This is the morning of the 13th. Xi Jinping waved to people of all ethnic groups while inspecting Guyuan Lane Community in Tianshan District, Urumqi. Xi Jinping emphasized that we must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, completely

2024/07/0103:05:34 international 1627
This is the morning of the 13th. Xi Jinping waved to people of all ethnic groups while inspecting Guyuan Lane Community in Tianshan District, Urumqi. Xi Jinping emphasized that we must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, completely  - DayDayNewshtml From July 12th to 15th, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Xinjiang. This is the morning of the 13th. Xi Jinping waved to people of all ethnic groups while inspecting Guyuan Lane Community in Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently visited Xinjiang for inspection and research, and visited cadres and people of all ethnic groups. . Xi Jinping emphasized that we must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, completely and accurately implement the Party’s Xinjiang governance strategy for the new era, firmly adhere to the overall goal of social stability and long-term peace and order, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and promote high-level Quality development , coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinating development and security, and striving to build a beautiful Xinjiang that is united, harmonious, prosperous, civilized and progressive, with contentment and good ecology in the new era and new journey.

html From July 12 to 15, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Erken Tuniyaz, Chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, successively visited Urumqi, Shihezi, Turpan and other places, and went deep into schools and international dry ports. Districts, communities, museums, rural areas and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps conducted surveys.

"China with the great unity of all ethnic groups must be invincible and have a bright future. Our second centenary goal will surely be successfully achieved, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will inevitably come.

The foundation of educating people lies in Morality. It is necessary to adhere to the direction of running a socialist school, cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and arts. It is necessary to highlight the advantages and characteristics, build a high-level teaching team, improve scientific research and innovation capabilities, and promote the development of Xinjiang University. The construction of "double first-class " continues to reach a new level.

We must give full play to the role of the community's grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, lower the focus of work, closely follow the thoughts and expectations of residents of all ethnic groups, and help everyone do good things, do practical things, and Solve difficult problems and promote brotherhood and help among people of all ethnic groups to build a better home and create a better future together.”

Adhere to the correct path of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics

12 afternoon, Xi Jinping first came to Xinjiang University for inspection and investigation. Xi Jinping visited the school history museum and the Chinese National Community Awareness Research Base to learn more about the school's historical evolution and construction, strengthening talent training, promoting ethnic exchanges, etc., and listened to the students who returned from the survey talk about their achievements. Xi Jinping pointed out that our country is a unified multi-ethnic country, and the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation is a distinctive feature of our country. We have creatively combined Marxist ethnic theory with the specific reality of China's ethnic issues, and established ethnic theory and ethnic policies with ethnic equality, ethnic unity, ethnic regional autonomy, and common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups as the main content. Under the socialist system , equality, unity and progress in the true sense have been achieved. Our ethnic theories and policies are good and effective. We must adhere to the correct path of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, continuously enrich and develop the party's ethnic theory in the new era, and promote research on basic issues of the Chinese nation community. China, with all its ethnic groups united, will be invincible and will have a bright future. Our second centenary goal will surely be successfully achieved, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely come.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the foundation of educating people lies in moral integrity. It is necessary to adhere to the socialist direction of running schools and cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art. It is necessary to highlight the advantages and characteristics, build a high-level teaching team, enhance scientific research and innovation capabilities, and promote the "double first-class" construction of Xinjiang University to a new level. I hope that the students will become a generation of young people who will build socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard for the Chinese nation.

Subsequently, Xi Jinping came to the Urumqi International Dry Port Area, listened to relevant briefings, and observed the functional areas of the China-Europe Railway Express (Urumqi) Assembly Center and the on-site operations of the Alashankou Port and Horgos Port through real-time pictures, and at the same time Railway freight window staff and on-site service staff had cordial exchanges.Xi Jinping emphasized that with the in-depth advancement of my country's expansion of opening up to the outside world, the development of the western region, and the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Xinjiang has transformed from a relatively closed inland to the forefront of opening up to the outside world, and it is necessary to promote the construction of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt. , Incorporate Xinjiang’s regional opening strategy into the country’s overall layout of opening to the west, innovate the open economic system, accelerate the construction of a major channel for opening to the outside world, make better use of both international and domestic markets and resources, and actively serve and integrate new development pattern. Xi Jinping urged local responsible comrades to insist on "preventing imported cases from outside and preventing domestic rebound" and "dynamic clearing of to ". The epidemic prevention work must be precise and convenient for the masses.

Strengthen the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture of all ethnic groups

html On the morning of the 113th, Xi Jinping came to Guyuan Lane Community in Tianshan District, Urumqi City. Ethnic minority residents account for more than 95% of the community. Xi Jinping walked into the lobby of the Party and Mass Service Center, Love House, Dance Studio, and Children's Reading Room, and had cordial exchanges with community residents. Xi Jinping watched the children's performance of excellent Chinese traditional cultural knowledge with great interest. He pointed out that the education of excellent Chinese traditional culture should focus on the early years, make long-term achievements, and be subtle and subtle, which is conducive to laying a solid foundation for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. In the home of Uighur resident Abu Laiti Tursun, Xi Jinping carefully inspected the living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc., and the same family sat around and made daily routines. Xi Jinping emphasized that ethnic unity is the lifeline of the people of all ethnic groups in our country. All ethnic groups in Xinjiang are indivisible members of the Chinese nation. They must cherish the great situation of stability and unity. The 56 ethnic groups are twisted into one rope and remain focused and down-to-earth. Let us work together and work hard to achieve the second centenary goal under the leadership of the party. Xi Jinping pointed out that community work connects thousands of households, and it is necessary to give full play to the role of community grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, lower the focus of work, closely follow the thoughts and expectations of residents of all ethnic groups, and help everyone do good things, do practical things, and solve problems. Difficulties arise to encourage people of all ethnic groups to stay close to each other, help each other, and build a better home and a better future together. When

left the community, people of all ethnic groups dressed in national costumes sang and danced to express their heartfelt love to the general secretary. Xi Jinping wishes everyone a prosperous career and a happier life.

Later, Xi Jinping came to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum , visited the "Xinjiang Historical Relics Exhibition", watched the display of the national epic " Manas " rap , and had a cordial relationship with the inheritors of the intangible cultural heritage of "Manas" chat. Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese civilization is extensive, profound and has a long history. It is formed by the convergence of the excellent cultures of various ethnic groups and hundreds of rivers. It is necessary to strengthen the study of the history of the Chinese national community and the pattern of pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation, fully excavate and effectively use the historical facts, archaeological objects, and cultural relics of the exchanges between various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and make it clear that Xinjiang has been an inseparable part of my country and a multi-ethnic area since ancient times. , all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are important members of the big family of the Chinese nation who are connected by blood and share a common destiny. It is necessary to strengthen the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of all ethnic groups.

Efforts to form new advantages of the Corps in the new era

Maintaining stability and guarding the border

html On the afternoon of the 113th, Xi Jinping came to Shihezi City of the Eighth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and visited the Xinjiang Corps Military Reclamation Museum . In the lobby on the first floor of the museum, Xi Jinping met with representatives of three generations of builders, old, middle and young, from the Corps. He emphasized that the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has made indelible contributions to promoting the development of Xinjiang, enhancing ethnic unity, maintaining social stability, and consolidating national border defense. The Corps spirit of love for the motherland, selfless dedication, hard work, and pioneering spirit created by the Corps members is an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists. These valuable assets must be made good use of.

Subsequently, Xi Jinping drove to the 143rd Regiment of the Eighth Division for inspection and investigation. At the Nongyilian Cotton Planting Base, Xi Jinping walked into the fields, inspected the growth of cotton, and asked growers and agricultural technicians working in the fields about cotton planting, sales, and family income.At the Jiulian Peach Plantation, Xi Jinping expressed his praise for the company's efforts in encouraging and supporting employees to develop planting and breeding, ecological sightseeing and tourism and farm entertainment industries in recent years, and to increase employees' income. Xi Jinping pointed out that the XPCC has a high degree of agricultural mechanization, good conditions for large-scale agricultural production and industrial operation, and obvious advantages in grain, cotton, oil, fruit and vegetable production, etc., and it must play a greater role in ensuring my country's food security and the supply of important agricultural products. It is necessary to implement the Party Central Committee's policy of supporting the development of the Corps, give full play to the advantages of the Corps, strengthen agricultural science and technology and equipment support, develop superior agricultural products and expand superior industries according to local conditions, and promote the green and efficient development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

In the square of Huayuan Town of the 143rd Regiment, Xi Jinping had a cordial conversation with the cadres and the masses of the Corps. He emphasized that the strategic role of the Corps is irreplaceable. It is necessary to accelerate the reform of the Corps, deepen the integration of troops and land, create a harmonious pastoral home between urban and rural areas, and give full play to the functions and functions of the Corps as a stabilizer for border security, a melting pot for people of all ethnic groups, and the development of advanced productive forces and advanced cultural demonstration areas. role, and strive to form new advantages for the Corps in maintaining stability and guarding the border in the new era.

Promote the integrated development of culture and tourism

Create industries that enrich the people

html On the 114th, Xi Jinping came to Turpan City for inspection and investigation. In Grape Valley, Xi Jinping inspected the display of Turpan's characteristic fruits and learned about the local development of the characteristic grape industry and the promotion of integrated development of culture and tourism. Xi Jinping emphasized that Turpan is beautiful, rich, and fragrant with fruits, which are gifts from nature. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between economic and social development and ecological and environmental protection, promote the integrated development of culture and tourism, and create industries that enrich the people.

Xi Jinping then came to Xincheng Ximen Village, Xincheng Area, Yaer Town, Gaochang District, and inspected the Party and Mass Service Center and agricultural product processing enterprises. In the village square, when the villagers saw the general secretary coming, they cheered and gathered around, shouting hello to the general secretary. Xi Jinping pointed out that in order to comprehensively build a modern socialist country, no nation can be left behind. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, solidly promote rural revitalization, and promote the realization of richer rural areas, happier lives, and more beautiful rural areas. Xi Jinping wished the villagers that their lives would become more prosperous and their children would thrive.

In Turpan City, Xi Jinping also inspected the world cultural heritage Jiaohe Ancient City. Jiaohe Ancient City is the most complete, longest-lasting and largest ancient architectural city with earthen structures in the world. Xi Jinping emphasized that the Jiaohe Ancient City is an important transportation thoroughfare on the Silk Road. It is an important witness in the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years and has important historical value. It is necessary to strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, continuously expand the international influence of Chinese culture, and enhance national pride and cultural self-confidence.

Forge a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community

Promote exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups

html On the morning of the 115th, Xi Jinping listened to the work reports of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, affirmed the achievements of various tasks in Xinjiang, and hoped that the Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government Unite and lead the cadres and the masses to work together, forge ahead, and do a solid job in various tasks in Xinjiang.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the overall goal of Xinjiang work and promote fundamental, basic and long-term work related to long-term peace and security. We must continue to explore effective ways to comprehensively implement the Party's Xinjiang governance strategy in the new era, implement the Party Central Committee's requirements into practical actions and work results, and ensure that Xinjiang work always moves in the right direction. The most important thing for maintaining long-term stability in Xinjiang lies in the people's hearts. We must persist in uniting and looking forward, maximize the active role of the cadres and the masses in maintaining stability, seeking development, and promoting reform, and pay attention to the opinions of all sectors of society. It is necessary to promote the normalization of the rule of law in stability maintenance work. It is necessary to carry out Xinjiang-related external publicity in a multi-level, all-round and three-dimensional manner, improve the "invitation" work, and tell the story of China's Xinjiang well.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to forge a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation and promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups. Chinese civilization is the root of the culture of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.It is necessary to educate and guide the cadres and the masses to correctly understand the history of Xinjiang, especially the history of national development, establish a firm view of the history of the Chinese nation, and forge a strong Chinese heart and soul. In particular, it is necessary to further promote the "foundation-building" project for young people and build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation. It is necessary to promote the gradual realization of all-round integration of people of all ethnic groups in terms of space, culture, economy, society and psychology, and encourage all ethnic groups to hug together like pomegranate seeds.

Improve the ability to manage religious affairs

Achieve the healthy development of religion

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to improve the ability to manage religious affairs and achieve the healthy development of religion. It is necessary to better adhere to the direction of Sinicization of Islam and make religion compatible with the development of socialist society. It is necessary to cultivate a team of party and government cadres who are proficient in Marxist religious concepts, familiar with religious work, and good at working with religious believers, and to cultivate a religious circle that is politically reliable, religiously accomplished, morally able to convince the public, and effective at critical times. Representatives team, cultivate a religious research team that is ideologically and politically firm, adheres to the Marxist religious outlook, has a good academic style, and is good at innovation. It is necessary to ensure the normal religious needs of religious believers and firmly unite all religious believers around the party and the government.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to carry out in-depth cultural enrichment with the goal of enhancing identity. Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity. It is necessary to correct the understanding of history and culture and highlight the characteristics of Chinese culture and the visual image of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to build a discourse system and effective carrier from multiple angles to demonstrate the commonality of Chinese culture and the historical facts of exchanges, exchanges and integration between Xinjiang and other ethnic groups in the mainland, so that Chinese culture can be fully displayed through real objects, real scenes and facts, and directly reach the hearts of the people, and educate and guide people of all ethnic groups to establish correct The country’s outlook on the country, history, nation, culture, and religion should be strengthened to enhance identification with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must deeply understand the close connection between development and stability, development and people's livelihood, and development and people's hearts, so as to promote development results to benefit people's livelihood and unite people's hearts. It is necessary to accelerate high-quality economic development, cultivate and expand distinctive and advantageous industries, and enhance the ability to absorb employment. It is necessary to effectively connect the consolidation of poverty alleviation results with rural revitalization and improve the long-term mechanism for sustainable rural development. We must adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grass and sand, promote ecological priority and green development, in-depth fight against pollution, and strictly abide by the red line of ecological protection. It is necessary to intensify opening up to the outside world, build a bridgehead for opening up to the west, and promote the construction of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to the principle of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and do a good job in building a team of high-quality cadres. We must adhere to the main tone of strictness, promote the party's construction in all aspects under the guidance of the party's political construction, and strictly enforce political disciplines and political rules. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, educate and guide party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, inherit the red gene, and continue the red blood. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation at the grassroots level and build grassroots party organizations in various fields into a strong fighting fortress. It is necessary to effectively improve the work style at the grassroots level and resolutely overcome bureaucracy and formalism. It is necessary to optimize the structure of the party and government leadership and focus on giving full play to the role of ethnic minority cadres.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Corps must adapt to the new situation and new requirements and play a greater role in achieving the overall goal of Xinjiang work. It is necessary to adhere to the same game of chess between the military and the territory, and build major infrastructure simultaneously, comprehensively promote the integrated development of the economy, society, culture, ecological civilization construction, national unity and progress, and cadres and talents in the military and territory, and realize the joint construction of facilities, resource sharing, deep embedding, and advantages. complementary.

Xi Jinping pointed out that doing a good job in Xinjiang has a bearing on the overall situation and is a major event for the whole party and the country. The whole party must understand the importance of Xinjiang work from a strategic and overall perspective, increase the intensity of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang, improve the work mechanism of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang, jointly do a good job in Xinjiang, and meet the 20th anniversary of the Party with practical actions. A great victory was held.

Before the report meeting, Xi Jinping met with responsible comrades and veteran representatives of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and relevant departments, various cities and cities, members of the leadership team of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and responsible comrades of relevant parties, representatives of all ethnic groups and all walks of life, and representatives of aid to Xinjiang cadres. Representatives of political and legal police officers, and representatives of patriotic people in the religious circles. On behalf of the Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping extended sincere greetings to the comrades struggling in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

Fully affirmed the

outstanding contributions of the troops stationed in Xinjiang

On the morning of July 15, Xi Jinping cordially received representatives of the officers and soldiers of the troops stationed in Xinjiang in Urumqi. Xi Jinping extended sincere greetings to all comrades of the troops stationed in Xinjiang, and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions of the troops stationed in Xinjiang to strengthening border defense, stabilizing and revitalizing Xinjiang. He emphasized that it is necessary to implement the Party's thinking on strengthening the military in the new era, implement the military strategic guidelines of the new era, and actively contribute to promoting social stability and long-term peace and order in Xinjiang.

html On the afternoon of the 115th, when Xi Jinping left Xinjiang and returned to Beijing, people of all ethnic groups warmly bid farewell to the General Secretary on the roadside, with endless cheers and applause.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Zhang Youxia, Chen Xi, He Lifeng and responsible comrades from relevant departments of the central and state agencies accompanied the inspection.

This version contains text and pictures/Xinhua News Agency

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