[Source: Red Net Hengyang Station] Yanfeng District, Hengyang City held the 2022 "Maker China" Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Red Internet Moment Hengyang, July 15th (Reporter Jiang Nan, intern Zhou Wei) In order to further enhance

2024/06/2910:59:32 finance 1217

[Source: Red Net Hengyang Station]

[Source: Red Net Hengyang Station] Yanfeng District, Hengyang City held the 2022

Yanfeng District, Hengyang City held the 2022 " Maker China " small, medium and micro enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship competition.

Red Net moment Hengyang July 15th (Reporter Jiang Nan, intern Zhou Wei) In order to further enhance the innovation capabilities and professionalism of small, medium and micro enterprises, on July 14th, Yanfeng District, Hengyang City held the 2022 "Maker" China” Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The

competition aims to accelerate the innovative application of key core technologies, cultivate and expand new momentum for industrial development, discover and support a number of outstanding "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" projects and outstanding enterprises and teams, and promote the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of " specialization, special new " , support the integration and innovation of large and medium-sized enterprises and various entities, and help build a national important advanced manufacturing highland.

The 12 projects participating in the finals this time are the winning projects selected by experts through preliminaries, pre-match training and coaching, and after the preliminary rounds. The finals will be conducted through on-site road shows, defenses, and expert scoring.

After fierce competition, Hengyang Huapeng Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. won the first prize.

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