Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is

2024/06/1607:20:32 hotcomm 1136

Original title: Inseparable between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation ,

The exterior facade is completely different from the interior.

This kind of break is isolated and unfamiliar, just like seeing a completely unfamiliar self in the mirror.

This project strives to create an architectural space with no gaps inside and outside.

Boundless Outside


Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

This project is located in the center of the community landscape. It will serve as a permanent building to enhance the artistic atmosphere of the community, integrating property facilities, four-thirty classes, art salons and other community functions.

Located in the center of community landscape, the project will serve as a permanent building to improve the artistic atmosphere of the community, integrating property supporting, 4:30 class, art salon and other community functions.

When thinking about positioning, Architectural forms such as art galleries and museums are the keynote. The material selection pays tribute to the architect Tadao Ando. Fair-faced concrete is used as the soul of the entire building.

When thinking about the positioning, it takes the art gallery, museum and other architectural forms as the keynote, pays tribute to the architect Tadao Ando on the selection of materials, and takes the exposed concrete as the soul throughout the whole building.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

consists of three BOXes stacked staggeredly, separated and wrapped by two huge sheets of paper, just like a huge gift box about to be opened, dynamic and poetic. The solid, thick concrete wall serves as the base, contrasting sharply with the thin awning on the top floor. The sun is writing its own music on them.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews



Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

"Light" runs through the inside and outside of the building, serving as the soul of the entire building, giving it vitality.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

The fair-faced concrete masonry wall used in the construction was shrouded in problems such as cement marking, tie-bolt components, and formwork selection. It went through three rounds of demolition and reconstruction before it was presented.

Unbounded inside


Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

The interior space is mainly gray and is closely integrated with the exterior wall of the building. The blocks are interspersed, the structures are interconnected, and intertwined, giving it a unique charm.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

▲The Angler

Author: Alexander Calder

The Angler is composed of steel wires and aluminum metal plates. It shows different shapes through the flow of air or the viewer's manipulation, allowing the viewer to feel the air. In flow, it is a "movable sculpture". Use bold base colors, huge and full of hovering and floating feeling.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

extends the language of the building facade into the interior, using the curling changes of origami in the space to integrate the architecture and interior.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews


What really matters is not the manifestation of life but the true course of life

- Antony Gormley

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

▲Moon meteorite

Author: Zhong Lingyun, Sun Lei, Lei Liangjun

This is a meteorite produced under two gravitational conditions. Moon rocks are 3-4.2 billion years old. Each crater takes thousands of years to form. Earth rocks also take 3.8 billion years to form. It takes thousands of years for each layer of rock to form. It is impossible for a meteorite to take hundreds of millions of years to form under two gravity conditions. Therefore, this is an imaginary memory stone that has been polished by two stars for hundreds of millions of years. "It" is the superposition of two stars.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews



Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

"The imprint of light" is introduced into the indoor space, and the warm sunshine is eternally recorded in the indoor space. .



Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

As the sun sets and dusk falls, the "gift box" under the light seems to be a little mysterious, as if it is looking forward to the sunshine of the next day to open it again...

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Reading this building is like a process of unpacking an art gift box layer by layer, and the mystery remains unsolved.

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Construction site

The construction site

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Model analysis

0Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Original title: There is no separation between inside and outside, Lishui Bay Light Life Aesthetics Center | Lishi Design Nowadays, many buildings are presented with indoor and outdoor insulation, and the exterior facade is completely different from the interior. This rupture is  - DayDayNews

Project name︱Tianxin·Lishuiwan Light Life Aesthetics Center

Design agency︱Shanghai Lexi

Architectural design︱ Sun Lei Zhong Lingyun

Structural design︱Zhang Haisheng et al. (Shanghai Lishi)

Interior design︱Zhong Lingyun Sun Lei

design team︱Colleagues Liu Zhiming Huomeng Shangxu Shengmu Feifei Li Ang

Soft decoration design | Liu Xu Guzhijun

Landscape Design︱Jiuhe Organization

Project location︱Henan Luohe City

Building area︱2200m2

Outdoor materials︱Fair-faced concrete U-shaped glass Aluminum veneer imitation cement bricks

Indoor materials︱ cement paint microcrystalline stone KD plate metal water pattern imitation cement brick

lighting consultant | SCL lighting

design time︱2018.08

completion time︱2019.05

photography agency︱Ruchu commercial photography Zhang Lingeng Xushan

video editing | Chen Bo, Yang Sen, Mr. Guo (Shanghai Lishi)

This article was contributed by Shanghai Lishi

"Contribution" "Cooperation" "Reprint"

Editors: Alex Wei, Archlady, Xueliang, Fankan, Liang Qian, leon

The rebirth of an old warehouse, the transformation of Chongqing Beicang Cultural and Creative District | Baicang Design

Editor in charge:

This article is reprinted from "http://www.sohu.com/a/390317193_200550?sec=wd", and the opinions in the article are not It does not represent my views. This account respects the copyright of original works. If there is any offense, please delete the private message immediately. All kinds of submissions are welcome.

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