Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions", died of breast cancer in 2017. Since her death, people have lamented, "There is more Chen Xiaoxu in heaven, but there is no more Lin Daiyu in the world."

2024/05/2502:57:32 hotcomm 1601

87 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu, died of breast cancer in 2017. Since her death, people have expressed this emotion, "There is more Chen Xiaoxu in heaven, but there is no more Lin Daiyu in the world." ".

Speaking of the world’s largest cancer, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Lung cancer? liver cancer or...actually none of them.

Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

According to reports, starting this year, breast cancer has the highest incidence rate, becoming the "king of cancers" and the "number one killer" of Chinese women's health.

In the entertainment industry, many celebrities have died of breast cancer, such as

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Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

Chen Xiaoxu died of cancer at the age of 42. One of her wrong practices is worth pondering

- became famous in her early years

Chen Xiaoxu is an authentic Northeastern girl from Liaoning. Anshan is from a typical performing arts family. Her parents are both entertainers. She grew up under her parents' knees and was influenced by her. She also had a vision for the performing arts career and developed a strong love for it.

The national actor selection for "Dream of the Red Willow" in 1983 gave her a huge opportunity. She finally won the top spot among thousands of actors who auditioned, and was successfully selected a year later.

After the broadcast of "Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Xiaoxu, who played the role of Lin Daiyu, successfully became popular. To this day, whenever the role of Lin Daiyu is mentioned, she is regarded as a role model and cannot be surpassed.

Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

- gave up acting and went into business

Soon after the fire, Chen Xiaoxu entered the marriage hall with her boyfriend Bi Yanjun. However, because the two were still young and their thoughts were not mature enough, they quickly ended their marriage. At the same time, , she lost passion for her career as an actress, and decided to quit the entertainment industry in 1991 and start business.

Because he was still a "transparent person" in this industry, he was often not trusted. In the end, he received "benefits" (star effect) because of his performance as Lin Daiyu, which opened the door for Chen Xiaoxu to break into the business world.

Facts have proved that gold always shines. Chen Xiaoxu, who was only 29 years old, relied on his business talents to establish his own company-Shibang Advertising Company and served as the chairman.

Chen Xiaoxu, who was flourishing in his career, ushered in a huge change in 2006.

Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

- cancer was detected , converted to Buddhism

In May 2006, Chen Xiaoxu was diagnosed with breast cancer, but the condition was still in its early stages. If she could be treated actively, there was a very high probability that she could be cured. But in the face of this result, She chose to refuse treatment.

Chen Xiaoxu loves beauty very much and believes in Buddhism. He believes that the body should be intact and surgery to remove the breasts is not allowed, so he has never accepted Western medical treatment. During the communication with his father, he directly said frankly, "If surgery and chemotherapy can cure it, or If I don't get treatment, I will die, so I choose to die. I don't want to end up in pieces."

The character Lin Daiyu she plays is very principled, but in real life, she is still very determined. A friend once "wanted to kidnap her and come back to see a doctor", but she insisted on using Buddhism to purify the disease, which shows how determined she is.

On February 23, 2007, Chen Xiaoxu chose to convert to Buddhism and became a monk with the Buddhist name Miaozhen. This news shocked people even more. Unfortunately, less than 3 months after converting to Buddhism, Chen Xiaoxu died due to illness. He left this world and passed away at the age of 42.

Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

What is the role of chemotherapy in the face of breast cancer?

Current chemotherapy for breast cancer can be divided into three categories:

The first is preoperative new adjuvant chemotherapy .

The second is postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy.

The third is rescue chemotherapy for recurrence and metastasis.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has the following effects:

First, it can shrink tumors and increase the chance of breast conservation.

Second, it can reduce the proliferation activity of tumors and prevent their spread during surgery.

Third, if the lesions completely disappear after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, survival can be significantly improved. Finally, neoadjuvant chemotherapy can understand the effectiveness of this regimen in the human body and provide clear guidance for future chemotherapy.

The role of adjuvant chemotherapy is mainly to target micro-metastases that are not currently found in clinical practice, kill or inhibit these micro-metastases, so as to improve the effect of diagnosis and treatment and improve the survival rate.

Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu in the 1987 version of

Chemotherapy will cause adverse reactions in multiple systems throughout the body:

The first is bone marrow suppression. It can cause leukopenia , thrombocytopenia , and even cause anemia in some cases. Doctors will monitor the patient's blood cells and give medication if necessary. This side effect can be controlled.

Secondly, for gastrointestinal reactions, such as nausea and vomiting, antiemetics can be given, which requires the patient's trust and active cooperation.

In the third aspect, chemotherapy can cause some oral mucosal inflammation, some oral ulcers and mucosal ulcers. During chemotherapy, you can pay attention to the dietary list, avoid spicy stimulation, appropriately supplement B vitamins , and treat symptomatically.

The fourth aspect, hair loss , you can wear an ice cap during chemotherapy to reduce metabolism. This kind of hair loss is not permanent, and most patients can regrow their hair after chemotherapy.

The fifth is liver and kidney dysfunction. Liver and kidney function should be checked before chemotherapy. Generally, slight damage will not affect subsequent chemotherapy. After chemotherapy, liver and kidney function can gradually return to normal.

The sixth one is cardiotoxicity. Patients may experience palpitations , chest tightness , or even arrhythmias , changes in cardiac ischemia. Heart function needs to be checked during chemotherapy, and in severe cases, the dose needs to be reduced or discontinued.

The seventh allergic reaction is common acute allergic reaction to taxane drugs. The anti-allergic pretreatment plan provided by the doctor should be strictly followed.

The eighth is damage to peripheral nerves. After chemotherapy, the patient feels numbness in his hands and feet. You can relieve the symptoms by supplementing B vitamins.

Furthermore, some patients may suffer from diarrhea, which requires laboratory identification of stool and symptomatic treatment. There is also the impact on endocrine, ovarian function may be affected after chemotherapy, and menopause may be advanced.

In addition, during chemotherapy, if the drug extravasates, it may cause some necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and chemical drugs may stimulate the veins, which may cause phlebitis . Therefore, it is currently recommended to establish a deep venous access for chemotherapy.

For questions related to chemotherapy, you must fully communicate with professional doctors to get answers, and ultimately cooperate to complete breast cancer chemotherapy.

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