According to foreign media reports, global ports are congested and many container ships are queuing up to enter the port, offsetting more than 3 million TEU of shipping capacity, which is approximately equivalent to 12.5% ​​of the world's shipping capacity - this offset capacity

2024/07/0122:49:33 hotcomm 1235

How serious is the global port congestion currently? According to foreign media reports, global ports are congested, and many container ships are queuing up to enter the port, offsetting more than 3 million TEU of shipping capacity, which is approximately equivalent to 12.5% ​​of the world's shipping capacity - this offset capacity has exceeded the world's third largest The shipping giant CMA CGM of France accounts for about 12.2% of the total transportation capacity, which is equivalent to 3.5 times the transportation capacity when Hanjin Shipping collapsed in 2016.

According to foreign media reports, global ports are congested and many container ships are queuing up to enter the port, offsetting more than 3 million TEU of shipping capacity, which is approximately equivalent to 12.5% ​​of the world's shipping capacity - this offset capacity  - DayDayNews

The above data was analyzed by Alan Murphy, CEO of shipping research organization Sea-Intelligence, quoted by British shipping media Lloyd's List.

Shipping industry insiders also pointed out that the market has recently reported that freight rates on the western route from China to the United States have dropped by more than 30%. Although the freight rates of the Shanghai Export Container Freight Index SCFI before the China National Day holiday ended 20 consecutive weeks of increases, The decline was limited, and the SCFIS settlement index remained high. Moreover, the main reason for the decline in SCFIS should be that cargo operators are selling off space. Major shipping giants are still full, prices and volumes have not fallen, and many goods are still waiting to be shipped.

According to foreign media reports, global ports are congested and many container ships are queuing up to enter the port, offsetting more than 3 million TEU of shipping capacity, which is approximately equivalent to 12.5% ​​of the world's shipping capacity - this offset capacity  - DayDayNews

Industry insiders pointed out that the main reason why freight rates are still at a high level is the shortage of market capacity caused by port congestion and ship delays. Taking the trans-Pacific route (Asia-US line) as an example, although more ships have been invested this year, it has been affected by Affected by the port congestion, the actual loadable transport capacity has decreased by about 20% annually.

It is worth noting that the shipping giant put the available ships into operation. Although it can make up for the flights delayed by the port congestion, due to the unresolved supply chain bottlenecks such as terminal congestion, it has caused more ships to queue up and wait to enter the port. It can be said that Vicious cycle.

Therefore, a market analysis agency’s latest report on container shipping pointed out that due to the unresolved port congestion situation, Q4 shipping freight rates will continue to remain high, and shipping companies’ fourth-quarter performance will soar again.

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