To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements?

2024/07/0123:33:32 hotcomm 1458

subsidizes enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidizes enterprises’ policy losses, and reduces enterprises’ rent burdens. @urban transportation enterprise, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look. What are the requirements?

To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements? - DayDayNews

Subsidies for enterprise epidemic prevention costs

To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements? - DayDayNews

Subsidy objects

Passenger terminals of level 2 or above that are registered and established within the urban area of ​​ Quzhou ( Kecheng District , Qujiang District, Green Industry Cluster Area, Smart New City) and have independent legal person qualifications, Freight stations, regulated road freight enterprises with more than 20 trucks (inclusive), road passenger transport enterprises, taxi enterprises (agency agencies), urban public transportation, express logistics and other transportation enterprises.

Subsidy period and standards

Subsidy recipients who have resumed work or have not stopped working during the first-level response to the epidemic prevention and control, second-level response (from January 23, 2020 to March 22, 2020 ) period, a 50% subsidy will be provided for epidemic prevention expenses.

Application materials

1. Transportation enterprise epidemic prevention cost subsidy application form;

2. Road transportation business license;

3. List of epidemic prevention materials, including material category, purchase time, material purpose, price and quantity;

4. Purchase invoice within the subsidy period.

Subsidize enterprises for policy losses

To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements? - DayDayNews

Subsidy objects

Urban buses, rural passenger transport, and intercity passenger transport that are registered and established within the urban area of ​​Quzhou (Kecheng District, Qujiang District, green industry cluster area, smart new city) and have independent legal person status , inter-county passenger transport enterprises.

Subsidy period and standards

Operating losses of bus companies are included in annual cost regulations; Quzhou urban rural road passenger transport enterprises are approved based on the 2018 operating costs per kilometer audited and investigated from February 16 to March 1 The total cost of operating mileage will be calculated and a 50% subsidy will be provided; if the actual passenger occupancy rate of intercity and intercounty passenger transport enterprises from February 18 to February 26, 2020 is less than 50%, the vehicle will be provided with a subsidy of 50% after verification. The local government of the place of residence subsidizes up to 50%. If it exceeds (inclusive) 50%, the subsidy will no longer be included. Shuttle buses that do not sell tickets online are not included in the subsidy.

Except for passenger terminals, after passenger load factor subsidies, enterprises will no longer be subsidized for epidemic prevention expenses.

Application materials

1. Transportation enterprise policy loss subsidy application form;

2. Road transportation operating license;

3. Intercity and intercounty passenger transport must provide approved daily reports of shuttle bus actual load, operating income and other information.

Reduce the rent burden of enterprises

To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements? - DayDayNews

Subsidy objects

are registered and established within the urban area of ​​Quzhou (Kecheng District, Qujiang District, green industry cluster area, smart new city) and have independent legal person status, and will be with the freight station before January 23, 2020 Logistics enterprises that sign a lease contract on-site and have a rental voucher before March 1, 2020, move into a licensed freight station and register and obtain a road transport operation license at the place of operation.

Subsidy period and 50% of one month's rent during the standard

lease period.

application materials

1. Logistics enterprise rental subsidy application form;

2. Road transport business license;

3. Lease agreement and rental voucher signed between the logistics enterprise and the freight station.

Application Time

The start and end time for application for transportation enterprise resumption policy subsidies is July 7 to August 7, 2020. Overdue applications will not be accepted. All transportation enterprises shall apply online through the Quzhou Municipal Government Enterprise Platform within the application period (offline applications will no longer be accepted) (click on the "read original text" in the lower left corner of the article to open the Government Enterprise Platform).

Recognize the following QR code to view the original document

To subsidize enterprises’ epidemic prevention expenses, subsidize enterprises’ policy losses, and reduce their rent burden, @urban transportation enterprises, applications for epidemic prevention subsidies are about to begin~ Let’s take a look, what are the requirements? - DayDayNews

Warm reminder

If the superiors of

have corresponding policies or other policies, you can enjoy it according to the principle of non-duplication and high-end (or high-end to make up for the difference).

consultation hotline: Freight business: Li Kang, 0570-3059282.

Passenger transport business: Zheng Xiangrui, 0570-3089625.

Taxi service: Tong Qingsheng, 0570-3033133.

Source: Municipal Transportation Bureau

Text: Mei Xinran

Editor: Wang Xujiao

Review: Wang Xiaodong

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