Today in History | "The Father of European Novels" Daniel Defoe has passed away. His representative works include "Robinson Crusoe"

2020/04/2517:25:20 history 713

Original title: Today in History | "Father of European Novels" Daniel Defoe has passed away, his masterpiece is "Robinson Crusoe"

On April 24th, 1731, the famous writer Danny Defoe passed away at the age of 71. Defoe was the founder of realistic novels during the British Enlightenment period and is known as the "father of European novels". His representative works include Robinson Crusoe, Colonel Jack, Captain Singleton, etc. In addition to the contribution of literature, Defoe has made a huge contribution to the news industry. According to data records, Defoe has been linked to 26 magazines and is also known as the "father of modern news reporting."

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Daniel Defoe was born in London, England in 1660. His father was a businessman in the slaughter industry. Defoe's mother was killed in a fire in London when he was 10 years old. Defoe had a secondary education when he was 14 years old. In 1683, he was influenced by his family and started doing business. He once operated in the fields of underwear, tobacco and alcohol, wool fabrics, and brick making. In 1692, Defoe's business failed and his debt reached 17,000 pounds. Later, he began to write political articles for the newspaper to make a living. But the political essays not only failed to relieve Defoe's debts but also brought him to prison, so Defoe had to turn to novel creation.

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In 1719, the 59-year-old Defoe published his first novel "Robinson Crusoe". After the publication of the novel, it was a huge success. It was translated into many languages ​​and spread all over the world. Adapted into movies and TV series. The proceeds of this novel also alleviated Defoe's debt pressure. Since then, he has written classics such as "Moore Flanders" and "Colon Jack".

Today in History |

In 1731, Daniel Defoe passed away at the age of 71. Defoe once said: "You don't know how to cherish everything you once enjoyed unless you fall to the end of the mountain." Let us remember this literary master.

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