Summary: RMB to Euro exchange rate on June 19, 2016. Today’s real-time exchange rate of RMB to Euro (updated at 2016-06-19 07:08): Currency conversion RMB to Euro exchange rate trend chart (one week): June 19, 2016 The central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the inter-ba

2024/06/2212:42:32 hotcomm 1484

Summary: RMB to Euro Exchange Rate Quotes on June 19, 2016

RMB to Euro Today’s Exchange Rate Real-time Quotes (Updated at 2016-06-19 07:08):

Currency Conversion

RMB to Euro Exchange Rate Trend Chart (One Week):

Summary: RMB to Euro exchange rate on June 19, 2016. Today’s real-time exchange rate of RMB to Euro (updated at 2016-06-19 07:08): Currency conversion RMB to Euro exchange rate trend chart (one week): June 19, 2016 The central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the inter-ba - DayDayNews

2016 On June 19, 2019, the central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 RMB to the euro 0.1350 yuan, and 100 RMB to the euro 13.5 yuan.

If it decides to include A-shares this month, MSCI will start implementation after the semi-annual index review in May 2017. MSCI proposes an initial inclusion ratio of 5%, corresponding to a weight of A shares of 1.1%. CICC roughly estimates that if A shares are included at a 5% ratio, the potential capital inflow will be approximately US$21 billion. This scale is equivalent to 137.8 billion yuan, which is relatively small compared to the amount of funds remaining within the red line of social security funds and insurance funds that can be invested but have not yet purchased A shares.

The economic data released by the Eurozone performed well and supported the euro. Among them, Germany's consumer confidence and business climate index performed better than expected. Specific data shows that Germany's GfK consumer confidence index in June was 9.8, which was expected to be 9.7 and the previous value was 9.7. Analysts said that Germany's consumer confidence index improved in June, and private consumption remains an important pillar of the German economy. Strong employment and stable prices are important factors in stimulating consumption. Of course, Germany still faces uncertainties such as the British Brexit referendum and the Greek debt problem.

The relevant information on today's exchange rate of RMB against the Euro and above is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the exchange rate of RMB against the Euro, you can follow the daily financial reports of the CICC Financial News Channel. .

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