This morning, a shocking "headshot" was suddenly posted on Facebook. The night before, Guiyue asked everyone what she should be careful about, but within a few hours something tragic happened to her.

Actress Cai Yunjie (Cai Xiaojie), who was a car show model and is now a variety show star, suddenly posted a shocking "headshot" on Facebook this morning. She asked everyone 鬼月 what to guard against the night before. A tragedy occurred within a few hours. She was hit in the forehead by a music box knocked over by the pet cat. Blood spurted out instantly, covering most of her face, and even flowed to her neck. Finally, Cai Yunjie went downstairs and took an ambulance to the hospital for stitches to clean up the situation. "Ghost Moon Horror".

All I saw was blood! Cai Yunjie suffered a headshot. Net: She can still take selfies when she bleeds

Unexpectedly, Cai Yunjie’s post triggered a frenzy of criticism. Many netizens thought that she was bleeding like this. Instead of going to the hospital quickly, she took a selfie of herself on the post. Isn’t this a disgrace? Shoot or simply want to be famous? According to "Apple Daily", Cai Yunjie has now taken down the bloody photos, and also clarified to the media through her agent that the reason why she posted the article first and then sought medical treatment was to record the cat's naughty behavior. As for the subsequent decision to remove the bloody photos, It was because the furniture manufacturer who endorsed it thought it would affect the image of the product, so it deleted the article at the request of the brokerage company, clarifying that it was not an attempt to become famous or to be photographed.