Mr. Li (surname changed) from Hangzhou originally wanted his wife to travel to Thailand to relax while she was on vacation. He never expected that this overseas trip not only failed to relax, but also caused things that blocked her heart, which has caused her to this day. He was

2024/06/3016:43:32 hotcomm 1973

Mr. Li (surname changed) from Hangzhou originally wanted his wife to travel to Thailand to relax while she was on vacation. He never expected that this overseas trip not only failed to relax, but also caused things that have blocked her heart. It made him furious.

He complained to Qianjiang Evening News·Hour News: From October 12 to 17, his lover Ms. Zhang (surname changed) was forcibly molested and sexually harassed by the tour leader many times during the 6-day and 5-night trip of China International Travel Service in Thailand. After resisting, the leader stopped the assault. Afterwards, the lover told him and his friends that he had been molested by the leader.

1] Husband of the person involved: His wife was sexually harassed multiple times by the tour leader during a trip to Thailand

A Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter then contacted Mr. Li. He said that due to the impact of this incident, his wife was in a bad mood and could not be interviewed directly by reporters. He can speak on behalf of his lover about his lover's experiences.

Mr. Li and Ms. Zhang have been married for four or five years. Today in October, Ms. Zhang was on vacation and wanted to go to Thailand. She chose a tour group from China International Travel Service and quickly decided on the itinerary. “I didn’t have a vacation and couldn’t go with her. At that time, I also She joked: You signed up for a senior citizen group, and you are the only one under 30 years old in this group. "

On October 12, Ms. Zhang flew to Bangkok, Thailand, with the group members. No.

14 During the day, Ms. Zhang bought a ruby ​​jewelry. After sending it to Mr. Li, he thought it was not of much value, so he added the WeChat account of the team leader Yu to negotiate a return.

14, the tour group is in Pattaya . During the day, Ms. Zhang told Mr. Li that she wanted to visit the commercial streets and bars in Pattaya at night.

"I have reminded her before that when you go to Thailand, buy water to boil and drink, otherwise you will have diarrhea. I also know her alcohol capacity, and I told her what to pay attention to when drinking in Thailand. I reminded her to find someone to go with when going out. You can go with the group members. If that doesn't work, ask the tour leader to take her with her." Before setting off, he was relieved when he learned that his wife was being led by the group leader, but now that he thinks about it, what he regrets most is that he shouldn't have followed. My wife said, "You can ask the tour leader to take us with you." The abnormal situation of

began to appear that night.

23:04, Mr. Li saw a missed call from his wife on WeChat.

23:54, my wife sent a WeChat message and then withdrew it.

0:03, my wife sent a message saying that she was being bullied. But at that time, Mr. Li didn't take it seriously.

0:28, another message, but incomplete.

In the middle, Mr. Li sent a message to his wife and got a reply saying that she was playing pool and would take a rest when she was tired. Mr. Li also asked where she was.

0:54, Mr. Li sent a message to his wife saying that things will be busy soon.

1:16, sent message but no reply.

1:36, no one answered the call.

2:09, I got through the phone call. I could tell that my wife was a little drunk, but she was still conscious and knew that she was with the leader.

"I was feeling a little uncomfortable at the time. If you took my wife out, how could you make her drunk?" Mr. Li said.

Immediately at 2:10 in the morning, Mr. Li called the team leader and asked him to ensure that his wife was sent to the hotel.

2:45, the team leader sent a message saying that they were sent back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Mr. Li, who felt uncomfortable, reminded the team leader: "I don't want this to happen a second time. Also, please do your job well."

Mr. Li (surname changed) from Hangzhou originally wanted his wife to travel to Thailand to relax while she was on vacation. He never expected that this overseas trip not only failed to relax, but also caused things that blocked her heart, which has caused her to this day. He was  - DayDayNews

What made Mr. Li even more angry happened in October Early morning on the 16th.

When he called his wife at around 8 a.m. that morning, he vaguely felt that his wife was hiding something from him. At about 9 o'clock that day, my wife sent a message to the effect that I have no ability to protect myself. Then a screenshot sent by his wife made him furious.

That was a message sent by the team leader to his wife: "Can I go to your room after it's over? You're here, and I can't do anything, but I just want to hug you."

Mr. Li (surname changed) from Hangzhou originally wanted his wife to travel to Thailand to relax while she was on vacation. He never expected that this overseas trip not only failed to relax, but also caused things that blocked her heart, which has caused her to this day. He was  - DayDayNews

Then, the wife told Mr. Li that night When I went to a bar, I was forcefully kissed and hugged by the tour leader. On the way back, the tour leader acted dishonestly.

Mr. Li subsequently reported the situation to the travel agency, which promised to deal with the matter at that time. The team leader of

later apologized to Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li and expressed that he recognized the mistake.

Mr. Li (surname changed) from Hangzhou originally wanted his wife to travel to Thailand to relax while she was on vacation. He never expected that this overseas trip not only failed to relax, but also caused things that blocked her heart, which has caused her to this day. He was  - DayDayNews

On October 17, the tour group returned to Hangzhou. Based on the results of the previous discussion, the relevant leaders of the tour group, Mr. Li, and the team leader held discussions at Xiaoshan Airport.

According to a recording of an airport discussion provided by Mr. Li, the team leader did admit that he had kissed and hugged Ms. Zhang, "I kissed her and hugged her." However, the team leader believed that Ms. Zhang seduced her, "I think it was the default ". In the recording, Ms. Zhang said that she had refused these actions when going to the bar and returning to the hotel.

Subsequently, both parties called the police.

When the police were taking notes, Mr. Li learned that his wife had been harassed by the tour leader again during the day on October 15. On the bus, the tour leader tore off the shoulder straps of her overalls and was forcibly kissed. In addition, in the middle of the night, the team leader knocked on the door and wanted to enter his wife's room. "I will definitely seek an explanation for this matter. I hope the travel agency will apologize and fire Yu. Tour guides with such bad records should be disqualified."

2] Team leader involved: The woman did not refuse at the time, "My only The problem is the sentence "

" How did the team leader Yu respond to this incident?

reporter also contacted him.

Yu said that he entered the company in 2012, left for two years, and returned to work in the company in 2018. He said that he has currently suspended work and is cooperating with the corresponding investigation.

He also told reporters about the situation in Thailand. There were 18 people in the tour group. Nothing happened in Bangkok in the first two days. On the third day, during the day, Ms. Zhang bought a pendant in a jewelry store, and Yu had more contact with it. The tour group was staying in Pattaya in the evening. Ms. Zhang said she wanted to experience the atmosphere of the local bar, but was worried about her safety, so she asked Yu to take her to the bar.

Yu said that in his opinion, when a woman asks a man to go to a bar alone, it seems to be implying something, "She can ask a few more people. She asked me to go to the bar. I think she has that idea."

Yu also said that Ms. Zhang once told her husband before setting off that she would go out with the group leader.

It was already around 10pm when we arrived at the hotel that night. Yu said that after putting down his luggage and taking a shower, he set off with Ms. Zhang.

"I noticed that she sprayed perfume and walked out hand in hand after leaving the hotel at night." He said that he felt that Ms. Zhang was resisting at that time, but she did not break away. Afterwards, the two went to the beach.

Yu said that after holding her for more than 20 minutes, he began to tentatively kiss and hug Ms. Zhang, but found that "she was a little resistant and wanted to push me away, but her neck did not move to avoid it." Later, when Ms. Zhang started crying, he stopped and comforted her. He thought he had tried too quickly and scared her.

Yu said that Ms. Zhang did not ask to go back to the hotel, but the two still went to the bar hand in hand. Went to two bars one after another to drink and play billiards. At the second bar, Ms. Zhang drank half of her second bottle of wine, said she was tired, sat down and played with her mobile phone, and later drank the remaining half of the bottle. After resting on the roadside for a while, Ms. Zhang called her husband and said that she had drunk too much and was with the team leader.

After that, Yu took Ms. Zhang back to the hotel. On the way, "I hugged her and kissed her. She didn't refuse, didn't resist, and even responded." Later, Ms. Zhang entered her room and did not let her go. Yu entered. During the day on

15, Yu said that after other tourists got off the bus, Ms. Zhang told him that she didn’t want to get off the bus and wanted to take a rest. Yu did not get out of the car, but followed Ms. Zhang to her seat. "We kissed in the car, the kiss was quite passionate, we touched each other's breasts, and they touched each other's private parts through their pants." Yu said that what he said was true, and he could call the vehicle surveillance camera to testify. In addition, the driver was also in the car at the time, and he could also testify to see if it was consensual.

At night, Yu said that Ms. Zhang sent him a WeChat message and said, "She is here for her aunt's visit and she wants me to accompany her to buy sanitary napkins." Later, Yu, the tour guide and Ms. Zhang had supper and drank wine together in front of the hotel. "It must have been around 11 o'clock at night. Inexplicably, I sent her the message on WeChat. I wanted to enter her room and hug her, but she refused."Yu also said that he did knock on Ms. Zhang’s door on the night of October 15 and asked if he could go in, but was refused.

The reporter asked Yu whether Ms. Zhang had hinted at him in words or actions during the entire trip. Yu said that there was no clear hint, "Does it count if she smiles at me often?"

However, Yu After Ms. Zhang’s husband discovered this incident, he felt that there was something unreasonable in the matter: If the relationship between the couple was very good, why would Ms. Zhang go to the bar alone with him? When they were at the airport, I felt that Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li didn't behave like a couple. "I now suspect that they are making false confessions. What they say is embellished and untrue. In addition, they have asked for compensation. I think they are suspected of being a fairy."

Yu said that now he also has two points to express: "First, what I did was wrong. After all, they are husband and wife, and I am willing to apologize for ruining their relationship. I have apologized to them before, and I can apologize again if necessary. Second, follow-up I will not contact them personally, the company will contact them. The follow-up results have not been determined yet. I hope to keep the matter low-key."

3] Travel agency: We are currently cooperating with the corresponding investigation.

Regarding the statement of the tour leader Yu, Mr. Li said that he and his wife had a good relationship and there was no unpleasantness before they went out to play.

Regarding Yu's statement about holding hands after leaving the hotel, Mr. Li said: "My wife made it clear that she did not, and this is obviously a slander about holding hands."

Why did they go to the beach and then go to a bar together? Mr. Li said: "My wife didn't even know how to get back to the hotel, not even the hotel. At the same time, Yu pretended not to answer her suggestion of going back to the hotel. Instead, he said that now that it was out, he still wanted to see the bar street in Pattaya. Yes. My wife's idea at the time was that it would be safer to go to Bar Street instead of the beach. Since my wife was not good at English and Thai, she could only go with her temporarily, which was when she was there. In Bar Street, she called me and sent me WeChat messages after she started to feel more at ease. "

As for telling the tour leader about his aunt and going to buy sanitary napkins, Mr. Li said: "This is a method of protection that I have taught my wife, especially. When I was away from home, she happened to come to my aunt and asked me where to buy auntie towels. I said there should be one at the 711 convenience store. If you can't find it, ask the tour leader. "

Mr. Li said that it was because of the reason on the bus. I was so sleepy that my wife didn’t want to get out of the car. She told the tour guide that she wouldn’t go to the show and took a nap. When she knew it, Yu had already approached her and started to take action: "My wife is really too simple for her age. This is related to her growing up and living environment. Whether it is the workplace or her family, it is very simple. She has no fuss or calculations, and has relatively little experience in social life. Sometimes when you get along with her, you will feel like an older child."

Manager Li, the person in charge of the Hangzhou branch of China International Travel Service where Yu works, said that the company received the call. After Mr. Li complained, feedback was given to him. Previously, it had been dealing with the issue of returning gemstones purchased by Ms. Zhang. After receiving complaints about misconduct by the team leader, the company also learned about it.

From what we know, there were indeed kisses and hugs between the team leader and Ms. Zhang. On October 17, after the tour group returned to Hangzhou, the two parties met at the airport. Judging from the circumstances of the meeting, the team leader admitted that he hugged Ms. Zhang on the way to the bar. Ms. Zhang reported that the team leader even kissed her. The team leader said that Ms. Zhang did not resist, and the two parties went to two more bars.

Manager Li said: "As a travel agency, we definitely have the problem of poor management of the team leader. We have also made it clear that we will definitely fire him. After all, as the team leader, this should not happen to him. As for what Mr. Li raised We also agreed to the request to refund the tour fee, and also handled the refund of rubies at the airport. Mr. Li and others also raised the issue of compensation, but they refused to say how much they would pay at the moment. Our travel agency will cooperate with the corresponding investigation. "

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News reporter learned that the dispute is currently being investigated by the Fuyang Chengnan Police Station.However, because the incident occurred overseas, it is difficult to obtain evidence, and there are inconsistencies in the testimony of both parties, the police are still collecting relevant evidence for further investigation.

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