For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled.

2024/07/0121:36:34 hotcomm 1049

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Although the iPhone is known as the “safest” smartphone, it cannot escape the harassment of spam advertisements. For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded by various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. Recently, even home apps have "fallen"...

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

So how can we avoid these pervasive spam ads? Today I will share with you a more comprehensive method of blocking spam ads on iPhone.

First, let’s talk about iMessage spam messages. This type of advertising was rampant in the past few years, and has become relatively better in the past two years, but we have to guard against it. How to effectively block iMessage spam messages?

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

The editor recommends that users who rarely or rarely use iMessage can turn off this feature . The specific setting method: open the iPhone's settings - information - turn off "iMessage information" to permanently block spam from iMessage. advertise.

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

Of course, if you need to use iMessage, be sure to set only the mobile phone number in "Send and Receive" , and then open the "Filter unknown senders" below , which can also effectively block most of the messages from iMessage Spam ads.

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

Let’s talk about How to block spam ads from the calendar? The setting method is also very simple, just open Settings--Apple ID--iCloud--turn off "Calendar".

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

Spam advertisements including those from the Home App can also be blocked through this method. Also open Settings--Apple ID--iCloud--turn off "Family"..

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

It should be noted that if family synchronization is turned off, your family app will not be able to use normally, and you will be prompted to log in to iCloud. When we click Enable iCloud, it will automatically open.

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

As for how to block spam ads from shared photo albums ? There is currently no effective blocking method. The most direct way is to close the shared album .

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

We only need to open Settings - Photos - and turn off "Shared Album". In this way, others will not be able to push spam messages to you through shared settings.

Rather than how to block iPhone ads, we should actually understand where these spam ads come from . I also use an iPhone. Why does my iPhone receive so many spam ads, but others rarely receive them?

First of all, we need to understand why we receive these spam ads. Generally speaking, the iPhone itself has no advertisements, and the reason why your iPhone receives spam advertisements is that most of them are pushed to you by others through your Apple ID. This also means that your Apple ID has been leaked. How many times.

Why do you say that? The reason is simple, just like when we want to buy a car or a house, once you leave your phone number with an agency, your mobile phone number will receive various sales calls. In the same way, the same is true for Apple ID. Once your Apple ID is leaked too much, ads will naturally not "let go" of you.

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

Some people will say, my Apple ID is rarely leaked, why do I also receive spam ads? In fact, this is also related to the push mechanism of spam advertisers. Most domestic users’ Apple IDs are registered using QQ email or NetEase email .

So their method of pushing spam ads is also very simple. They only need to continuously generate the content before @QQ/NetEase mailbox and send it in batches. This operation only requires the software to run automatically and does not require any operating technology at all.

For example, iMessage messages, shared photo albums, calendar push, etc. were bombarded with various spam advertisements in turn, which also caused many users to be deeply troubled. - DayDayNews

So, if you want to have a perfect iPhone experience and don’t want to be affected by spam ads from iCloud, you can only set up a new Apple ID account yourself, and make the account as complex as possible, so that spam ads can hardly find you. .

Wherever there are fruit fans, there is a Apple Fan Home. To learn Apple usage skills and learn about the latest Apple information, please pay attention to: Fruit Fan Home!

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