We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province

2024/07/0111:30:33 finance 1214

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews022 is already halfway over. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province will overall show the characteristics of "stable and improving, continuous improvement, and at the forefront".

Shandong Financial Report statistics found that the Shandong State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s provincial enterprise financial and other major information disclosure column shows that as of now, 25 provincial state-owned enterprises have disclosed annual reports. These 25 Shandong provincial state-owned enterprises (different from the statistical caliber of the Shandong State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s annual report conference) achieved a cumulative operating income of 2,048.079 billion yuan and a net profit of 76.851 billion yuan in 2021. As of the end of 2021, the total assets of the 25 Shandong provincial state-owned enterprises reached 4.245852 billion yuan.

In recent years, Shandong has continued to increase its efforts in reorganization and integration in the state-owned economy. After resource integration, strategic synergy is significant. In 2021, the operating performance of Shandong Province's state-owned enterprises in the energy, steel, transportation and other sectors reached a new high, with 4 companies having a revenue of more than 200 billion yuan, and the number of companies with net profits exceeding 10 billion yuan increased to 4. Last year, Shandong Talent Group and Shandong Property Rights Group were newly established, as well as Shandong Health, which has implemented restructuring and integration. The 2021 annual reports of these provincial state-owned enterprises deserve attention.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews1 Club with revenue of 200 billion yuan increased to 4 seats Shandong Energy revenue and assets double "750 billion"

In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the province's state-owned enterprises have made great progress in the reform and development, assets, income, profits Other indicators have reached record highs, and the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises has been at the forefront of the country, playing an important supporting role in maintaining the smooth operation of the province's economy.

From the perspective of operating income, compared with 3 in 2020, there are 4 provincial state-owned enterprises with operating income of more than 200 billion yuan in 2021. In addition to Shandong Energy, Shandong Heavy Industry, and Shandong Steel, the integrated Shandong Expressway's operating income has exceeded the 200 billion yuan mark for the first time. Judging from the scale of tens of billions, including the above four companies, there are 15 state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province with revenue of tens of billions.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Specifically, after achieving "double 600 billion" in operating income and asset scale in 2020, Shandong Energy became the only enterprise in Shandong Province with "double 750 billion" in assets and revenue in 2021.

"In the 2021 Fortune Global 500 list, Shandong Energy ranked 70th with operating revenue of US$97.86 billion, ranking first among Shandong companies on the list, rising 225 places month-on-month, achieving the '1+12' multiplier effect. "Shandong Energy stated that this is the first time that Xinshan Energy has made a gorgeous appearance in the world's Fortune 500 club after the joint reorganization of the original Yankuang Group and the original Shandong Energy Group.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

The annual report shows that Shandong Energy achieved revenue of 774.119 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 97.801 billion yuan, an increase of 14.46%; as of the end of 2021, total assets were 751.402 billion yuan, an increase of 65.177 billion yuan from the beginning of the period (retroactively adjusted consolidated caliber), an increase of 14.46%. 9.5%. In terms of investment, Shandong Energy implemented a total of 90 projects in 2021, completing an investment of 33.093 billion yuan throughout the year, an increase of 7.057 billion yuan year-on-year.

As one of China’s most comprehensive automobile and equipment manufacturing groups, Shandong Heavy Industries achieved consolidated revenue of 334.595 billion yuan in 2021. According to Shandong Heavy Industry's disclosure, the investment areas in 2021 are all in the main industry, with a planned investment of 29.694 billion yuan and an actual investment of 15.375 billion yuan.

In 2021, Shandong Iron and Steel's revenue exceeded 250 billion yuan, with total annual operating income of 266.519 billion yuan. It is reported that in 2021, Jigang Group Co., Ltd. and Zhongtai Securities will no longer be included in its 2021 consolidation scope.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Shandong Expressway achieved operating income of 200.8 billion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 44.9 billion yuan, an increase of 28.8%, exceeding the budget by 15.8 billion yuan, and completing 108.5% of the annual budget of 185 billion yuan.

Shandong's key highway projects have achieved remarkable results in 2021, and the creation of quality projects has achieved fruitful results: the group has fully completed the goal of "5 roads opened to traffic, 10 roads started, and 72.4 billion investment", and has exceeded the annual investment tasks assigned by the provincial government for 7 consecutive years. ; Four projects including the Beijing-Taiwan reconstruction and expansion of the Jitai section were successfully selected into the Ministry of Transport's first batch of safe century-old quality engineering demonstration projects, and the Jinan Southeast Second Ring Extension Line won the "Zhan Tianyou Award", my country's highest honor in the field of civil engineering.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews2We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews9 companies achieved revenue growth. Shandong seed industry ranked first in revenue growth

From the perspective of the second echelon of revenue scale, Shandong SDIC (96.532 billion yuan), Shandong Port (83.983 billion yuan), Shuifa Group (77.038 billion yuan), Shandong Gold (56.339 billion yuan) revenue indicators are all above 50 billion yuan.

Companies with operating income between 10 billion yuan and 50 billion yuan last year included Hualu Group (39.55 billion yuan), Lushang Group (31.991 billion yuan), Shandong Health (21.968 billion yuan), Zhongtai Securities ( 10.350 billion yuan), Shandong Guohui (13.1 billion yuan), Shandong Ocean (10.556 billion yuan) and Shandong Land (10.380 billion yuan).

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Among them, Lushang Group (indicator data is on a consolidated (aggregated) basis, including Shandong Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd. ) achieved total operating income of 31.991 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 13.28%, and the income affected by the implementation of the new income standards will decrease After restoring the revenue to 9.043 billion yuan, the operating income reached 41.034 billion yuan.

html Of the 125 state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province that disclosed annual reports, 10 had a revenue scale of less than 10 billion yuan. Among them, Shandong Railway Investment achieved operating income of 3.241 billion yuan last year.

From the perspective of revenue growth, except for Shandong Talent Group in its first year of establishment, 19 of the remaining 24 provincial state-owned enterprises have achieved positive revenue growth. Five companies including Shandong Development Investment and Shandong Water Equipment Co., Ltd. saw revenue declines.

Shandong Seed Industry ranked first with a revenue growth rate of 137.19%, achieving operating income of 912 million yuan in 2021.

Shandong Financial Report noted that the revenue growth rates of Shandong Railway Investment, Luliang Group, and Shuifa Group all exceeded 70%. Among them, Luliang Group's annual operating income and total profit in 2021 completed 119% and 174% of the annual targets respectively; last year, it achieved operating income of 2.097 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.55%.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

In recent years, as the first national insurance legal person institution registered in Shandong, Taishan Insurance has focused on returning to the origins of insurance, improving the level of specialization, refinement, and intensive development, creating a specialized and specialized business model, and has achieved significant results. Effectiveness. Data shows that from 2019 to 2021, Taishan Insurance’s premium income reached 2.271 billion yuan, 2.375 billion yuan, and 2.504 billion yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth of 30.57%, 4.55%, and 5.48% respectively. The average annual growth rates are higher than the industry growth rate. , achieving steady growth in premium scale.

In addition, Shandong Property Rights and Shandong Talents, newly established last year, have attracted much attention.

Shandong Financial Report learned from Shandong Property Rights that in 2021, Shandong Property Rights achieved a cumulative operating income of 341 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8%; the total profit of 206.7 million yuan exceeded the 200 million yuan mark for the first time, achieving continuous growth for 14 consecutive years; achieved Net profit was 156 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15%.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

The annual report shows that in 2021, Shandong Talent Group achieved consolidated financial statement operating income of 41.26 million yuan, operating costs of 33.16 million yuan, period expenses of 33.51 million yuan, research and development expenses of 7.41 million yuan, other income of 1.3 million yuan, and investment income of 1.34 million yuan. According to the disclosure of relevant matters related to the "three majors and one major", Shandong Talent Group invested 10 million yuan in 2021 to participate in the establishment of Shandong University's Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Fund; Shandong Talent Investment Company acquired 51% of the equity of Shandong Zhongwang Yinxin Investment Management Co., Ltd. to file for net asset assessment Value pricing was used, and the acquisition consideration paid was 10.3119 million yuan.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews3 There are 4 companies with net profits of tens of billions. Shandong Heavy Industry continues to be the "Profit King"

takes extraordinary measures to gnaw on "hard bones" and overcome "old difficulties". Provincial state-owned enterprises are fully promoting the resumption of work and reaching production, and their operating performance has stabilized and improved. From the perspective of profitability, as the restructuring and combination continues, the profitability of various sectors of provincial state-owned enterprises will further improve in 2021.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

In 2019, only one of the state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province, Shandong Heavy Industry, had a net profit of more than 10 billion yuan. In 2020, the synergistic effect of resource integration has begun to show, and Shandong Heavy Industry and Xinshan Energy have both joined the 10 billion profit club. By 2021, the 10 billion profit club has expanded to 4 seats. In addition to Shandong Heavy Industry and Shandong Energy, the net profit indicators of Shandong Expressway and Shandong Steel have also reached the 10 billion yuan threshold.

Specifically, Shandong Heavy Industry has continued to retain the title of "Profit King", achieving a total profit of 20.1 billion yuan and a net profit of 16.32 billion yuan in 2021. Shandong Energy achieved a net profit of 14.445 billion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 3.425 billion yuan or 31.08%. Shandong Expressway achieved a total profit of 15.24 billion yuan, exceeding the budget by 1.27 billion yuan, completing 109.1% of the annual budget of 14 billion yuan. Shandong Iron and Steel achieved a net profit of 10.833 billion yuan last year.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Statistics from Shandong Financial Report found that there are 7 state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province with net profits between 1 billion yuan and 10 billion yuan in 2021, namely Hualu Group (7.683 billion yuan), Shandong Port (5.272 billion yuan), Shandong SDIC (3.519 billion yuan), Zhongtai Securities (3.299 billion yuan), Shandong Guohui (1.351 billion yuan), Shandong Land (1.320 billion yuan) and Shuifa Group (1.280 billion yuan). Another five companies suffered losses.

With the resumption of work and production, the profitability of some industries has increased significantly. At the same time, with the asset transfer of reorganized and integrated enterprises, these provincial state-owned enterprises have gradually achieved integrated development, and their indicators have improved significantly. From the perspective of net profit growth rate, Shandong Health has the highest rate. The annual report shows that Shandong Health achieved a net profit of 465 million yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 476%.

"On the basis of integrating the assets of provincial enterprises, Shandong Health insists on transfer, integration and development while promoting internal homogeneity and complementary business professional restructuring, anchoring Shandong Province's strategic deployment of a healthy and powerful province, focusing on medical care. The main business positioning of health industry investment and management is to establish eight major professional groups. "Shandong Health revealed that on October 22, 2021, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission held a reorganization work deployment meeting between Shandong Health and Luhua Group and adopted a free transfer method. Reorganized 25 secondary subsidiaries (units) of Luhua Group at all levels. Industrial and commercial registration was completed on May 24, 2022, and the tasks of the provincial party committee and the provincial government in reorganizing and integrating the medical and health industry assets of provincial enterprises were successfully completed.

In addition to Shandong Health, there are also Shandong Hi-Speed ​​(year-on-year growth of 282.32%), Hualu Group (year-on-year growth of 235.31%), Lushang Group (year-on-year growth of 157.32%), Shandong Seed Industry (year-on-year growth of 148.38%), Shandong Guohui (YoY growth of 130.65%), Shandong Land (YoY growth of 113.66), and Luliang Group (YoY growth of 107.58%) The net profits of eight companies in 2021 will increase by more than 100%. In 2021, three of the state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province experienced a decline in net profits.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews4 Innovation-driven highlights

Faced with new changes and new opportunities, Shandong provincial state-owned enterprises strive to implement new development concepts , are committed to building comparative advantages and improving core competitiveness, and strive to promote digital transformation and intelligent upgrades Be at the forefront and demonstrate the new responsibilities of state-owned enterprises in accelerating the conversion of momentum, transformation and upgrading, and supporting and serving the ecological protection and high-quality development of the national Yellow River Basin.

In particular, the leading role of technological innovation has been fully demonstrated in state-owned and state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province. Data from Shandong Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission shows that the R&D investment of provincial enterprises in 2021 will reach 38.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52.1%, and scientific and technological innovation has achieved a number of important results.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Shandong Heavy Industry undertook the construction of the country's first fuel cell technology innovation center, successfully manufactured the country's first intelligent snow wax truck with independent intellectual property rights, and launched the world's first diesel engine with a body thermal efficiency of 51.09%; Hualu Group's innovative anti- Alzheimer's drugs are about to enter the market At the clinical stage, it is expected to become the world's first new drug to break through at this target; Hualu Hengsheng independently developed new energy vehicle lithium battery electrolyte manufacturing technology has achieved a major breakthrough and quickly occupied 60% of the domestic market once it was put into production. ; Shandong Port has built the world's first shore-side open fully automated container terminal in Rizhao Port; Shuifa Group's natural gas helium purity reaches 99.9999%.

We are already halfway through 2022. As the deadline for filing industrial and commercial annual reports, details of the 2021 report card for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province have emerged. In 2021, the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province - DayDayNews

Economic Herald reporter learned from Luliang Group that in 2021, Luliang Group’s main business advantages will continue to expand, the industrial chain will be more complete, the quality of development will continue to improve, and new breakthroughs will be achieved in various tasks: the group’s asset-liability ratio will increase from the beginning of its establishment More than 98% dropped to 80.72% (55.35% after excluding the factors affected by government mandated tasks), which completely resolved the difficulty and expensive financing at the beginning of the group's establishment, which was a prominent bottleneck that restricted the group's healthy and rapid development; the group's grain reserve scale, rotation Both revenue and market-oriented operation volume have reached record highs, and the "Qilu Granary" continues to be at the forefront of the country in terms of scientific, informatization, and intelligence; the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises has completed five key tasks ahead of schedule, including "dealing with deadlocks and rectifying losses"; the group Brand building was selected into the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council "List of Typical Cases of State-owned Enterprise Brand Building".

In 2021, Shandong Health won the title of first in net profit growth. Strengthening the drive for technological innovation has become an important accelerator for the healthy and rapid development of Shandong. Shandong Health disclosed that in 2021, the group's investment in scientific and technological innovation increased by 75.70% year-on-year, and the R&D investment intensity of manufacturing companies reached 6.58%. Throughout the year, there were 413 new authorized patents, including 13 invention patents; 39 newly registered software copyrights; 14 standards were released and approved, and 17 new product registration certificates were obtained.

Shandong Seed Industry, which achieved over 100% growth in revenue and net profit in 2021, disclosed in its annual report that (during the reporting period) it focused on how to leverage the talent resources and variety advantages of scientific research institutes and universities, strengthen in-depth cooperation, and build talent, Resources, property rights and benefit sharing mechanisms are needed to complete the construction of the commercial breeding system. It is necessary to promote and improve institutional innovation, provide institutional guarantees for commercial breeding, accelerate the promotion of new innovation system guarantees, and realize the sharing of interests among scientific research institutes, scientific and technological talents and enterprises. , provide system support for commercial breeding, increase scientific and technological joint research, and provide core competitiveness for commercial breeding.

It is worth mentioning that last year, Shandong Property Group’s R&D investment increased by 20% year-on-year. Through diversified development, it created a growth pole and new momentum in the information technology field.

Driven by provincial state-owned enterprises, many owned enterprises are also focusing on innovative research and development to break through "stuck" technical barriers. For example, in 2021, Tianli Energy Company, a subsidiary of Shanke Holdings, was successfully approved by the Qinghai Provincial Department of Science and Technology for the "Research and Application of Key Technologies for the Preparation of Anhydrous Magnesium Chloride from Old Salt Lake Brine" project. A solution was proposed to solve the technical problems of Qinghai Salt Lake magnesium oxide dehydration unit, which has a long process flow, many corrosive media, many non-metallic equipment and pipelines, and difficult operation and control of the multi-layer fluidized bed dryer, and broke through the constraints that restrict the major magnesium metal project in Qinghai Province The core technical problem of "stuck neck" in magnesium chloride dehydration. The total funding for this project is 90 million yuan. Currently, technical research and on-site optimization are being carried out in an orderly manner as planned.

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