Red Net Moment Zhangjiajie News on July 15 (Correspondent Tang Huijuan) On July 15, Cili County’s 2022 United Front Work Semi-annual Review Meeting was held. Wang Dayun, member of the Standing Committee of the Cili County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Depa

2024/07/0103:01:32 international 1933

Red Internet Moment Zhangjiajie News on July 15 (Correspondent Tang Huijuan) On July 15, Cili County 2022 annual United Front work semi-annual review meeting was held. Wang Dayun, member of the Standing Committee of the Cili County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the County Party Committee, presided over the meeting. At the

Red Net Moment Zhangjiajie News on July 15 (Correspondent Tang Huijuan) On July 15, Cili County’s 2022 United Front Work Semi-annual Review Meeting was held. Wang Dayun, member of the Standing Committee of the Cili County Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Depa - DayDayNews

meeting, participating units reported on the work progress and results of the first half of the year, deeply analyzed the shortcomings and causes of the work, and exchanged methods and measures for the work in the second half of the year. Members of the Cili County Party Committee United Front Work Department Executive Committee commented separately and rearranged and redeployed their respective tasks. The

meeting pointed out that in the first half of the year, the county's united front work generally showed a good trend of innovative development. The county's united front closely focused on the central overall situation and took the "Four Understandings and Four Clarities" survey as the starting point to assist the first Hunan Tourism Development Conference and other aspects. It played an important role. But at the same time, there are also problems such as insufficient understanding of the ideology of united front work, the ability to work on united front needs to be improved, and the work results are not significant enough. The

meeting emphasized that in the second half of the year, the united front work should focus on key tasks such as "welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", "facilitating the first Hunan Tourism Development Conference" and "creating a national demonstration city for national unity and progress" to ensure that all tasks are in place and continuous. Missing items, key work to create features and highlights, the overall work ideas are clear and effective.

Regarding how to do a good job in united front work in the second half of the year, Wang Dayun requested that we should raise awareness and fully understand the importance of doing a good job in united front work, strengthen the implementation of the "Regulations on the United Front Work of the Communist Party of China" and the "Regulations on the Political Consultation Work of the Communist Party of China", and unify the The important magic weapon of the front must play its role well; it is necessary to strengthen coordination, give full play to the role of the United Front Work Leading Group, take ideological and political guidance as the main line, and build a common ideological and political foundation for the united front; it is necessary to be upright and innovative, so as to achieve new work ideas, new work carriers, and New work forms and new work results; it is necessary to serve the overall situation, take the establishment of national unity and progress and the first Hunan Tourism Development Conference as an opportunity to closely integrate the united front work with the central work, and give full play to the advantages of the united front work; it is necessary to strengthen risk awareness, be in-depth and meticulous We must do a good job in investigating and resolving hidden risks in all areas of the united front, and achieve "investigation once a month and report once a month", and timely resolution and disposal in accordance with "one risk point and a set of resolution work plans" to ensure the harmony and stability of the united front; Brighten the brand, strengthen the summary and refinement of the characteristic highlights of the United Front, convey the good voice of the United Front, and establish a good image of the United Front; it is necessary to enhance skills, strengthen theoretical study, and improve "thinking", "writing" and "speaking" with the "Four Understandings and Four Clarities" survey "do" ability level, do a good job in all tasks based on the united front work pattern, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

The main persons in charge of each unit of the county's United Front System, the United Front members of the township party committees and street party working committees, the heads of the Charity Branch of the China Democratic League, the County Magistrates' Federation, the County's New Class Federation, and all cadres of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee attended the meeting.

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