude of Western countries. Under Russia's win over, it will choose to support Russia. At least, this will bring them closer to Russia.

Second, North Korea considers its own real interests.

North Korea is also seeking a breakthrough. The current blockade imposed by Western countries on them is also quite obvious. Under this situation, North Korea needs to find more ways out for itself. After all, it is not appropriate to remain in seclusion.

Being on good terms with Russia can bring direct benefits to North Korea. Russia's weapons and oil and gas resources are all needed by North Korea. Therefore, North Korea can obtain some military technology by strengthening cooperation with Russia, which North Korea desperately needs. North Korea only needs to make a statement and offend a country with which it does not often interact, which is a trivial matter for North Korea. Of course, if Russia can impress North Korea, it must have made some promises. These are most likely in terms of military technology. After all, what North Korea hopes to improve most is its own weapons and equipment.

Third, cooperation between North Korea and Russia will also enhance its international presence.

There are always certain hidden dangers on the Korean Peninsula, because relations between South Korea and North Korea have always been tense, and the United States always wants to create crises on the peninsula to contain China. North Korea has never shown weakness towards the United States and has been committed to the research and development of weapons. The strengthening of cooperation between North Korea and Russia will also promote the improvement of North Korea's military strength.

In fact, North Korea also has its own ideas, but currently their own strength is not enough. The strengthening of relations with Russia will also promote the improvement of their strength to a certain extent, which will also make North Korea more present in the world. Feeling, this is what North Korea hopes to get.

Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai - DayDayNews

The strengthening of relations between North Korea and Russia will also affect the Northeast Asia pattern to a certain extent.

In fact, what North Korea cares about most is their military power, and Russia can also give North Korea some help. Although Russia will have reservations, it will inevitably promote the development of North Korea's military power. Once North Korea has sufficient military power, the balance in Northeast Asia will tend to be broken. After all, North Korea has a hostile relationship with Japan and South Korea, so the risk index of the situation in Northeast Asia will increase.

Of course, since North Korea has chosen to stand firmly with Russia, it also has its own long-term considerations, but they also need to consider the surrounding situation. If the situation in Northeast Asia is really damaged, North Korea's situation will not get better.

North Korea's various international actions are fundamentally to find a way out. After all, long-term sanctions have also caused them to suffer from long-term difficulties. In fact, North Korea's move will inevitably usher in further targeting from Western countries. Although they don't care, they will inevitably need to deal with pressure from all parties.

In fact, China also needs to maintain its composure. After all, North Korea's relationship with China is extraordinary, especially if the situation on the peninsula changes, it will directly affect the stability of our country. Although we have no right to interfere with North Korea's choice, But we also need to guard against changes in the situation on the peninsula.

Maybe the United States will use this as an excuse to put pressure on North Korea, which will lead to the deterioration of the situation on the peninsula. The United States just wants to put pressure on China through various means, and making a fuss on the peninsula is one of their methods. Therefore, North Korea's actions also put China under certain pressure, but China is also doing its best to ensure peace on the peninsula.

I remember that 72 years ago, China was working on solving the Taiwan issue, the Korean War broke out, and then the Taiwan issue has been dragged on until now and still remains unresolved; now, China is one step closer to completely resolving the Taiwan issue, will the United States be involved again? What about provoking disputes on the Korean Peninsula? Of course, all this is possible, so we need to be prepared in all aspects, and the most important thing is that we must be strong!

Of course, the emergence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also inevitable. On the one hand, NATO, led by the United States, continues to put pressure on Russia, which makes Russia intolerable. On the other hand, Ukraine insists on becoming a bridgehead for Western countries agai - DayDayNews

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