The documentary "The Prince and the Media" mainly talks about the relationship between the royal family and the media, as well as the royal family members. For example, William and Harry are brothers and sisters on the surface, but privately they instruct their subordinates to pa

2024/06/1215:08:33 hotcomm 1831

Let’s first summarize today’s melons to avoid getting lost in the melon fields.

The documentary

The documentary "The Prince and the Media" mainly talks about the relationship between the royal family and the media, as well as the royal family members.

For example, William and Harry appeared to be brothers and sisters, but privately they instructed their subordinates to pass "little notes" to the media to discredit each other.

For another example, Charles finally won the headlines, but was cut off by his son Harry.

The documentary

In addition, because this documentary involves too many royal secrets, the royal family strongly requested that the film be censored before it was broadcast.

But the BBC was stubborn and refused to let it go. It broadcast it directly despite the obstruction. As a result, it was "fixed" by William not long after.

The documentary

It is really unexpected that the serious royal family can be so ruthless...

The documentary

In the UK, the word "royal family" is equivalent to "traffic", so all major media want to gain attention by reporting on the royal family.

For example, when Princess Kate gave birth to her eldest son, George, , the whole country in Britain reveled in the celebration. Major newspaper media launched special editions one after another. Many people who did not usually read newspapers also bought a copy as a souvenir.

According to statistics, at that time, "The Times" alone sold 50,000 more copies than usual.

The documentary

At the same time, there is a saying: Don’t be afraid of good news, don’t be afraid of bad news, just be afraid of no news.

The royal family also needs continuous media exposure to create the positive image that the public wants, and sometimes even actively seeks out the media to expose itself.

The documentary

For example, in the 1970s, Britain was in a period of turmoil, and many people proposed the abolition of the backward and extravagant royal family.

In order to restore the image of the royal family, the royal press secretary asked the BBC to follow the daily life and work of the royal family members. This is also the first time for many people to enter the mysterious royal family.

The documentary

Don’t get hung up on the pixelated pixels, it’s a 1969 film after all.

Because of this, no matter what the royal family and the media really think, on the surface, they have always maintained a "mutually beneficial" relationship.

Here is a piece of gossip:

When Charles was going to marry Camilla, during an interview with the media, the reporter asked William and Harry what they thought about their father's wedding.

The documentary

The documentary

enmmm...This group of reporters is too bad. It’s not a big deal to just watch the excitement.

Facing reporters’ questions, Harry remained silent, while William said coldly: “I’m very happy, very happy.”

The documentary

However, Yang guessed that the inner OS of the three father and son at that time should be: MMP.

Because after the reporter finished asking questions, Charles forgot that he was still wearing a microphone and whispered: "Those bastards, I can't stand that person. He is so annoying, really annoying."

Later, when the reporter was sorting out the recording I just discovered this and edited it into the news.

The documentary

However, this superficial cooperative relationship has undergone tremendous changes because of Princess Diana.

The documentary

I believe everyone is familiar with what Princess Diana said in the 1995 BBC interview. "There are three people in my marriage, it is too crowded." This sentence is familiar, right?

The documentary

The documentary

It is this sentence that hints at the triangle relationship between her, Charles and Camilla, and intensifies Diana's fear, paranoia, and sadness, and also makes her relationship with Charles even worse.

The documentary

Of course, the mother’s pain and the deterioration of the parental relationship also cast an indelible shadow on Harry and William’s childhood.

But this interview turned out to be a complete deception.

The documentary

It turned out that in order to obtain interview qualifications, the BBC reporter actually forged bank documents, making Diana's brother Spencer think that a royal employee was receiving money and leaking information about Diana's marriage. This led Spencer to introduce the BBC reporter to Diana and received an exclusive interview.

The documentary

Also, Diana did not die immediately when she was in a car accident, but was dying. If treated in time, there might be a glimmer of hope.

The documentary

However, the media present did not send her to a doctor immediately. Instead, they indifferently took photos of her dying in the car and quickly sent the photos to major British media reports.

In short, in the eyes of William and Harry, the media not only hurt their mother, but also indirectly killed her.

The documentary

In addition, after Diana's death, William and Harry became the targets of media pursuit reports.

In order to dig out more gossip, they will even hack into the communication devices of William, Harry, and the people around them.

The documentary

For example, when Harry and David were dating in 2004, the media directly hacked the woman’s email address and snooped into her medical records to find out whether she had had abortions, contracted sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

The documentary

It is precisely because of the media’s excessive eavesdropping and snooping that Harry’s past relationships all ended in breakups, because no one can tolerate the media’s endless interruptions.

It is all of the above that William and Harry have disliked the media since they were children.

The documentary

Just as William said: "When you have experienced some psychological trauma, such as the death of your mother when you were 15 years old, it will make you stronger as a whole, or you may be unable to recover..."

For William, He chooses not to be defeated and wants to use the media to make himself stronger, so despite his feelings of resentment, he will try his best to maintain a "good relationship" with the media to shape his image.

The documentary

For example, there was a time when Kate often made some small movements (similar to covering her face with her hair) when facing the camera, which caused the photographer to be unable to take good photos.

The documentary

As a result, the media decided to retaliate by increasing negative coverage.

The documentary

In order to restore his image, William found a job as an air ambulance to create a "hard-working persona". Because of this, he spent more time working at the airport and fewer appearances at royal events.

The media that lacked William’s news became dissatisfied again, so they dissed him in reports for being lazy and derelict in his duties as a prince.

And William responded cautiously to the air ambulance and royal work. He tried his best to do his best.

The documentary

In short, William understands his relationship with the media and knows that he wants to be a king, so he has been "strategically thinking about how to solve the problems left by the media" and not leave anything to the media.

The documentary

Unlike his brother William, Harry is quite bold and direct in dealing with the media.

For example, when he was in love with Megan , the media obtained all of Megan’s information through private investigators and exposed it in newspapers.

In order to protect Meghan, Harry directly issued a statement dissing the media for "crossing the line." This statement immediately put him in the headlines of major media.

The documentary

But when Harry made the statement, his father Charles was visiting Oman, and had already booked the headline page a week in advance. Harry's statement made Charles' headlines ruined, and he had to find another page.

The documentary

Of course, Harry and Charles' headline-grabbing conflict is not necessarily one between father and son.

Because the news between different members of the royal family is handled by different agencies, for example, the Queen’s news is handled by Buckingham Palace , the news of Charles and Camilla is handled by the Clarence Government, and the news of William’s family and Harry’s family is handled by Ken Hinton Palace is responsible.

This is equivalent to different artists having different management companies. For the headlines, artists and management companies will inevitably compete. The news groups of the royal family will also have a "scuffle" for the headlines.

The documentary

Therefore, the black material around the prince mentioned in the documentary often comes from another staff member around the prince.

For example, Meghan and Harry's reputation has been stable since their marriage, but negative news was exposed six months ago, saying that Meghan wanted to wear an emerald tiara a few days before the wedding.

The documentary

However, the royal family rejected Meghan's request because the tiara had an unfortunate history. Later, Harry found out about it and said angrily: "Give Meghan whatever she wants."

The documentary

After this incident was exposed, Harry and Meghan’s reputation suddenly dropped.

The documentary found the reporter who wrote the news at the time. He said that the black material was not picked up by them, but was proactively provided by the staff of Kensington Palace. This will inevitably make people speculate that it was released by people around Prince William material.

The documentary also mentioned that tiara incidents are not uncommon, and the news groups of each member of the royal family are breaking news to each other, and even said "I feel that at its peak, the palace was like a den of poisonous snakes."

The documentary

Of course, for the documentary The mentioned royal family members spread dirt on each other. The Queen, Charles and William jointly accused the BBC of "manufacturing fake news" and even threatened to ban the BBC if it did not stop broadcasting the video.

Blocking the BBC is no joke. William and Kate have decided to ban the BBC from broadcasting the Christmas carol concert hosted by Kate, and plan to hand over the broadcasting rights of the concert to the BBC's archenemy ITV.

The documentary

I wonder how the BBC will react after seeing this news?

Finally, what Yang wants to say is that it is difficult for us as outsiders to tell whether the gossip about the royal family is true or false.

But the BBC deceived Diana in order to obtain news, watched Diana dying, eavesdropped, snooped, and other behaviors that really stink and lack credibility!

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