Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo

2024/07/0202:31:33 hotcomm 1336

Recently, The Paper published a piece of news about the proposed #Chaoshan Three Cities Merger#, which triggered heated discussions among many netizens. The Guangdong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs also made the latest response to this issue: "Strategic research will be strengthened!"

Many Chaoshan netizens said: Because of their strong sense of cultural belonging, most people support the merger of the three cities of Chaoshan! Of course, there are many different voices.

Many foreign partners may now be wondering, which are the three cities in Chaoshan? Why are they separated? Why merge again? Today we will take you to find out~

Which are the three cities in Chaoshan?

Let’s start with a non-prize question: What cities are there in Chaoshan? There is still a lot of controversy about the definition of Chaoshan. Chaoshan has three meanings: Chaoshan in the narrow sense, Chaoshan in the broad sense, and Chaoshan in history, all of which refer to this area in eastern Guangdong.

Chaoshan in the narrow sense refers to today's three prefecture-level cities of Chaozhou, Shantou, and Jieyang, referred to as Chaoshan.

Chaoshan in a broad sense should be added with Shanwei City , which is called the four cities of Chaoshan.

The history of Chaoshan is wider, Meizhou City , Huizhou City and parts of Zhangzhou City in Fujian Province were once part of us.

In 1983, the State Council established Shanwei City (based on Haifeng County and Lufeng County ), so in the 1980s, there were only Shantou City and Shanwei City in the Chaoshan area.

Until December 7, 1991, the State Council divided the original administrative divisions of Shantou City into three, establishing three prefecture-level cities of Shantou, Chaozhou, and Jieyang.

Since then, the "three pillars" pattern of Chaoshan and Shantou has been formally formed.

#Shantou City# - "Wenzhou of Guangdong" and "Seaside Zoulu"

It is the only city in mainland China with an inland sea. It is one of the first special economic zones in China to open to the outside world. It has two special economic zones and an overseas Chinese economic and cultural cooperation pilot zone. Level functional area, it is now the sub-central city of Guangdong Province.

#Chaozhou City# - "Porcelain Capital of the World" and "Millennium Ancient City"

is a national historical and cultural city and an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture. It is also the cultural center of eastern Guangdong region and an 'Excellent Tourism City in China' Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "if you don't get the tide in Guangzhou, your trip will be in vain."

#Jieyang City# - "Asian Jade Capital" and "Hometown of Hardware"

It is named after one of the Five Ridges of Qinxu. It is famous for its dazzling landscape and humanities. It covers an area nearly the combined area of ​​Chaozhou and Shantou. , is well-known at home and abroad as the "Jade Capital of Asia", and 90% of the country's medium and high-end jadeite products come from here.

Shantou City, Chaozhou City, and Jieyang City have a common identity. They are all the birthplaces of Chaoshan culture . They are all ancient towns in eastern Guangdong, and they are all Chaoshan people.

Speaking of Chaoshan people, it is inevitable to think of Chaoshan dialect . After all, if you want to understand a city, you must start with the language. Chaoshan is surrounded by mountains on three sides and is physically isolated from the outside world. The closed environment has allowed Chaoshan people to retain intact "Tang Dynasty spoken language" . Even the Cantonese and Hakka in Guangdong cannot understand the Chaoshan dialect at all.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan dialect is the oldest and most unique dialect in the country today. It belongs to the Hokkien language family, one of the eight major Chinese dialect families, and is commonly known as "Hoklo dialect".

is very different from other languages ​​because it retains more of the ancient sounds, words, and meanings of than .

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

via: Hailufeng Abo

As the saying goes: "There is no sound in three miles, and no tune in ten miles" , in Chaoshan area (also including Shanwei in a broad sense), the accents in different places are also very different, so sometimes it is obvious Both are Chaoshan people, but they can't understand each other's Chaoshan dialect.

There are three major rivers in Chaoshan, namely Hanjiang, Rongjiang and Rongjiang. Chaoshan dialect is also divided into three language families accordingly, so the old man said, "Eat water and talk," which makes sense.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan dialect has Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews tones, , and its own dictionary . If you want to learn it, you don’t know where to start. After all, each one is considered to be the "most authentic" of .

It doesn’t matter if you can’t learn the difficult Chaoshan dialect. We can still feel the different customs and customs in Chaoshan culture.

Chaoshan CultureChaoshan Love

Chaoshan people are very good at making money

Chaoshan people are very good at doing business. They have a well-known title outside the country-"Oriental Jews".

"I would rather sleep on the floor, but also be the boss", Many Chaoshan people have been instilled with this idea since they were young. Some people have to help their family store and do business when they are teenagers, and they have learned the skills of doing business early.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

They dare to fight and break through, just like the Chaoshan proverb says "Three animals dare to eat, and spike balls dare to trip" . As long as they make money, they are not afraid of any hardship.

Therefore Chaoshan people also have many well-known figures , such as the former richest man in Asia Li Ka-shing , Tencent CEO Ma Huateng , Gome founder Huang Guangyu, TCL President Li Dongsheng, Chinese traditional culture master Rao Zongyi ...

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan people cannot live without tea

Chaoshan people love to drink Kung Fu tea . The locals call tea "tea rice", as if this is more important than eating. No matter how many people there are, one bowl and three cups are used. After drinking, the cups are scalded with boiling water. The locals call it "Shinuá Shao Kanghang".

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

The way of making tea is also very particular.

The canner shuttles between the three teacups, which is called "Guan Gong's inspection of the city" . When the water is almost gone, a shake of the hand and a drop of water are called "Han Xin points his troops" .

This is a classic trick in Chaoshan Gongfu Tea. At the end, you have to add: "Please, sip the tea!" This is considered to be the infusion of soul.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Making good tea is a must-have skill, and it is also the basic threshold for becoming a son-in-law. If you don’t make it well, your elders will definitely tell you: "Oh, the purple tea in Lu Chong tea is bad, just go to the inner tea to make tea." Son-in-law? "

Master bless you

In Chaoshan, every village has its own "Master's Palace", and every household has a shrine to facilitate worship at any time. On the first and fifteenth day of every month, we have to worship the landlord of the family, as well as the God of Heaven, Buddha, Guanyin, the God of Earth, the God of Wealth, the Moon God, the Door God, the ancestors, etc., which are collectively referred to as "worshiping the master".

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

During the New Year and festivals, the young and middle-aged people in the village will carry the gods invited from the temple to the village and alleys, and accept the people's respects. This is called "Welcome to the Master".

At that time, the streets were full of young people running around holding the statues of gods. The adults and children watching the excitement and the fireworks and firecrackers that exploded into the sky were the most lively.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

So when encountering difficult things, Chaoshan people will say "I will protect my number" . master talisman is also something that every Chaoshan girl will carry with her when she goes out.

Rather than saying that they are superstitious, it is better to say that is a belief and a cultural inheritance.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews


The coming-of-age ceremony for Chaoshan children is "coming out of the garden"

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, children who are over 15 years old have to "come out of the garden" . This is the coming-of-age ceremony in Chaoshan area.

Not only must three sacrifices of fruits be prepared to bid farewell to the parents-in-law, the child must also wear new red clothes, wear wooden clogs, wear pomegranate flowers on the head, and finally bite the chicken head to show that the child has grown up.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan girls " hold up their faces "

During important festivals such as Chinese New Year, going out to the garden, and getting married, girls will find some lucky old people in the village to help them "roll up their faces" and use threads to tie the forehead and temples. The hair was shaved off and curved crescent eyebrows were formed.

However, with the development of the times, fewer and fewer people save face, and there are not many old people who can save face.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews


Unique wedding customs "


Chaoshan weddings focus on clear matchmaking and formal engagement. The more consistent formulations and etiquette are: marriage proposal, marriage, engagement, betrothal, request for a date, welcoming the bride, Commonly known as the "six rites".

Welcoming the bride at midnight is the biggest feature of Chaoshan weddings. This is the inheritance of ancient customs in Chaoshan area.There are many steps before and after welcoming the bride. Wash the flowers with water, share the rice, eat half a bowl of rice, make the bed, make five bowls of tea, and serve sweet tea... Every step is also very particular.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan, a holy place for eating, drinking and having fun

For a real foodie, Chaoshan is a place that must be visited. There are so many delicious things that I would have to write 12 books to cover them all.


Countless delicacies


Shantou Ye Mi

Speaking of Chaoshan Ye Mi, it always reminds people of the bustle of the old city of Shantou in the middle of the night. As the saying goes, "a bowl of white rice has three thousand side dishes", fish rice, brine bowl, raw pickled shrimp, raw pickled crab, raw pickled snow clam, preserved vegetable egg... Chaoshan people can make light white porridge Eat to the extreme.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Grilled Oysters

Grilled oysters that are fried on both sides until golden brown. The oyster meat inside remains tender and plump, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It is even more delicious when dipped in fish sauce.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Hand-beaten beef balls

Chaoshan hand-beaten beef balls are a little rough and not as uniform as machine-beating. The texture is elastic and tough, and the meat is particularly juicy.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

In Chaoshan hot pot restaurants and Chaoshan soup noodle restaurants, you will usually have authentic hand-beaten beef balls. As soon as you eat them, you will know that they are different from those mixed with "moisture".

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan Rice Noodles

Chaoshan Rice Noodles It is not a rice noodle, the Rice Noodles are smooth and refreshing, not so elastic, and do not stick together, and the rice flavor is very

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

For a good soup rice cake, the soup base must be boiled with beef bones. Come out and eat it with sand tea sauce , it tastes amazing.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

There are two types of beef fried rice noodles: dry stir-fried and wet stir-fried . When I was in college, I would always order a portion of Chaoshan casserole porridge with kale and beef. There was no need to order extra vegetables for two people to eat.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan Beef Hot Pot

A pot of beef bone soup that has been simmered for several hours, a few pieces of corn, radish, is the bottom of the Chaoshan Beef Hot Pot. This clear soup can maintain the tenderness and fragrance of the beef to the greatest extent!

A pot of beef bone soup that has been simmered for several hours, a few pieces of corn, and radishes is the bottom of the Chaoshan beef hot pot. Only with this clear soup can the tenderness and fragrance of the beef be maintained to the greatest extent!

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan people are very particular about what they eat. There are 20+ kinds of beef alone, including three-flowered toes, five-flowered toes, hanging dragons, tender meat, breast oil... There are so many s that I can’t even name them. .

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan Rice rolls

After eating Chaoshan rice rolls, I realized that rice rolls can be so rich! Bean sprouts, vegetables, meat, eggs, and finally the soul - preserved vegetables , which is very satisfying.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan also has a sweet rice roll with peanut butter . Not everyone can accept it. It is relatively niche and can usually be eaten locally.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan Shaved Ice

Shaved ice is the base, is topped with fresh fruits, red beans, taro puree , coconut, Qingxin pills and other toppings, and then topped with sweet sauce . It is so rich and refreshing to have a bowl in the summer.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Duck Mother Noodles

Duck Mother Noodles are glutinous rice flour glutinous rice balls with fillings. I have eaten them once in Chaoshan before. They have a variety of fillings such as mung beans, red beans, and taro paste..

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Cake with roasted sweet potato and taro

Cake with roasted sweet potato and taro is a special dessert snack in the Chaoshan area. It is wrapped with a thin layer of sugar coating and tastes sweet and waxy..

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Various kinds of rice cakes

Chaoshan people can make N kinds of tricks out of a kind of delicacy. For example, rice cakes include: red peach cake, rat shell cake, garden cake, saltwater cake, rice-free cake, horse cake... can be steamed, cooked or fried.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewsRecently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNewshtmm L3

擂 擂 l l l l l l 擂 擂 擂 擂 擂 擂 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l, peanuts, sesame, mung beans, salt, tea, etc. It's ready to go with a few side dishes.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Licorice fruit

Licorice fruit is a common street delicacy in Chaoshan. There are more than a dozen kinds of seasonal fresh fruits to choose from. You have to buy a bag every time you go shopping. They are sweet and sour and very appetizing.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews


Endless beautiful scenery


Chaoshan is not only delicious, the natural scenery is also touching. It has a strong humanistic feeling and shows the beauty of another side of Chaoshan.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

viaShenzhen Excellent Life

Han River

Hanjiang is a mother river and hometown river that has nurtured thousands of Hakkas and Chaoshan people in eastern Guangdong. The scenery is so beautiful that it can be used as a computer wallpaper.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Guangji Bridge

If you can’t reach the bridge when the tide comes, it’s all in vain. Guangji Bridge is one of the four ancient bridges in China. It has witnessed the rise and fall of Chaozhou for hundreds of years. The pavilions and pavilions on the bridge can be used to take photos of ancient charm.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Nan'ao Island

Nan'ao Island Some people call it the most beautiful island in Guangdong. It has a beautiful beach with clear water and fine sand. Many people go here when visiting Chaoshan.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Shantou University

Shantou University is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with elegant architectural style. It is known as the "flower of university architecture". Friends who go to school here will have a strong sense of happiness.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

via School of Journalism, Shantou University


De'anli is the largest existing group of giant mansion-style buildings in Chaoshan area. You can feel the tranquility of the ancient village here.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan Stone Fort Park

Chaoshan Stone Fort Park is a place full of historical and cultural monuments. It is not very quiet inside, with a slight sense of vicissitudes of life.

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan is a region that pays attention to humanities. You will find that in addition to the sea, most of them are scenic spots with strong historical atmosphere.

Chen Cihuang's former residence, Qing'ao Bay, Huanghua Mountain, General Military Mansion, Southern Song Dynasty ancient well, Prince Tower ruins... If you really want to visit them all, you have to prepare a pair of diamond legs!

Recently, a piece of news published by The Paper about the proposed #ChaoshanThree Cities Merger# sparked heated discussions among many netizens. It is a national historical and cultural city, an important birthplace of Chaozhou culture, and the cultural center of eastern Guangdo - DayDayNews

Chaoshan people think that no one understands Chaoshan dialect outside their homes. In fact, Chaoshan people are everywhere . No matter where you go, as long as you say "love others", there will definitely be a large number of compatriots helping each other. After all, Chaoshan people are really powerful when they unite!

Shantou, Chaojie and Jieyang are geographically similar, have similar languages, and have the same culture.. If merged, it can promote the reasonable flow of various production factors within the region and give full play to the economic and social agglomeration effect. However, they can retain their differences. It is also a kind of difference in beauty.

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