2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti

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2019-04-08 11:07 | Zhejiang News Client | Correspondent Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

In the bright spring, we went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture

Following the rhythm of March 3, 4 On March 7, tourists from the urban area and surrounding counties and cities gathered in Ruoyang in the name of tea, enjoying the magnificent scenery of more than 4,000 acres of tea gardens, tasting the fragrance of high mountain cloud tea, and celebrating "flowers full of flowers Wucheng ·happiness" Life” Leisure Culture Tourism Year and the first Tea Culture Tourism Festival of Ruoyang Township.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Tea picking in the mountains and clouds

Yingtou Village, Ruoyang Township Jiulong Mountain More than 900 meters above sea level, towering into the clouds, surrounded by thousands of acres of tea gardens, the long fragrance of tea is refreshing. 100 tea-picking experts from 10 square formations in Ruoyang Township set up their formations and set off a tea-picking competition.

Zheng Aizhu, a 50-year-old villager in Zhouwu Village, introduced to Xiaobu while picking tea that her family has three or four acres of tea gardens. The tea gardens accompanied her when she grew up, got married, and had children, and witnessed her youth. She said, Good water and good people in Yangshan are better. I believe more and more people will like Ruoyang tea.

Ruoyang tea is famous for its emerald green color, long-lasting fragrance, sweet taste and beautiful shape. After years of exploration and hard work, more than 4,000 acres of tea gardens in the township are now glowing with new vitality under the clarion call of "Wucheng is full of flowers".

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Hakka style and delicious food

In the Qintan Village of Ruoyang, which is crowded with tourists, the Hakka delicacies along the way are fragrant and make people salivate.

The refreshing sweet-scented osmanthus cake and the soft thousand-layer cake are the favorites of many children; the green Qingming Cake and the fragrant rice dumplings are sweet or salty and refreshing after one bite; the Hakka people have passed down from generation to generation. The salt-braised tofu has a fragrant aroma and is suitable for all ages; the fat and thin meatballs, crystal clear, are still steaming just after being taken out of the cage, so cute; the soft, cotton-like, smooth and delicate mochi, there is nothing to eat. Taboo. The rich variety of Hakka snacks on the food street arouses the taste buds of the bustling tourists.

Come to Ruoyang Qintan Village to taste Hakka special snacks and experience the unique Hakka customs. Walking in the woods, lying down and listening to the sound of the stream, and enjoying a leisurely time away from the world is also a kind of fun!

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

A group of heroes compete for the king of fried tea

html On the afternoon of April 7, in the Nankengkou Tea Trading Market under the bright sun, gongs and drums were beating and colorful flags were flying. The tea frying competition of Ruoyang Township's first tea culture tourism festival was in full swing. 20 contestants were in full swing. Compete on the tea frying skills on site to compete for this year's "Tea Fried King". At the

activity site, dozens of woks were gathered in a circle, and competition tools such as electronic scales, trays, dustpans, and gloves were all available. The contestants were in groups of two and used the methods of "grasping, shaking, building, stretching, pressing, pushing, Traditional techniques such as buckling, throwing, grinding and pressing are used to learn skills on the spot in a special boiler for tea frying. Two hours passed. As the finished tea leaves came out of the pot one after another, each group of contestants framed the dried tea that was hand-fried on site according to their respective lottery numbers. At the same time, they competed to diagnose defects in flat green tea processing technology. The judges scored the tea leaves based on the finishing method, degree of finishing, spreading, rolling, color, aroma, etc. Teams from 10 surrounding villages competed fiercely for the first, second, third and encouragement prizes for the team.

It is understood that the purpose of this competition is to further enhance the brand awareness of Ruoyang tea, so as to achieve the results of industrial enrichment and encourage generations of tea frying masters to pass on the tea making craft and carry it forward.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Cycling and hiking in the romantic spring scenery

The blue sky is like washing, and the spring scenery is picturesque. Among the layers of green waves, teams wearing professional sportswear and equipped with professional equipment are particularly eye-catching, adding infinite vitality to the rolling green mountains.

100 bicycle enthusiasts from Jinhua Municipal Cycling Association stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the city and rode freely in the thousand-acre tea garden. They walked from the Qin Tan, the "No. 1 Hakka Village in East China", from the tea factory with rumbling machines in Nankengkou, from the tourist trail in Chayuan Village surrounded by mountains and rivers, and from the crystal clear road along Yanxi. Walked by the creek.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

A cross-country race Lohas Nanshan people

html On the morning of April 7, the "East China Cup" 2019 China Landscape Four Events - Jinhua Nanshan Cross-Country Race kicked off at Xianyuan Lake Resort, Andi Town. Cross-country racing enthusiasts from all over the country come here to experience the fun in the competition.

At the event site, traditional Jinhua snacks and special intangible cultural heritage items added color to the competition, allowing tourists to feel the charm and style of traditional culture while watching the event.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Beautiful scenery on the track

At seven o'clock in the morning, cross-country race enthusiasts gathered on the sports field of Xianyuan Lake Experimental Primary School in Andi Town. They came from all walks of life to welcome this Nanshan cross-country race that coexists with fun and challenges.

At 7:30 in the morning, after an instruction, the cross-country race officially started. Athletes on the track put on their equipment, took steps, and ran towards the mountain road. Spectators on both sides of the track also picked up their cameras to record the figures of the athletes, looking forward to meeting each other at the finish line.

"Come on, come on, pull up the banner." Amid the excited cheers of the audience, Luo Weipeng, the champion of the 18km experience race, jumped across the finish line in two hours and seventeen minutes. He said that this experience was very rewarding. In addition to exercising and making friends, it also allowed him to see a different scenery on the track.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

The intangible cultural heritage project has come up with "new ideas"

"Wuzhou kiln, tie-dye, woodcut prints, brown weaving , movable type printing". The intangible cultural heritage collection on the side of the main stage of the Nanshan Cross-Country Race attracted tourists and competitors to come and experience it, adding some interesting and humanistic fragrance to the cross-country race that tests physical endurance.

Teacher Wen from Heju Cultural and Creative Studio in Yantou Village is explaining the history and craftsmanship of tie-dying, and instructing the surrounding experiencers to make tie-dye by themselves.

Teacher Wen said that they are developing peripheral cultural and creative products to promote tie-dying, so as to inherit and promote the intangible cultural heritage.

Zhu Mingsheng, the person in charge of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Center who was on-site as an interpreter of woodcut prints and Wuzhou Kiln, also said that in addition to adding interest to the competition, intangible cultural and creative products can also be launched on the market, collect feedback, continuously improve, and go out. The path to self-sufficient development.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

The taste of home on the tip of the tongue

The translucent green Guanyin tofu, the crispy rice dumplings sprinkled with chili noodles, the red and white croquettes, the elastic and sweet noodle... Jinhua traditional snacks here are all available. The adults in the audience held the children's hands and ate snacks with the taste of childhood together. They gave thumbs up and praised, "This is the old taste of Jinhua."

Chen Liming, the fifth generation successor of Xu Genrong pastry, said that Xu Genrong pastry aims to inherit the traditional taste of Jinhua and has made some optimizations and improvements in the old-fashioned production technology. Chen Liming also said that she not only took over the pastry brand "Xu Genrong" from her father-in-law, but also learned the spirit of ingenuity from the older generation and shouldered the burden and responsibility of inheriting traditional snacks. "Today, Xu Genrong's traditional pastries have been rated as district-level intangible cultural heritage. Next, we will work more steadily, continue to grow bigger and stronger, and march toward the selection of municipal-level intangible cultural heritage."

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Love is a marathon

in In front of the booth of the "East China Cup" cross-country race, before the race started, a group of women wearing red kimonos attracted the attention of many spectators. It turned out that these were seven newly married couples who signed up to participate in the cross-country race and experienced the charm of sports through the "Newcomers Run". Ms. An, one of the "newcomers" of

, feels that cross-country marathon is very similar to love. She has experienced hardships, setbacks, patience and boredom, leading to the finish line and enjoying the joy of victory. Ms. An also dated her husband for three years, and there were quarrels during the period. However, they finally ended their long-distance relationship and got married not long ago.

It is reported that several other couples have also experienced long-distance love. "Newcomer" Xiaoye said that he hopes that through this competition, the couple can help each other in their future lives.

2019-04-0811:07|Zhejiang News Client|Correspondents Ma Xiaofen, Liang Yawei, Bao Hengyi, Wang Xinyu, Su Xiaojie, Chen Jun, Li Haibin, Zhang Hanfeng, went to a fragrant appointment with Ruoyang tea culture. March 3rd, April 7th , tourists from the urban area and surrounding counti - DayDayNews

Huayang Tapsik welcomes guests

"Good mountains, good water and good scenery", everyone who has been to Tapsik will leave such a good reputation.The trees are lush, the springs are gurgling, and the smoke is curling up... On Qingming Festival, after working in the city for a long time, come to Tap Seac to enjoy nature, let go of the full life, and the anxiety will be swept away.

This year’s Tap Seac Food Festival still focuses on the local “eating culture”. On the corridor, Qingming rice dumplings, fried rice dumplings, glutinous rice dumplings, mille-feuille cakes, mochi and fried tofu all appeared. The villagers used local bamboo shoots, soybeans and other raw materials to embody the "color, aroma and taste" of the snacks in the southwestern mountainous areas. Got to be just right.

Not far away, sugar paintings, aluminum weaving, brown weaving, artistic calligraphy, and dough-making figures attract the attention of tourists. The sugar painting booth was crowded with people, and adults and children basically all had one in their hands; aluminum rings, pendants, bicycles, umbrellas... each child had one in their hand; the brown woven animals were lifelike, and the on-site weaving was amazing.

At the same time, Tap Sik Township also innovated new ideas for development, relying on the advantages of the beautiful ecological environment to develop a new photography economy. By uniting with photo studios, photography enthusiasts, wedding car rental companies, and wedding celebration companies, a wedding party event was organized and filmed in Tap Sik. Wedding photos, portraits, experience Tap Seac wedding customs, and launch of travel photography spots to attract more travel photography visitors and increase rural economic income.

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