As Taiwan's year-end "nine-in-one" elections draw closer, people from all walks of life who want to run for counties and mayors are doing their best to please voters. In order to win votes, Kuomintang candidate for Taipei mayor Chiang Wanan made a promise that "if he is elected m

2024/06/1510:31:32 hotcomm 1727

Text | Chen Jingsheng Studio Li Buyan

As Taiwan’s year-end “nine-in-one” election gets closer, people from all walks of life who want to run for county and mayor are doing their best to please voters. In order to win votes, Kuomintang candidate for Taipei mayor Chiang Wanan made a promise that "if he is elected mayor of Taipei, he will receive a pension for the elderly." This matter is exactly what the current Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe strongly opposes. He ridiculed this as "blue-green cooperation"!

As Taiwan's year-end

Current Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe and Taipei City Council have been arguing for a long time about whether to resume the payment of the Double Ninth Festival Respect for the Aged Fund. After Ko Wenzhe took office, he ordered the cancellation of the 1,500 yuan Chongyang Festival Respect for the Elderly Gift. In November 2021, the Taipei City Council passed the "Taipei City Autonomous Ordinance for the Chongyang Festival Respect for the Elderly Gift". The blue and green camps rarely reached an agreement on this matter. unanimously, both requested the Taipei City Government to resume the payment of pensions. Ke Wenzhe was very dissatisfied with this. Not only did it fail to be fulfilled, he also applied for an invalidation of the relevant "Autonomy Regulations" letter. However, the application was rejected by Taiwan's administrative department and was not successful. It was still issued according to the law. Regarding this, Ke Wenzhe sarcastically said, "Blue and green will only cooperate when they deal with him."

The issue of the pension is related to the actual welfare of the people. Ko Wenzhe’s call to cancel the pension naturally made Taipei citizens very dissatisfied. Chiang Wanan, who intends to run for the next mayor of Taipei, took the opportunity to use this matter to win the support of voters and fired the "first shot."

As Taiwan's year-end

html On June 23, Jiang Wanan went to Wenchang Palace in Zhongshan District to pay homage. During this period, he made it clear that the payment of the Double Ninth Festival Respect for the Elderly Fund is due respect to the elders. If he is elected mayor in the future, he will definitely resume the payment, so that the elders in Taipei City can enjoy the same benefits as the elders in other counties and cities. respect. At the same time, Jiang Wanan also refuted Ke Wenzhe's remarks about "blue-green cooperation," saying that the restoration of the pension was related to people's livelihood and welfare and was not targeted at anyone. "Mayor Ke's remarks may be out of a guilty conscience." As soon as the relevant remarks came out, many elders at the scene shouted "Hello Mayor" to express their support for Jiang Wanan.

In response to Jiang Wanan's remarks, Taipei City Deputy Mayor Cai Bingkun said slightly sarcastically: In this matter, there is no so-called issue of who is elected, who is elected, who is not elected, and the city government will "administer in accordance with the law." Just need to consider the financial resources and amount. What he means is that no matter whether you, Jiang Wanan, are elected or not, the pension will eventually be paid, so don’t use it as a “bargaining chip” in the election to deceive the public. Taipei City Deputy Mayor Huang Shanshan, who is also interested in running for mayor of Taipei City, also said that no matter which mayor is changed in the future, they will have to issue it. It is just a matter of how many people and to what extent.

As Taiwan's year-end

In order to please voters and compete for votes, Jiang Wanan took the "first shot" in taking the pension. But it remains to be seen whether he can finally stand out from the "three strong forces" of blue, green and white and successfully be elected mayor of Taipei!

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