Today's real-time exchange rate of RMB against New Taiwan Dollar (updated at 2016-04-21 07:07): Currency conversion 1 RMB = 4.9843 New Taiwan Dollar 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.2006 RMB RMB against New Taiwan Dollar Exchange Rate Chart (one week): April 21, 2016 The central parity ra

Today's exchange rate of RMB to New Taiwan Dollar real-time quotes (updated at 2016-04-21 07:07):

currency exchange

1 RMB = 4.9843 New Taiwan Dollar

1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.2006 RMB

RMB to New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

On April 21, 2016, the central parity rate of the New Taiwan dollar exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 RMB to NT$4.9843, and 100 RMB to NT$498.43.

Zhu Min said that from the data point of view, the service industry and consumption are growing strongly, the RMB exchange rate has stabilized, and the Chinese economy is showing signs of rebound, which shows that the Chinese government's economic stimulus policies are working. But he also believes that the stimulus should not be too large, otherwise this growth rate will be unsustainable.

The fall of the US dollar index is very beneficial to alleviating the pressure on domestic foreign exchange outflows. For example, the CFETS RMB exchange rate index at the end of March was 98.14, depreciating 1.50% from the end of February; the RMB exchange rate index referring to the BIS currency basket and SDR currency basket were 99.08 and 97.61 respectively, depreciating 1.96% and 0.63% from the end of February respectively.

and above RMB to New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate Relevant information about today's market is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the RMB to New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate trend, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel Daily financial reports.

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