Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud

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text/British Investor

Public account ID: BuyLondon

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review are:

  • The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that the first new crown life-saving drug was discovered
  • During the blockade of online classes, one in five British Primary school students should study for no more than one hour a day
  • New vaccine news, another local British company participates in the production of Oxford vaccine
  • British media pay attention to new vaccine developments in China
  • The government adopts the Manchester United star's suggestion to continue to provide free lunches to poor children during holidays
  • Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews-meter social distance regulations It has caused huge controversy in the UK
  • The UK is expected to reach a bilateral free trade agreement with the EU before the end of July
  • British cinemas are about to reopen, and film shooting will resume in July
  • The United States has relaxed restrictions on Chinese airlines, will the UK follow suit
  • British trade in China The envoy said: Relations with China will continue to be clearly prioritized

Let’s look at the data first.

The UK today reported 8 new confirmed cases and 7233 new deaths (in hospital + outside the hospital), with a total of 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and a total of 741,969 deaths. The UK reported 7113,107 new tests today.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

The British Prime Minister announced the discovery of a life-saving drug for the new coronavirus. What did he say at today’s epidemic press conference?

Today's epidemic briefing was hosted by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and attended by the government's chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance and Oxford University professor Peter Horby.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

The British Prime Minister announced today that British researchers have discovered that a synthetic steroid, dexamethasone , can help save the lives of COVID-19 patients.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

As a long-acting glucocorticoid, this drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, anti-allergic, anti-shock, immunosuppressive and other effects.

For severe COVID-19 patients who require ventilator treatment, it can reduce the mortality rate by 35%, and for patients who only need supplemental oxygen, it can reduce the mortality rate by 20%. For patients with mild symptoms and patients who do not require assisted breathing, this drug can not so useful.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

British researchers said they conducted a large, rigorous test of the treatment for COVID-19, randomly assigning 2,104 patients to take dexamethasone and comparing it with 4,321 patients who received only conventional treatment.

The study results showed that the drug could save 1 out of every 8 patients on a ventilator. For those patients who are treated with oxygen, approximately one in 20-25 patients can be saved with medication.

In fact, the reason why the Prime Minister brought Professor Peter Hobby from Oxford University today is because this drug was tested by the Oxford University School of Pharmacy.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

As one of the leaders of this study, Peter Hobby also said at the press conference today:

"This is a gratifying result. The dexamethasone trial held in the UK is one of the largest clinical trials in the world. One, the discovery of dexamethasone is remarkable, and 75% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 can now benefit from this drug.

For those patients who are seriously ill and require oxygen for treatment, (the drug brings) The survival rate is very significant, so dexamethasone should become the standard treatment for these patients.

Moreover, dexamethasone is very cheap, and it only costs about £40 to treat eight severe COVID-19 patients (£5 per person). , available on shelves and can be used immediately to save lives around the world.”

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Prime Minister Boris also said that he was very proud of the breakthrough made by the British team of scientists, and now the NHS has sufficient supply of the drug to even cope with the epidemic. The outbreak of the second wave of epidemic.

Sir Patrick Vallance emphasized that this drug cannot prevent people from contracting the new coronavirus or preventing the disease from getting worse, so it is still very important to maintain social distance.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

In addition to the official announcement of the role of dexamethasone, today's epidemic press conference also talked about the following:

Regarding the further unblocking of the UK this week, Boris, who hosted today's press conference, said that he was happy to see shops reopening, and some students Being able to return to school. He also wants to tell all parents who are unwilling to send their children back to school that there is no reason for their children to miss the education they should receive.

According to British media analysis, the reason why Boris said this was actually in response to the latest survey report published by University College London (UCL), expressing that the government is working hard and everyone should cooperate. This survey by

UCL pointed out that there are about 2 million primary school students in the UK who study online for no more than one hour a day during the school closure period. This proportion accounts for one-fifth of the total primary school students in the UK.

Even if all British primary school children are counted, data shows that they only studied for two and a half hours a day during the lockdown.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Then, Boris once again stated that he understood people's desire to shorten social distance and promised to make every effort to return people's lives to normal as soon as possible.

However, the unblocking process must be cautious and step-by-step. The government may relax some unblocking measures again before July 4.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Next, Boris focused on answering questions from the public and the media. The summary is as follows:

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews. When can the NHS officially use dexamethasone? Why is dexamethasone drug banned from export?

Answer: Doctors can prescribe this medicine to patients starting today. As for the second question, Boris said he didn’t know and found it strange. He promised to investigate whether it was on the export ban list, and if so, find out why.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews. Will the British government encourage the families of those who died from COVID-19 and allow the government to conduct more detailed autopsy studies? Also, will the government consider establishing air bridges with France and Spain?

Answer: Research on COVID-19 is crucial, and sometimes more detailed autopsies are indeed needed on COVID-19 victims. As for the issue of establishing air bridges, the government stated that people will be able to communicate freely with France and Spain in the future.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews. How does the government explain Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford said that he has not spoken to Boris for three weeks?

Answer: The British central government has worked extensively with leaders from all regions of the UK, and Boris hopes to speak to Mark Drakeford as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Boris also praised those volunteers from Cardiff who volunteered to take part in the clinical trial against dexamethasone.

Next is the data analysis:

  • As of the week of June 5, the Office for National Statistics reported a total of 51,804 deaths related to the new crown. In comparison, the number of deaths from COVID-19 reported by the British Ministry of Health is 40,261.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

  • The UK’s seven-day infection moving average is still moving lower.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

  • The UK seven-day moving average is also falling.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

  • The number of hospitalizations in England continues to decline, with only 385 ICU beds currently occupied by COVID-19 patients.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

  • The number of hospital admissions continues to fall across the UK.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Another local company is involved in the production of the Oxford vaccine

Today, the British biopharmaceutical company Cobra Biologics said that it has signed an agreement with AstraZeneca to jointly produce the Oxford vaccine, and hopes to deliver the first batch to the British government in September this year vaccine.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Back in May, Cobra Biologics' CEO said the company might be preparing to produce a million doses of the vaccine per month, and that Cobra Biologics would remain involved with Oxford even after the University's deal with AstraZeneca Vaccine production at the university.A statement from

showed that Cobra Biologics will work with AstraZeneca and other vaccine production organizations to produce the Oxford vaccine so that the vaccine can be mass-produced as soon as possible.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

According to the latest reports, AstraZeneca CEO Pascal said today that they believe the Oxford vaccine can provide about a year of protection.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

British media pay attention to the latest progress of Chinese vaccines

In addition to reporting on British vaccine news, the British media also paid attention to the new progress of Chinese vaccines today.

Reuters: China's new coronavirus vaccine human trial results are optimistic

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

British " Daily Express ": (China) New Crown Vaccine Breakthrough: The experimental vaccine can produce antibodies

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

According to reports, on June 16, Sinopharm China Biotechnology Wuhan Institute of Biological Products The blind review and phased unblinding meetings of the Phase I/II clinical trials of the developed inactivated COVID-19 vaccine were held simultaneously in Beijing and Henan.

The unblinded results showed that the vaccine was safe and effective after vaccination. All subjects in the vaccinated group produced high-titer antibodies. In the 18-59-year-old group, the medium dose was neutralized after two doses according to the schedule of 0, 14 days and 0, 21 days. The antibody positive conversion rate reached 97.6%, and the positive conversion rate of neutralizing antibodies after two doses of vaccination according to the 0 and 28-day procedure reached 100%.

At the same time, China Biotech is actively promoting overseas cooperation in phase III clinical trials and has confirmed cooperation intentions with companies and institutions in many countries.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

The British government adopted the Manchester United star's proposal to provide free lunches to poor children during holidays

The British government announced today that it will continue to provide free school lunches to poor families during the summer and launch a 120 million pound voucher for disadvantaged teenagers during the epidemic. Voucher plan.

This voucher scheme allows poor families to receive vouchers worth £15 per week during the six-week summer vacation, which can be used in supermarkets.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

In fact, the British government previously had a policy of providing free lunches to poor children during school. Today's new policy is equivalent to extending the free lunches and allowing poor children to eat during the summer vacation.

Manchester United star Rashford , who launched the call, issued an open letter to all MPs yesterday, hoping that they would support the government's plan to continue providing free lunches to 200,000 poor students this summer.

Rashford said that he spent his childhood on free lunches, so he will not give up his efforts to continue fighting for it now.

Regarding the government agreeing to his proposal, Rashford wrote on Twitter:

I am so excited that I don’t know what to say. Look at what we can do if we unite together. This is England. What it should look like in 2020.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

html The 72-meter social distance rule has caused huge controversy in the UK.

After the British Prime Minister announced yesterday that the 2-meter social distance will not be relaxed in the short term, it immediately caused huge controversy in the UK.

On the one hand, those who support the rapid relaxation of the 2-meter social distance rule say that if the 2-meter social distance is not relaxed, 3.5 million jobs will be at risk of unemployment, and the number of people receiving benefits has soared by 125.9%.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Two Oxford University scientists, Professor Henigan and Professor Jefferson, also said that the requirement to maintain a two-meter social distance is not supported by scientific evidence and asked the British government to revoke this requirement.

Scotland The University of Dundee also pointed out that there is no evidence that keeping a distance of two meters is safer than keeping a distance of one meter.

But on the other hand, Chief Medical Officer Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Vallance requested that the 2-meter social distance be continued.

Professor Whitty believes that as long as the epidemic continues to spread in the UK, rules such as maintaining a 2-meter social distance, washing hands frequently, and using masks in closed places should continue to exist.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Michael Tildesley, an infectious disease scientist at the University of Warwick, also believes that if the social distance of 2 meters is shortened, there may be a risk of triggering a second epidemic.

The government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) also firmly maintains the current regulations. They believe that the vaccine has not yet been developed and the infection rate of COVID-19 remains high in the UK, so the two-meter social distance cannot be relaxed at this time. Regulation.

According to British media analysis, the reason why most scientists are so persistent is because even if the government says to keep 2 meters apart, everyone will still shorten the distance on their own. But if you change it to 1 meter, everyone may not keep the distance.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

The British Prime Minister revealed that a bilateral free trade agreement with the EU can be reached as soon as the end of July this year.

European Commission President von der Leyen held an hour-long video conference with Boris yesterday and expressed that the EU is willing to reach an agreement with the UK. A compromise.

British Prime Minister Boris and the head of the European Union also promised to inject new impetus into the trade negotiations between the two sides. Boris even hinted that it is possible to reach an agreement in July if "works harder".

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Boris said, "I think actually we are not very far away, but what we need now is to negotiate more intensively,"

"The faster we move, the better the results will be, and we see no reason not to complete the agreement in July." .

In this regard, British officials said that although the negotiations between the two sides have reached a deadlock, yesterday’s video conference has improved the atmosphere, and Germany will take over the EU presidency next month, so the Prime Minister also hopes that German Chancellor Merkel will come by then. Can act as a mediator to help the UK and the EU reach a compromise.

An EU diplomat said that although there are plans to speed up negotiations, significant progress is unlikely to be made before the summer, and the UK may be "trying to do something" at the last minute, just like when the UK reached a Brexit deal at the buzzer last year. Same.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

British cinemas are about to reopen, and film shooting will resume work simultaneously

Today, British cinema Cineworld announced that it will reopen on July 10.
Judging from the announcement, in addition to maintaining necessary social distance and cleaning, cinemas will provide contactless payment and staggered times to ease the flow of people.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

According to the latest reports, "Jurassic World 3" will resume filming at Forest Studios in the UK on July 6, becoming the first Hollywood blockbuster to resume production in the UK. This news has been confirmed by Universal Pictures staff.

It is reported that Universal Pictures has signed an agreement to spend an additional US$5 million on COVID-19 detection and protection. All staff and actors will undergo relevant testing before returning to work, and will be tested repeatedly during filming.

Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

Safety measures for filming will include:

  • Entrusting private medical institutions to manage the safety needs of the entire filming and providing epidemic prevention training for all actors and staff. There will also be a medical room and isolation room on the set.
  • Set up 150 hand washing points.
  • installed more than 1,800 safety reminder signs around Pinewood Studios.
  • Everyone, except actors who are filming, must wear masks at all times.
  • Once symptoms appear, they will be immediately sent back to the isolation point for self-isolation.
  • In addition, Robert Pattinson version of "Batman" is also expected to resume filming on July 6. The filming and shooting locations of the film include London, England, and Scotland.

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Follow-up to the BLM black affirmative action incident:

    • Oxford University decided today to allow students affected by the black incident to delay the submission of homework and postpone the exam time, and said it would add books about British colonial history to the reading list

    • More than 100 black writers in the UK, Including Booker Prize winners Bernardine Evaristo, Benjamin Zephaniah and Malorie Blackman, they have called on all major British publishing houses to carry out comprehensive reforms, hoping that this industry, which has an overwhelming majority of white people, will be more inclusive. The Black Writers Guild recommends that publishers share more information about black writers and hire more black people in editorial, marketing and art roles. The open letter also pointed out that there are no black people on the boards of large publishing houses, which is unacceptable in 2020, so the open letter asked publishers to solve this problem as soon as possible. Additionally, the association is calling on publishers to invest funds in awards specifically targeting black writer talent. He also suggested establishing a system where stakeholders could raise concerns about senior management in the publishing industry directly.

    • British Prime Minister Boris announced on Sunday the establishment of a Commission on Racial and Ethnic Minority Gap to investigate the current racial discrimination problems in British society. However, Mirza, the head of the policy team of the Prime Minister's Office who is responsible for this work, denied that there is "institutional racial discrimination" in British society, and criticized previous surveys on racial issues that ultimately only created a "culture of grievance."

    The United States has relaxed restrictions on Chinese airlines, allowing four flights to and from the United States per week.

    The U.S. Department of Transportation said today that it will relax the number of flights to the United States by Chinese airlines and will allow four flights per week to and from the United States. Effective immediately.

    The U.S. Department of Transportation statement mentioned that on June 12, the Civil Aviation Administration of China informed the U.S. Department of Transportation that, in accordance with a provision in its June 4 notice, it would allow Delta Air Lines and United Airlines to apply to resume scheduled passenger services. The airline operates two flights each week.

    The new British Trade Envoy to China stated that relations with China will continue to be clearly prioritized

    British Trade Envoy to China Wu Qiaowen said in an interview today that the relationship between the UK and China will continue to be clearly prioritized, and China is actually There are many areas where expertise and good practice can be shared to help the UK achieve its vision of a Global Britain.

    He is also ambitious about the UK's trade and investment partnership with China. He said, "We hope to work with China to increase trade and investment flows, improve market access, and establish common aspirations for future relations."

    He specifically pointed out that the lessons learned from the COVID-19 epidemic in the past few months are that global cooperation Collaboration is more important than ever.

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Regarding the British epidemic, the following information is worthy of attention in the past 24 hours:

    • London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced today that starting from next week, the congestion charge (congestion charge) into London will rise to 15 pounds per day.
    • The British government announced that it will formally merge the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department for International Development. The Department of International Development was previously responsible for foreign aid. This move means that the United Kingdom will cut its foreign aid funding.
    • Affected by the epidemic, the Jane Austen Museum in Chorton, Hampshire, England (also the former home of Jane Austen), may be forced to close permanently at the end of this year. An appeal is being made for donations to ensure the museum can continue running into the future.
    • Former British Prime Minister Cameron is still continuing to promote the establishment of a Sino-British investment fund worth US$1 billion.

    *Attached is the epidemic chart updated on June 16, including the growth and regional distribution of cases in the UK.

    The trend of new deaths reported daily in the UK (in the past three months), the red dotted line is the daily moving average

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The real daily death trend in hospitals in England is as follows, the orange is today’s supplementary report

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Trend chart of the number of confirmed cases in England

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Confirmed patients in England Age and gender distribution chart

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Cumulative deaths in the UK, single-day new death trend

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Distribution of confirmed diagnoses in England, UK

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Comparison chart of confirmed diagnosis trends in England

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Specific regional distribution of confirmed diagnoses in the UK updated on June 16

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Every 100,000 in all regions of the country Distribution of confirmed cases of people (from high to low)

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Scotland confirmed cases and death report on June 16

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Scotland daily reported new confirmed cases and death trends

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Scotland confirmed cases and death trends every Tuesday

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The specific regional distribution of confirmed cases in Scotland (the official has not yet announced The total number of confirmed cases in each region of Scotland today)

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The specific city distribution of confirmed cases in Scotland (not officially updated, this is 6.14 data)

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Wales’ confirmed and death report on June 16

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The trend of new confirmed cases and deaths reported daily in Wales

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    welsh per The trend of confirmed cases and deaths on Tuesday

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The specific regional distribution of confirmed cases in Wales

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    June 16 Northern Ireland The confirmed cases and deaths report

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The trend of new confirmed cases and deaths reported daily in Northern Ireland

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Northern Ireland confirmed cases and death trends every Tuesday

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    London total 27345 Cases, 15 new cases in a single day, the specific distribution is as follows:

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Trend of new confirmed diagnoses in London

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    Trend of cumulative confirmed diagnoses in various regions of London

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    In the past 24 hours, the top three new confirmed cases in a single day in England were: Bedford (+19); Kent (+19); +11); Central Bedfordshire (+11)

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    The specific case distribution in the UK is as follows:

    Text/British Investor Public Account ID: BuyLondon The highlights of today’s (June 16) epidemic review include: The British Prime Minister announced a major breakthrough, saying that during the blockade of online classes, one in five British primary school students could not stud - DayDayNews

    ©This article is original and the copyright belongs to "British Investors"

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