Recently, the British Guardian published more than 124,000 confidential documents involving the famous American ride-hailing company Uber. The documents showed how Uber broke the law, deceived the police, and colluded with politicians. To become bigger in the world step by step.

2024/07/0110:45:32 international 1551

Recently, the British Guardian published more than 124,000 confidential documents involving the famous American ride-hailing company Uber. The documents showed how Uber broke the law, deceived the police, and colluded with politicians. To become bigger in the world step by step. - DayDayNews

Recently, the British Guardian published a collection of more than 124,000 confidential documents involving the famous American online ride-hailing company Uber. The documents show how Uber violated the law, deceived the police, and... There are means of colluding with politicians to make it bigger all over the world step by step.

For example, when French taxi drivers protested against the serious impact of the online ride-hailing industry on the taxi industry, Uber directly incited French Uber drivers to also take to the streets to demonstrate. Originally, this was nothing. The key is that Uber also incited , violence can ensure success.

Uber just entered the Euro market and it was not smooth. In 2016, when Macron was still minister, Uber gave Macron favorable support at the critical moment, and Macron and the French cabinet opposed online ride-hailing. Development leaders struck secret deals.

Recently, the British Guardian published more than 124,000 confidential documents involving the famous American ride-hailing company Uber. The documents showed how Uber broke the law, deceived the police, and colluded with politicians. To become bigger in the world step by step. - DayDayNews

This allowed Uber to successfully launch in France, and the text message records between Macron and Uber executives were all exposed by The British Guardian at once.

Then, almost at the same time, many major French media began to discuss who could take over as president after Macron steps down. It feels as if Macron is involved in this political scandal and his future is completely gone.

Almost at the same time, something happened in Germany.

German media reported that the parliamentary group of the German Social Democratic Party, the party where German Chancellor Scholz belongs, held a high-end gathering last Wednesday. Such events are usually internal to political parties and are only accessible by invitation.

More than 1,000 people attended this gathering, including Chancellor Scholz and several federal ministers, as well as some important figures.

As a result, the next day, a 21-year-old woman reported that she did not drink at the party, but she felt very dizzy and nauseous that day, and then lost her memory. The next day, she forgot what happened that night.

Later, other women claimed to have the same situation, and at least nine people said they had the same symptoms.

Although the results of the police investigation have not yet come out, the media is already speculating that these women were drugged with some unspeakable drug. Immediately afterwards, the party was played up by the media into a sex scandal.

Recently, the British Guardian published more than 124,000 confidential documents involving the famous American ride-hailing company Uber. The documents showed how Uber broke the law, deceived the police, and colluded with politicians. To become bigger in the world step by step. - DayDayNews

This time, the leaders of the two most important countries in Europe were stumbled at the same time. I am afraid it is not accidental.

Let’s push back in time and see what major events happened some time ago.

is related to France and Germany. For example, at the just-held NATO summit, the United States and the United Kingdom both wanted to regard China as a threat and enemy. However, they encountered huge resistance and in the end they could only describe China as a systemic opponent.

So who is speaking against the United States and the United Kingdom within NATO ? It happens to be France and Germany.

Then, we saw China purchasing Airbus aircraft worth 240 billion yuan.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the United States and the United Kingdom feel that the two major European countries, France and Germany, are becoming more and more independent and disobedient, so they have begun to use the news media to hype up various gossips or political scandals to make the leaders of this country step down. .

In this regard, the United States and the United Kingdom are both veterans, and they have accurately grasped the sensitive points of the people in these countries. For example, in France, it is useless to say that Macron has a scandal, but it is very effective to say that he affects the employment of a group. Hyping up the sexy news about politicians in Germany can set off a big wave of exaggeration.

If this is indeed the development step, we may see that China and Germany will continue to strengthen economic and trade cooperation, and China will continue to support the Social Democratic Party and Scholz. Even the China-EU trade agreement that was stalled last year is likely to be revived. was put on the agenda.

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