566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,

2024/06/2909:31:32 education 1801

566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and hundreds of students took the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination, Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School achieved gratifying results. Not only is it very outstanding among vocational high schools, it is not inferior even when compared with some key high schools. Behind the dazzling college entrance examination results of Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School is the school's unique magic weapon: the cultural class performance is benchmarked against key middle schools, and it participates in the joint examination of multiple middle schools, allowing students to understand their position and gaps, stimulate learning motivation, and tailor-made for students Customized plan to improve shortcomings...Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School has explored a new way to improve teaching quality, which has been recognized by students and parents.

Vocational high school academic master:

The joint entrance examination can inspire us even more, and the teacher’s enhanced tutoring is very helpful

In this semester’s midterm and final exams, Ma Haotian and Feng Zhengxin, the first-year students majoring in Business English at Xi’an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, achieved excellent results. There are more than 600 students in the grade. Feng Zhengxin often ranks first in the grade, and Ma Haotian ranks in the top five. As top academic students at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, the two students keep up with each other and make continuous progress in their studies.

"Compared with a high school in the southern suburbs of Xi'an, my cultural class scores are in the middle range," Ma Haotian said. He realized his shortcomings through the joint entrance examination and made improvements. "The teacher conducted an academic analysis for everyone. I My English grammar is a bit weak. Every day after lunch, I go to the office of my English teacher, Dang Xiaofang. Twenty or thirty of our classmates study with Teacher Dang. The teacher tutors us one by one, including dictation and tutoring. It was very helpful. I got guidance on how to solve the questions and became more motivated to study," Ma Haotian said.

566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews

"In school, if you have any problems at any time, you can go to the teacher and the teacher will solve it on the spot, which is very good. Here, I don't get distracted in class and do some extra questions after class. Even if I get home on the weekend, I will I will do some questions and hope that my English score will improve in the next exam. My parents are also very satisfied with my performance." Ma Haotian revealed that his goal is Chang'an University .

Feng Zhengxin, who ranked first in grade in every exam, said that she has changed significantly since arriving at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School. "My former classmates were very surprised by my transformation. I had problems before. I don’t want to get to the bottom of it. I am working very hard now. My goal is to study at Xi’an International Studies University and study abroad in the future. I have a very fulfilling life and my parents are very satisfied with it.” The secret of teaching quality:

Assessment of the linkage effect between head teachers and substitute teachers

How does Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School steadily improve student performance? Principal Zhong Wei revealed the answer.

Zhong Wei has taught in a well-known public middle school in Xi'an for many years. He is also a senior teacher of middle school mathematics and has rich management and teaching experience. After coming to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, he served as the principal of Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, and insisted on taking over the job to teach mathematics classes to sophomore students majoring in art and painting. When there are many classes, he has to take 7 classes a week.

566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews

Principal Zhong said that after each mid-term and final exam, the school will do a quality analysis of all subjects. During the mid-term and final of this semester, students participated in the joint examination of more than 30 ordinary middle schools in Xi'an, and their results were good, and their parents also recognized them. .

He said that Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School began to take the middle school entrance examination two years ago, and has been tracking and comparing results with a key middle school. "In this way, students will have a reference and know what kind of situation they are in."

Principal Zhong said: "Teachers have monthly, semester and annual assessments in every aspect, from preparing lessons to attending classes and correcting homework. All teachers are required to prepare lessons two weeks in advance. The lesson plans pay more attention to timeliness, focusing on key points and after-class reflections. At the same time, the school requires each teacher to analyze the academic status of the subjects in as much detail as possible, supervise teachers to implement students' learning, and find students in a timely manner. identify the subject shortcomings and strengthen them.For example, tutoring students individually in their spare time and increasing their practice. "

This semester, the assessment work that Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School focuses on is: formulating corresponding baseline assessment indicators based on student test scores. For example, the Chinese baseline is 75 points, and the online rate is used as an indicator for the assessment of substitute teachers and class teachers. This is more Accurate and more effective.

"We hold regular teaching quality analysis meetings, make horizontal and vertical comparisons, identify problems, and formulate corresponding improvement measures. Find out the crux and ‘prescribe the right medicine’, requiring teachers to track every lesson, every assignment and every knowledge point. "

Parents' voice:

Datang is strict, and the child is just like in high school.

At Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, parents in each class will receive information about their children's school status every week. This work is mainly done by the head teacher. . The class teacher will give parents a summary of the student's situation in a timely manner, so that parents can keep abreast of their children's learning and various aspects of the school, as well as various activities carried out by the school.

Li Fenfen, Business English Class 1, Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School. The mother, Ms. Zhou, said: “The child’s class teacher, Teacher Qiang Huihui, often communicates with us about the child’s situation at school and is very responsible. The child is doing well in all aspects of school. The school is very good in terms of management and food.

566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews

Ms. Zhou said that in terms of home-school co-education, the teachers at Xi’an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School have done a great job. They communicate with parents every week. If there are any detailed problems, the head teacher will communicate with the parents alone, “Sometimes It is face-to-face communication, sometimes it is phone communication. In particular, the management of Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School has been very good. Over the past year, my son has changed a lot and has been making progress. He has grown up and become sensible and self-disciplined. He no longer needs to be reminded when he goes home to do his homework, and he often follows me. Talk about study and life. My child told me about the joint entrance examination and said that he was very focused on it every day in school. "My child is in Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, just like in an ordinary high school." Ms. Zhou said with satisfaction that her daughter is the class monitor in the class. As a parent, she supports her to serve everyone and train herself. This time, the child has made progress in the mid-term exam and is the leader of the class.

"My daughter told me that Teacher Qiang has recently changed her learning mode - encouraging us to ask questions to the teacher." Ms. Zhou said that her daughter's goal is to get into a medical school, and the whole family is interested in it. Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School is quite satisfactory in all aspects.

566 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination, and 100 students entered the first line! 500 students have reached the second level, and almost all students in the art class have passed the undergraduate level! In the 2022 college entrance examination,  - DayDayNews

Text | Geng Yanhong

Editor | Intern Cao Luhe

Review | Du Juan


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