After several rounds of heavy blows, China’s insurance market continues to clear risks and continues to advance its strong transformation, which will surely promote the high-quality development of China’s insurance industry.

2024/06/3007:01:32 hotcomm 1321

In 2018, the economic situation at home and abroad was complex and changeable, with constant "thunders". After several rounds of heavy blows, China’s insurance market continues to clear risks and continues to advance its strong transformation, which will surely promote the high-quality development of China’s insurance industry.

In order to commend the efforts and contributions of insurance institutions, insurers and insurance entrepreneurs in promoting the transformation and development process of China’s insurance industry, the key national news website "" and the cutting-edge insurance media "Today Insurance" jointly launched the "2018 China Ding" "Insurance Industry Selection", based on the principles of objectivity, fairness and transparency, conducts a large-scale professional review of the domestic insurance industry. The final selection results will be announced at the "2018 China Insurance Transformation and Development Summit Forum" held on December 27, 2018, and a grand award ceremony will be held. The award results will also be displayed on's "2018 China Insurance Transformation and Development Summit Forum" and " China Ding Insurance Industry Awards Ceremony" in the special topic.

Hetai Life Insurance received the opening approval from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on January 23, 2017, and has been established for two years. This Chinese-funded life insurance company settled in Shandong and carries the Tencent pedigree and Internet genes. In the two years since its opening, its online and offline channels have blossomed. It has developed and filed more than 20 products and served more than 2 million customers. After achieving a premium of 150 million yuan in one year, the premium scale in the first three quarters of 2018 exceeded 620 million yuan.

Backed by shareholder Tencent’s nearly 1 billion WeChat active users, 800 million QQ active users, as well as channel, technology and other advantages, Hotai Life’s number of insured users exceeded 600,000 within five days of its opening, and it quickly completed the accumulation of one million users , achieving a goal that traditional life insurance companies would take several years to achieve. Based on this,

was shortlisted for the "New Insurance Company of the Year" award at the 2018 "China Ding Insurance Industry Awards Ceremony".

(Editor: Guo Weiying)

After several rounds of heavy blows, China’s insurance market continues to clear risks and continues to advance its strong transformation, which will surely promote the high-quality development of China’s insurance industry. - DayDayNews

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