She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor.

2024/07/0204:52:33 hotcomm 1897

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

In today's entertainment industry, Angelababy is undoubtedly a goddess-like existence. She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitive qualities required by an actor. She made a gorgeous transition from model to actor through the movie "Love in the City". After experience in many film and television works, she has formed a distinct personal style and is familiar and loved by more and more audiences.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Angelababy’s real name is Yang Ying. She was born in Shanghai in February 1989. She rose to prominence in Hong Kong as a fashion model. Her success is largely due to her continuous breakthrough. In 2011, she played the leading role for the first time in the romance film " Summer Fun ". Later, she starred or participated in works such as "The First Time", "Detective Dee: The Dragon King of the Dragon King", " Han Love: Yunzhongge ", etc. Her performance in the variety show ", let's run, brothers " is also remarkable. Her sweet appearance and natural and cheerful personality have won her many fans. In 2015, Angelababy won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 33rd Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards for her adventure film "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Secret of the Dragon".

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

In May 2015, Angelababy married her "godfather" Huang Xiaoming who is 12 years older than herself. This year, the costume drama "Lonely Love" starring Angelababy won the national TV drama ratings championship for the same time period. In fact, Angelababy found out that she was pregnant just before the filming of "Lonely Love" began. During the filming period, she endured high temperatures and intense heat, and a working environment where black and white were reversed for 138 consecutive days, which put her in danger.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

finally gave birth to his son " Little Sponge " in Hong Kong on the morning of January 17, 2017. "The Little Sponge " was also released this year. But while Angelababy is balancing family and career, no one knows the hardships she puts in behind the scenes.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Things have to start from the beginning. It was in April 2016, when Angelababy was about to join the set of "A Little Girl", she suddenly felt nauseous. After a checkup, she unexpectedly discovered that she was pregnant. She should have a good rest after being pregnant, but she has already agreed to star in "Lonely Love", and the contract stipulates that her role on the crew will be filmed for 4 months. The labor intensity of filming is not ordinary! What should she do?

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Moreover, Huang Xiaoming is 12 years older than her. He got married later and had children later. Seeing that he was going to be a father, he had extremely high expectations for this child. What if something happened to him? On the one hand, there is career, on the other hand, family, which puts Angelababy in a difficult position. Huang Xiaoming also valued this child very much, so he asked Angelababy to terminate the contract with the crew and have the baby at home. But Angelababy looked worried: "But I don't want to terminate the contract, I can still film while pregnant with the child!"

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Huang Xiaoming was very annoyed. He was lucky enough to be a father only in middle age, and he really didn't want his wife to take any risks. But after thinking about it, my wife's decision was reasonable, because the temporary breach of contract would be a huge loss to the crew and actors. Besides, children are indeed important, but a wife’s career also needs to be taken care of. After thinking about this, Huang Xiaoming was ready to apologize to his wife, but they both said "I'm sorry" at the same time.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Because while Huang Xiaoming was introspecting, Angelababy was also thinking about herself. "Lonely Fragrance Does Not Admire Yourself" tells the story of Chu Beijie, the invincible King of Zhenbei of the Jin Kingdom, and the unparalleled "Female Zhuge" of the Yan Kingdom in a troubled world with frequent wars and uncertain divisions and unions Bai Pingting love story between.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Yang Ying plays the role of the female Zhuge "Bai Pingting" in the play. There are a lot of fighting, horse riding, hanging wires and other scenes in the play, which are indeed full of dangers for her who is pregnant! Xiaoming did it for her own good, she couldn't let her beloved worry about her anymore!

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

She agreed to quit the crew for the sake of her children. His wife's profound justice made Huang Xiaoming feel hot in his heart: This is the woman he loves! Strong and independent yet always considerate.But the more this happens, the less he can bear to confine her with love: he wants to stand side by side with his wife and challenge this difficult moment together!

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

After in-depth communication with Huang Xiaoming and consultation with an obstetrician and gynecologist, the couple believed that Angelababy was still young and in good health. As long as she paid more attention during filming, she should be fine. In the end, the couple decided that Angelababy would join the crew to film! Because the fetus in her belly was not yet pregnant at that time, she could film the movie with her baby in her belly! In April 2016, Angelababy joined the crew to film under Huang Xiaoming's instructions.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

The filming process was not easy at all, and was even full of tests for Angelababy. For example, when filming a horse riding scene, she needed to jump on the horse and then gallop on the horse. This action is simple to say but not easy to do. If it doesn't work once, it has to be shot repeatedly, sometimes dozens of times a day, but Angelababy always takes the trouble and is meticulous. Even the director felt sorry for her after watching it.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

This is not to mention, because it is midsummer, the temperature of the shooting studio is sometimes as high as 45℃ under the scorching sun. Angelababy, who was already two months pregnant at the time, suffered from severe morning sickness and had to wear thick costumes. She almost fainted several times.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Once, Huang Xiaoming visited the crew when Angelababy was filming a scene in the main hall. Due to the needs of the plot, she needs to run from the steps to the hall and then be whipped. Although the actors were very careful, every whip was really slapped on Angelababy's body, making her sweat profusely after a while. The whip hit his wife, but it hurt Huang Xiaoming’s heart!

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

After the show, the "leader" couldn't help but blame his wife for working too hard. But at this time, Angelababy had no way out, because a one-day suspension of filming would cause great losses to the crew. She could only grit her teeth and hold on to the photo with her growing belly.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Every time after the show, Angelababy would habitually stroke her belly to say sorry to the baby in her belly. When she was nearly three months pregnant, Angelababy had to film a scene on the roof. As soon as she stood on the roof, she became dizzy and couldn't even remember her lines. She filmed it more than ten times and still couldn't get it right. Angelababy suddenly felt the baby in her belly kicking her, as if to encourage her. In an instant, Angelababy, who was originally afraid of heights, suddenly calmed down and finished filming this scene, which was the most difficult for her, calmly!

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Finally, after 138 days of arduous filming, "Lonely Love Does Not Admire Yourself" was finally completed. Huang Xiaoming took both parents together to drive Angelababy home. Prenatal examination showed that the fetus in Angelababy's belly was very healthy and normal. On January 2, 2017, "Lonely Beauty Don't Admire Yourself" was officially broadcast on Mango Channel. Netizens commented that Angelababy played the smart and intelligent Bai Pingting vividly. She is no longer the young model with no acting skills in the past. This historical masterpiece, regarded as a phenomenon by the industry, won the ratings championship as soon as it was aired.

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

Angelababy, who was lying in labor at St. Mary's Hospital in Hong Kong, was even more excited when she learned that she could achieve such good results. On January 17, 2017, Angelababy gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 5.6 pounds naturally in Hong Kong, named "Little Sponge". She has completed a woman's most sacred contribution, and at the same time, she has also achieved a gorgeous transformation into a powerful actor. All of this stems from her tenacity and persistence, and is also inseparable from the care and encouragement of "Huang Leader"!

She is beautiful in appearance and well-spoken. Although she has not received professional acting training, she is able to let go when performing and has the sensitivity required by an actor. - DayDayNews

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