Reporters learned today (July 15) that the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, recently successfully issued the seventh batch of Jiangsu Provincial Government Bonds of 29.763 billion yuan in 2022 through public bidding at the

2024/07/0108:04:33 finance 1799
Reporters learned today (July 15) that the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, recently successfully issued the seventh batch of Jiangsu Provincial Government Bonds of 29.763 billion yuan in 2022 through public bidding at the  - DayDayNewsReporters learned today (July 15) that the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, recently successfully issued the seventh batch of Jiangsu Provincial Government Bonds of 29.763 billion yuan in 2022 through public bidding at the  - DayDayNews

reporters learned today (July 15) that recently, on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance successfully issued the seventh batch of Jiangsu Province bonds in 2022 at the Beijing headquarters of Central Government Bond Registration and Clearing Co., Ltd. Government bonds amounted to 29.763 billion yuan, all of which were new bonds. Among them, the winning interest rate for general bonds with a 3-year term of 1.2 billion yuan is 2.69%, the winning interest rate for a 10-year bond with a term of 12.4 billion yuan is 2.93%, and the winning interest rate for a 10-year urban construction special bond with a term of 16.163 billion yuan is 2.93%. So far, all new local government debt limits in Jiangsu Province this year have been successfully issued at the lowest bidding interest rate, with a total of 180.7 billion yuan in new bonds issued, including 26.2 billion yuan in general bonds and 154.5 billion yuan in special bonds. The average bond maturity is 13.2 years and the average interest rate is 3.08%. The new bond funds supported the construction of more than 1,600 public welfare projects across the province, driving effective investment of more than 1.1 trillion yuan.

Reporters learned today (July 15) that the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, recently successfully issued the seventh batch of Jiangsu Provincial Government Bonds of 29.763 billion yuan in 2022 through public bidding at the  - DayDayNews

Among the 3-year general bonds issued by this wholesale company, 600 million yuan was sold to individual and small and medium-sized institutional investors through the commercial bank counter market. Branches of 11 banks in Jiangsu including ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Ping An, and Industrial Bank undertook the sales of over-the-counter bonds. According to preliminary statistics, individual subscriptions accounted for more than 80%.

(Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television Media News Center/Guo Yi Editor/Guozheng)

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