When collecting information, I found an article titled "Big Data Report on China's Comprehensive Lifelong Education Platform - Tencent Classroom Data" which was very informative and inspiring.

2024/06/2910:56:33 technology 1459

was collecting information, I found an article called "Big Data Report on China's Comprehensive Lifelong Education Platform - Tencent Classroom Data" . The content was very informative and inspiring.

So I decided to borrow some content from the report to discuss with you the importance of lifelong learning and lifelong growth. The article

interprets the topic of lifelong education platform from three key perspectives: industry overview, platform ecology, and platform insights.

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Let’s focus on the description of the industry overview: It says this about the driving factors of China’s comprehensive lifelong education platform : The driving factors mainly include national policies, social environment and industry changes. As new types of occupations emerge one after another and the status of skilled talents improves, enterprises play a more prominent role in vocational education and training; coupled with social competition, population aging, enterprising spirit and information noise, life-long learning is promoted;

At the same time, the supply of content services expands , innovative technology promotes industrial upgrading, and content parties and platform parties work together to promote industry development. Three factors jointly drive the considerable development prospects of lifelong education platforms.

In addition, the market size of lifelong education platforms will be nearly 300 billion in 2021. New occupations drive category innovation, onlineization accelerates market sinking, and online comprehensive lifelong education accounts for 40%.

This has promoted the lifelong education platform to form a good development trend: vocational education welcomes new innovations , online adult training and corporate training digitization are accelerated, new career types create new training categories, and new delivery forms expand new of trainees.

Under this craze of and lifelong learning of , self-study behavior is fragmented, categories are vertically subdivided, and business prospects are promising.

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At this point, we can clearly see the inevitability, importance and feasibility of lifelong education. Lifelong education is the trend of the times and the choice for social development. Why do you say that? Let’s take a look at the three factors driving the development of lifelong education platforms just mentioned.

The first factor is national policy . From May 2019 to January 2021, there are at least 7 documents on key policies for the new generation of vocational education and training at the national level.

Keywords include "vocational skills improvement", "new occupational practitioners", "supporting flexible employment through multiple channels and supporting the development of new employment forms ", "supporting enterprises to vigorously carry out skilled talent evaluation", "broadening the scope of vocational skills training funds" and "strengthening "The career development of highly skilled talents and professional and technical talents is connected", etc., in fact, they all point to one point: the importance of on-the-job training for talents under the new employment form cannot be ignored.

This just corresponds to the second driving factor of : the promotion of by the social environment. New types of occupations are emerging one after another, and the status of skilled talents has improved, which will inevitably make companies pay more and more attention to the importance of vocational education and training. Only when employees can continuously improve their professional skills can companies continue to operate for a long time. This is to let a team Or the basic principles for the stable and efficient operation of enterprises. This is easy to understand, so we won’t go into details.

At the same time, the current social situation of social competition, aging population, enterprising spirit and information noise is also a major reason for promoting the lifelong learning craze.

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This background has given rise to many content service platforms, and the expansion of supply can be regarded as providing strong material support for our lifelong learning. Now, with a quick search, there are countless various vertical learning platforms, general learning platforms, exam-oriented learning platforms, and free self-study platforms. What reasons do we have for not learning?

At this point, let’s go back and sort out why we should receive lifelong education so that we can maintain lifelong learning and lifelong growth .

On the one hand, although the development of the new era has provided us with many flexible employment methods and many new employment fields and positions to choose from, it also requires us to maintain the habit of lifelong growth and continuous learning in order to not "succeed." "Xiao He, Xiao He is also a failure" was photographed on the beach of the times by the fierce competition in the new employment form.

We have talked in the past that entering an industry or taking up a position depends on your current strength and self-worth. But no matter what industry, it is constantly developing and iterating. If we cannot keep learning, continuously update our abilities, expand our self-awareness and keep up with the changes in the industry, we will be eliminated in a matter of minutes.

There is no industry that allows us not to start running, even if you stand still, because others are moving forward, and as long as you stop, you have already stepped back.

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On the other hand, since continuous learning is our first choice, and the current supply of various learning platforms is sufficient, we have almost no reason not to take the initiative to learn. These learning platforms and learning software not only make the professional content we want to learn within reach, but also well meet our various learning styles.

If you want in-depth learning, there are series of long courses; if you want fragmented learning, there are short and quick audios, mind maps ; if you want to find partners to supervise each other's learning, there are various learning communities; if you want to learn independently, There are self-study learning channels. Learning products are gradually differentiated. Whether you want to learn breadth or depth, you can find the corresponding channel. Therefore, the most important thing is: are you willing to take the initiative to learn in ?

So, how do we mobilize our enthusiasm for learning and develop the habit of lifelong learning and lifelong growth? An effective method, develops closed-loop learning habits .

What kind of learning closed loop is it? It is a learning process that is connected in series with a series of learning thoughts and learning behaviors. By continuously recycling this set of learning processes, it helps oneself gain something in learning, and then continuously generates new motivation to maintain the learning state.

Let’s take one of the links as the starting point for now. We have talked about the importance of cognitive upgrading many times, emphasizing that only by constantly expanding our own cognition can we realize what is good and what is bad; what is worth doing and what is not worth doing;

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What is the long half-life option for and what is the short half-life option. Rules of the workplace in the new era: The current situation that choice is more important than hard work also tells us: Only with accurate cognition and correct choices can we gain something from our efforts. Otherwise, we will go in the opposite direction and be further away from success.

So let’s start with “cognitive upgrade” to sort out the closed loop of learning. We mentioned the importance of cognition earlier, so after we clarify our need for cognitive upgrades, we need to move to the next step: learning.

Learning here refers to the process of inputting knowledge in various forms. Whether it is watching videos, reading books, listening to other people's lectures, or taking notes at meetings, it is a learning process of receiving new knowledge. Only when we learn new knowledge can we understand our own shortcomings and move to the next link. In other words, after cognitive upgrading, learning is required.

The next step in learning is: conveyor . What is conveyor belt transformation? To put it simply, output drives internalization. That is to learn the knowledge you have learned in depth again in the form of output. Because of the requirement for output, we will consciously deeply understand and internalize the knowledge we have learned. When we can tell or explain the knowledge we have learned to others in our own language, the knowledge will become our own and be remembered. Stronger.

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The next step in conveyorization is imitating and practicing .This is also the biggest headache for many people after learning. It is what people often joke about, "I understand the principles, but I really can't do it."

However, difficulty is not the reason for us to avoid doing it. Imitation and practice are a good step to test our learning results, and it is an advanced mode of transmission. Because theory can never fully correspond to various situations in reality with different details, only if we actively imitate and practice can we know what we are lacking, where we still do not understand enough, and what abilities we need to strengthen.

This involves the next link: review and feedback . To put it simply, no matter whether the transmission and imitation practice is successful or not, we all need to calm down and carefully review and give feedback. This link is often easily overlooked, but it is actually very important.

If the review is good and the feedback is in place, we can accurately find what we have done right, continue to maintain and strengthen it; find the shortcomings, and promptly check for omissions and fill them.

Not only that, no matter what result we get after review and feedback, it is an advancement in cognition and ability. Because when the result of our review is good, it proves that we have learned a new knowledge, and if the result of the review is not good, we can also check and fill in the gaps in time, and realize what we did wrong before and correct it. Improvement is also a cognitive upgrade to some extent.

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At this point you will find that we have completed a closed loop and are back to the cognitive upgrade process. Next, there is a new round of learning-transmission belt-imitation practice-feedback review-cognitive upgrade .

The continuous cycle of this closed loop is a process in which our cognition and abilities are constantly updated and advanced. In the process, we will have a sense of harvest and sudden enlightenment, and we will naturally be more motivated to persevere, continue to learn, and grow throughout our lives. It's much easier. And as we continue to grow and our abilities and cognitions continue to evolve, can advancement in the workplace be far behind?

In general: lifelong learning is really important. As the saying goes: Live until you are old and learn until you are old. As long as the times and society are advancing, we should continue to learn, keep improving, keep moving with the times and society, and become valuable people who are always needed by society.

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