Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it.

2024/07/0202:29:33 hotcomm 1270

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. Strong noodles, rich soup, fresh beef and various fresh vegetables, perhaps Qikai has already surpassed the meaning of food to us. It is a taste of hometown, the warmth of hometown, the call of hometown

Lanxi II on the tip of the tongue: Qingshijing next to the No. 2 Middle School. To put it bluntly, this restaurant is really here for fried beef. The beef grains with a burnt flavor have a rich texture. The hand-thrown ramen is certainly chewy, but unfortunately the noodles and soup are separated, and there is no harmonious blending ~ a fly in the ointment!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi San on the Tip of the Tongue: The fried noodles at Heping Restaurant, I can only say that the fried noodles at Lanxi are so delicious and greedy! The fried noodles are thoroughly fried and the handmade noodles are fully integrated into the embrace of the wok. Served with fragrant sausages and tender greens, just sprinkle with a little chopped green onion, it is delicious!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Si on the tip of the tongue: Shuisuo Fen should be the favorite of many Lanxi people.

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. Strong noodles, rich soup, fresh beef and various fresh vegetables, perhaps Qikai has already surpassed the meaning of food to us. It is a taste of hometown, the warmth of hometown, the call of hometown

Lanxi II on the tip of the tongue: Qingshijing next to the No. 2 Middle School. To put it bluntly, this restaurant is really here for fried beef. The beef grains with a burnt flavor have a rich texture. The hand-thrown ramen is certainly chewy, but unfortunately the noodles and soup are separated, and there is no harmonious blending ~ a fly in the ointment!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi San on the Tip of the Tongue: The fried noodles at Heping Restaurant, I can only say that the fried noodles at Lanxi are so delicious and greedy! The fried noodles are thoroughly fried and the handmade noodles are fully integrated into the embrace of the wok. Served with fragrant sausages and tender greens, just sprinkle with a little chopped green onion, it is delicious!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Si on the tip of the tongue: Shuisuo Fen should be the favorite of many Lanxi people.Simple and refreshing dry thick rice noodles, paired with rich soybean paste, it is delicious! Mix it evenly and it will be smooth to the end!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Five on the Tip of the Tongue: Ningbo is famous for its glutinous rice dumplings, but they are sweet~ I still like Lanxi’s salty glutinous rice balls, especially the dried winter bamboo shoots and tofu. The picture is one of the top ten glutinous rice dumplings in Lanxi on Heping Road and The beef noodles at the noodle shop next door are surprisingly delicious for even the most ordinary noodle shop! The standard of Lanxi beef noodles is so high!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Six on the Tip of the Tongue: Chicken Cake is also a famous Lanxi snack. I prefer Lao Lin’s, with crispy dough, juicy meatloaf and fresh green onions. Most importantly, it is served with white porridge and a plate. The side dishes you can top up as you like will satisfy your appetite!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lan Xi Qi on the Tip of the Tongue: Now that we have mentioned rice cakes, I have to say that the most popular vegetable rice cakes (rice cakes with dried plums) at Daai’s Lanjiang Building are so good! The boss didn't have time to do it, so he had to queue up every time he went! The three-yuan Chinese cabbage cake, as soon as you bite into it, the gravy flows out from the mouth, and the unique aroma of the Chinese cabbage hits your nostrils! The most ordinary ingredients can produce the most delicious food!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxiba on the tip of the tongue: My favorite breakfast Tianjin steamed buns makes its debut! I don’t know why our ancestors named it Tianjin Baozi. It’s clearly unique to Lanxi. It is unique in the world and dominates the martial arts! The thin dough is boiled in a large oil pan and pan-fried on both sides. The first bite is a bit tough, but then the softness of the inner dough can’t wait to pull the perfect combination of meat filling and spring onion, presenting you with the peak enjoyment of taste! The absolute winner is the pan-fried pan-fried dish where you can’t see any meat when you bite into it!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Jiu on the tip of the tongue: I still firmly believe that Lanxi’s pancakes and fried dough sticks are a perfect match! Different from the thin round pancakes in Hangzhou, Ningbo and other places, Lanxi’s pancakes are thick and warm in nature, tenderly embracing the perfectly fried dough sticks and fragrant! My favorite is the meat flatbread. When it is taken out of the oven, it will be sizzling with oil and fragrant! Another bowl of salty soy milk, um... Needless to say, there is no need to say more.

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Ten on the Tip of the Tongue: Dear Lanxi friends, crystal cake! ! ! Pure starch is fired, cooled, shaped, cut into pieces, pure ice water is added, pure white sugar is sprinkled, and a little bit of peppermint oil is added, oh my God! How could there be such a pure, pure and delicious cold drink? Lanxi Shuininggua’s unique magical skill~~~

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Eleven on the Tip of the Tongue: There are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the pedestrian street. Do you still remember the fried tofu dumplings at the entrance of Juren Primary School? Be sure to eat it while it's hot, the tofu is so tender that its juices flow out, and it's so fragrant! The simple tofu is wrapped in some diced meat, which stimulates the original taste of the meat and is exciting!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twelve on the Tip of the Tongue: Lanxi’s noodles really put Hangzhou’s scallion noodles on the sidelines! Let’s see what noodles are. The delicious knife-cut noodles can be scooped up easily. Minced mustard, diced celery, dried radish, pickles, peanuts... you can’t think of it, but you can’t find it! After adding all the toppings you love, feel free to add as much as you like! Finally, pour two tablespoons of sauce and mix! Damn it, why are you so upset? !

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Thirteen on the tip of the tongue: the highly requested scallion pancake! Since I prefer digging vegetable cakes, I don’t have a separate photo of the scallion pancakes! This boss is the very popular boss hiding behind Lanjiang Building, everyone, look out for it! Look at the eager eyes of the kid next to you, and you will know that the delicious food will not disappoint you! Don’t live up to the kindness!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Shishi on the Tip of the Tongue: The glutinous rice cake in the pedestrian street is a small stall next to the pharmacy. My aunt has been doing it for more than ten years, and it is only available in the afternoon. There are two types: white sugar sesame and bean paste. I recommend the white sugar sesame one. As soon as you bite into it, the hot white sugar melts into the glutinous rice, making you feel hot. The sweet fragrance of the glutinous rice and white sugar immediately fills your body along the esophagus!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Fifteen on the Tip of the Tongue: Bearded BBQ! ! ! How can we forget Big Beard, the most unappetizing late-night snack spot in Lanxi! From roadside stalls to shops, what remains unchanged is the boss's signature beard and delicious barbecue. The barbecue in other places uses soy sauce, but Lanxi uses slightly sweet noodle sauce and various meats. Seafood and fresh vegetables are placed on the iron rack with various seasoning powders. At the end, a few brushes of sauce are applied. Wow, is it tempting?

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Sixteen on the Tip of the Tongue: Jinhua Bone stew is famous far and wide, and Lanxi’s black fish stew tastes particularly good! A large basin of snakeheaded fish comes up, which is very eye-catching. It is cooked slowly on the bottom. The tender and sweet fish fillets and the sour, spicy and refreshing pickles are constantly impacting and merging, and the taste is getting stronger and stronger! You can add all kinds of toppings you like after you fish fillets. It’s really a double surprise and enjoyment of pickled fish and hot pot! The key point is to eat and drink in the open air around a low table.

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews


Lanxi Seventeen on the Tip of the Tongue: Tofu Soup Shake (Tofu Glutinous Rice Balls)! This is a delicate job. The old tofu is tightly wrapped around the center of the only meat grain. It is rolled and rolled in a round bowl full of starch. It is shaken and shaken until it becomes a tofu soup. It is gently slid into the bowl. The large piece of fatty meat is stewed in an iron pot, and it is ready to be served by turning it slightly.The appearance is smooth and crystal clear, and the taste is delicate. When I was a child, I always liked to hold it in my mouth for a while. Is there anyone else who feels the wonderful outer wall?

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Shiba on the tip of the tongue: You Feimodou! Haha, fried steamed buns too! When I was a kid, I liked to sandwich stinky tofu and fried rice cakes with a spoonful of hot sauce, oh! The oil is sizzling and fragrant, and it only costs one yuan a cup~ Now it is still sold at the entrance of New Century, and the price must have gone up. The picture in the picture is the pocket version eaten in the Manjiang Red Hotel, or the regular version that is exciting and unrestrained!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Nineteen on the Tip of the Tongue: Sanxian Noodle House on Fuqian Road. Here we highly recommend Lanxi’s Zhajiang Noodles. Not like Beijing Zhajiang Noodles! one! Sample! This is by no means an ordinary sauce, more like "sua fangan", a kind of soup! Dear Lanxi, you understand! Various side dishes are stir-fried, thickened with starch, poured on the noodles, stirred and can’t wait to put it into your mouth! There is a noodle shop next to Qikai whose fried noodles are absolutely top-notch


Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty on the Tip of the Tongue: Steamed Buns with Braised Pork! A model couple! Never give up! It is also the highlight of various wedding banquets and New Year celebrations. Generally, serving this dish means that the meal can almost be "rested". The local steamed buns have a very good texture and will bounce between your teeth when you bite them. Paired with the crispy and soft braised pork, it is absolutely easy to make one!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-one on the tip of the tongue: torture! It is the famous meatball in the world. I like the one stuffed with radish and meat, and there are also the ones stuffed with tofu and meat, etc. The radish and meat balls are mixed with starch and then stirred again. The flavors are completely integrated, and they are unevenly shaped by hand. Ball shape, steamed and then taken out of the cage, inserted with a chopstick, the whole thing is full of elasticity

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanqing Chicken Cake is also the benchmark model of Lanxi cuisine in many people's minds. Here is a picture to satisfy everyone's cravings. On Renmin Road, Jinhua Bank Just walk in. ~It is also a big legend of Lanxi snacks!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-two on the tip of the tongue: Shaowo~ It’s called vegetarian buns in Mandarin~ Wrap the tofu skin with stuffing and fry on both sides! Although it is also made in other places, Lanxi's unique soup-soaked greens give Lanxi Shaowo its unique taste. It is fresh and refreshing. Don't forget to dip it in hot sauce! Soaked green tofu stuffing, shredded pumpkin stuffing, dried winter bamboo shoots and tofu stuffing, celery and diced pork stuffing...there are countless, which one do you like?

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-Three on the Tip of the Tongue: Muwu Loquat! Local products of Lanxi~ It has been on the market recently. The yellow loquat is original and slightly sour, and the white loquat is small in size and full of sweetness! Everyone has their own merits, feel free to do whatever you want! In a while, Lanxi Dongkui Yangmei, who is as big as a ping pong, will come to see you again.

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

The appearance is smooth and crystal clear, and the taste is delicate. When I was a child, I always liked to hold it in my mouth for a while. Is there anyone else who feels the wonderful outer wall?

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Shiba on the tip of the tongue: You Feimodou! Haha, fried steamed buns too! When I was a kid, I liked to sandwich stinky tofu and fried rice cakes with a spoonful of hot sauce, oh! The oil is sizzling and fragrant, and it only costs one yuan a cup~ Now it is still sold at the entrance of New Century, and the price must have gone up. The picture in the picture is the pocket version eaten in the Manjiang Red Hotel, or the regular version that is exciting and unrestrained!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Nineteen on the Tip of the Tongue: Sanxian Noodle House on Fuqian Road. Here we highly recommend Lanxi’s Zhajiang Noodles. Not like Beijing Zhajiang Noodles! one! Sample! This is by no means an ordinary sauce, more like "sua fangan", a kind of soup! Dear Lanxi, you understand! Various side dishes are stir-fried, thickened with starch, poured on the noodles, stirred and can’t wait to put it into your mouth! There is a noodle shop next to Qikai whose fried noodles are absolutely top-notch


Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty on the Tip of the Tongue: Steamed Buns with Braised Pork! A model couple! Never give up! It is also the highlight of various wedding banquets and New Year celebrations. Generally, serving this dish means that the meal can almost be "rested". The local steamed buns have a very good texture and will bounce between your teeth when you bite them. Paired with the crispy and soft braised pork, it is absolutely easy to make one!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-one on the tip of the tongue: torture! It is the famous meatball in the world. I like the one stuffed with radish and meat, and there are also the ones stuffed with tofu and meat, etc. The radish and meat balls are mixed with starch and then stirred again. The flavors are completely integrated, and they are unevenly shaped by hand. Ball shape, steamed and then taken out of the cage, inserted with a chopstick, the whole thing is full of elasticity

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanqing Chicken Cake is also the benchmark model of Lanxi cuisine in many people's minds. Here is a picture to satisfy everyone's cravings. On Renmin Road, Jinhua Bank Just walk in. ~It is also a big legend of Lanxi snacks!

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-two on the tip of the tongue: Shaowo~ It’s called vegetarian buns in Mandarin~ Wrap the tofu skin with stuffing and fry on both sides! Although it is also made in other places, Lanxi's unique soup-soaked greens give Lanxi Shaowo its unique taste. It is fresh and refreshing. Don't forget to dip it in hot sauce! Soaked green tofu stuffing, shredded pumpkin stuffing, dried winter bamboo shoots and tofu stuffing, celery and diced pork stuffing...there are countless, which one do you like?

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

Lanxi Twenty-Three on the Tip of the Tongue: Muwu Loquat! Local products of Lanxi~ It has been on the market recently. The yellow loquat is original and slightly sour, and the white loquat is small in size and full of sweetness! Everyone has their own merits, feel free to do whatever you want! In a while, Lanxi Dongkui Yangmei, who is as big as a ping pong, will come to see you again.

Lan Xiyi on the tip of the tongue: The legendary Qikai beef noodles, although the taste is not as good as before, it always attracts us to revisit it. - DayDayNews

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