After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to "organize three arm

2024/07/0114:08:33 history 1460

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of ministers and doctors , and a situation of doctor dictatorship emerged.

Jin State In 633 BC, the State of Jin began to "organize three armies" and "queu general the central army" (the twenty-sixth year of Duke Xi in "Zuo Zhuan"). This was the beginning of the rise of the Que family. In 632 BC, Queyu died, and "the original Zhen (that is, the original Zhen, originally his Shiyi, and most Jin people named Shiyi as their surname) general Zhongjun" ("Zuo Zhuan" Xigong 28 year), this was the beginning of the Xian clan's rise. In 627 BC, Xian Zhen "exempted himself from joining the Di division and died", and his son "Xian Qi served in the general's army" (the 33rd year of Duke Xi).

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 622 BC, first lived in (that is, Huo Bo, Huo Gai's fief) died. In the following year, Yang Chufu "Yi Zhongjun" (the sixth year of Duke Wen), Zhao Dun became the government. After chasing the Gu family and forcing the king of Jin, Duke Linggong wanted to kill him, but failed to defeat him, so he was killed instead. Zhao Dun was established as a duke, and this was the beginning of the rise of the Zhao family. "Zuo Zhuan" says in the second year of Xuan Gong's reign: "In the beginning, Li Ji's rebellion cursed the young masters who had no herds, so the Jin Dynasty had no public clans. When Cheng Gong came to the throne, it was the suitable (son) of the eunuchs to create the land, thinking that The Gong clan (he is the official of the Gong family). He also serves as the official Yu Zi (also governs the government of Yu Zi); his concubine is Gong Xing. From then on, the Jin Dynasty had different surnames and different names. The clan is a public family, and the public family is humble from then on. In 601 BC, "the emperor was in power (on behalf of Zhao Dun)" (the eighth year of Xuangong's reign in "Zuo Zhuan").

In 597 BC, Quque died, and Xun Lin's father became the "Jiang Zhongjun" (the twelfth year of Xuangong in "Zuo Zhuan"). This was the beginning of the rise of the Xun family (Zhongxing family). The following year, Jin killed Xianyu and the Xian family died.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 593 BC, the "Mingshi General Assembly" (the 16th year of Xuangong's reign in "Zuo Zhuan") came to power on behalf of Xun Lin's father . This was the beginning of the rise of the Fan family (Shi family). The next year, the scholars would invite the old man to serve, but he would not be able to serve in politics.

In 587 BC, " Luan Shu General Zhongjun" (the fourth year of Chenggong in "Zuo Zhuan") replaced Chuke as the government. This was the beginning of the rise of the Luan family. In 574 BC, Duke Li of Jin killed Sanque (Jun Qi, Que Ji, and Que Zhi), and the Que family died. "Luan Shu and Zhong Xing Yan then took charge of the Duke Yan" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 17th year of Chenggong's reign) , "He sent Cheng Huo to kill Duke Li" (Zuo Zhuan, the 18th year of Chenggong's reign).

In 573 BC, Han Xianzi (ie Han Jue) came to power" (the eighteenth year of Chenggong's reign in "Zuo Zhuan"). This was the beginning of the rise of the Han family. In 566 BC, "Han Xianzi retired to old age" ("Zuo Zhuan"). "In the seventh year of Duke Xiang), Zhi ■ took charge of government. This was the rise of the Zhi clan (another branch of the Zhongxing clan). In 560 BC, " Xun Yan general Zhongjun" ("Zuo Zhuan", the thirteenth year of Duke Xiang). , Dai Zhi ■ is in charge of politics.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 554 BC, Xun Yan died, Shi Gai came to power, Fan and Luan families were at odds, Shi Gai expelled Luan Ying, and the Jin Dynasty was in civil strife. In the second year of Yue, Luan died. A.D., press, seal, donate the field boundary; 洴, refers to the ditch. " Shuowen " states that the ditch is four feet wide and four feet deep; the ditch is eight feet wide and eight feet deep. This ditch also includes ditches and waterways in the fields. But looking at the following text, it seems that Zichan's seal is different from Zisi's.

In 548 BC, Shi Gai died, "Zhao Wenzi (ie Zhao Wu) came to power" (the twenty-fifth year of Duke Xiang in "Zuo Zhuan"), and the Zhao family flourished again.

In 541 BC, Zhao Wu died, and Han came to power.

In 514 BC, Han Qi died, and "Wei Xianzi (i.e. Wei Shu) came to power" (Zuo Zhuan, the 28th year of Duke Zhao). This was the beginning of the rise of the Wei family. So far, Jin has six major clans of ministers: Han, Zhao, Wei, Fan, Zhi, and Zhongxing. They had actual political power and vast land, and gradually ignored the king. "Jin became weaker and weaker, and the six ministers became stronger" ("Historical Records·Jin Family").

In 509 BC, Wei Shu died and Fan Yang came to power.

In 497 BC, Zhao Yang replaced Fan Yang as the government. Zhao Yang was at odds with Fan and Zhongxing's , and Fan and Zhongxing's entered the Chaoge to rebel.

In 490 BC, "people from Jin around Bai, Xun Yin and Shi Ji rushed to Qi" ("Zuo Zhuan", the fifth year of Ai Gong), the Fan and Zhongxing clans died.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 475 BC, Zhao Yang was in charge of the Yao Dynasty. At this point, only the four Qing clans of the Jin Dynasty, Zhi, Han, Wei, and Zhao, were left, among which the Zhi family was the strongest.Later, Zhibo became an enemy of the Zhao family. The Zhao family persuaded Han and Wei, and the three families jointly destroyed the Zhi family, forming a situation in which the three families were divided into Jin Dynasty. Regarding the question of why Han, Zhao, and Wei were able to win in the merger of Dafu, it seems that we can get some understanding from the "Yinqueshan Bamboo Slips". Ruyun: King Wu asked his grandson: "The six generals guarding the land of Jin, which one died first? Which one was solid?" Sun Tzu said: "Fan and Zhongxing died first." "Which one came next?" "Which one is the second?" "Han and Wei are the second. Zhao Wu lost his old method and the state of Jin returned." Sun Tzu said. Said: "Yes. Fan and Zhongxing are the (family) who control the land, with eighty steps as ■ (Wan), and one hundred and sixty steps as ■ (mu), and tax them. Their fields are narrow and set If there are many scholars, they will be taxed, and the public family will be rich. If the public family is rich, the officials will be extravagant, and the officials will be extravagant. Therefore, it is said that if the officials are rich, the officials will be extravagant, and the officials will be extravagant. The number of merits is war, so Fan and Zhongxing are (family) times. Han and Wei use one hundred steps as ■ (Wan), and two hundred steps as ■ (mu), and their fields are divided into Shaanxi (narrow). , there are many people in the family. If the public family is rich, there are many people in the family. The Lord Qiao (arrogant) and his ministers are extravagant. Therefore, it is the wisdom of the (family) to control the land. One hundred and twenty paces are regarded as [Wan], and two hundred steps are [mu]. There is no tax for the public. When the public is poor, he has few officials, and the chief ministers are wealthy (frugal), so as to enrich the people, so it is called Gu Guo. The Kingdom of Jin returns to Yan." King Wu said: "The way of a king is to love his people deeply." It can be seen from Sun Wu's answer to King Wu that although the land system of the six families at that time had broken through the old "economic boundary" of "a hundred acres of land", the land systems of Fan, Zhonghang and Zhi were far beyond Not as big as those of Han, Zhao, and Wei, that is to say, the three families of Fan, Zhongxing, and Zhi, which perished early, had small land systems, heavy exploitation, many scholars, and luxurious lives, so they were unpopular. However, the three families of Han, Zhao and Wei had large acreage system, light exploitation, few servants, and frugal life, so they were supported by the people.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

Sun Wu’s analysis of the survival of the Six Ministers of Jin must be a view close to historical facts.

Qi State The number of Shiqing families in Qi State is smaller than that in Jin State. Before Huan Gong came to hegemony, there were only two clans, Guo and Gao.

In 574 BC, " The Marquis of Qi made Cui Zhu the official, and Qing Ke assisted him" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 17th year of Chenggong). This was the beginning of the pre-government of Cui and Qing.

In 554 BC, Cui Zhu established Qi Zhuanggong and began to gain power.

In 548 BC, Cui Zhu killed Duke Ling of Zhuang Gong and "came to him, and was granted the title of Zuo Xiang" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 25th year of Duke Xiang). In the second year of the following year, Qing was granted the title of "Destroying the Cui Family" (the 26th year of Duke Xiang in "Zuo Zhuan") and took charge of the country.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 545 BC, the Chen and Bao clans combined with Luan and Gao (both descended from Qi Huigong, the Luan clan was called Luan Shi, with the courtesy name Ziqi; the Gao clan was known as Gao Qiang, with the courtesy name Ziliang) to destroy the Qing clan. The Luan and Gao families "were both addicted to alcohol and had many grievances in their letters. They were stronger than the Chen and Bao families and hated them." (Zuo Zhuan, the 10th year of Zhaogong), Chen and Bao were destroyed. The Chen family (ie Tian family) in the late Spring and Autumn Period of was originally a noble of the Chen State. As early as the 22nd year of Lu Zhuanggong (672 BC), Chen Gongzi Wan failed in a political struggle in the Chen State and fled. He arrived in Qi State and established a foothold in Qi State from then on. After exterminating Luan and Gao, Chen Huanzi recalled a group of princes, curried favor with the various clans, and received land rewards from Gaotang. Therefore, "the Chen family became great" (the tenth year of Zhaogong in "Zuo Zhuan"), and the political power was unified by him, and he established the throne. Qi basis.

Therefore, Yanzi replied to his uncle Xiang Zeng, saying: "I don't know about this Ji Shi. Qi Qi is the Chen family! The public abandoned his people and returned to the Chen family. The old four measures of Qi: beans, districts, cauldrons, and bells. Four liters of beans are placed in the cauldron. Chen weighs them three times, and the bells are large. The fish, salt, mirages, and clams are added to the sea. The people take part in their efforts, and the two are in the public, and the food and clothing are only one. Pain and illness, and then give up. Their love is like parents, and their return is like running water.If you want to gain no people, how can you win over them? Ji Bo, Zhi Bing, Yu Sui, and Bo Xi (predecessors of the Chen family), their prime ministers Hu Gong (the ancestor of the first title of Chen State), and Da Ji (Hu Gongfei) were already in Qi. "(Zuo Zhuan, the third year of Duke Zhao)

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

The State of Lu

In the State of Lu, due to the "rituals of Zhou", the public family was in charge of the affairs. Among the Lu family, the three families of Ji, Meng and Shu were the strongest, and they were all after Duke Huan. , so it is called "Sanhuan"

In 659 BC, Ji You defeated Ju Shi, "the public granted Ji You land and fees in Wenyang" ("Zuo Zhuan" Xi AD year), the field beside Wenyang. Qi was later taken by the Qi people, and Fei was remote in the southeast, so it belonged to the Ji family . The Ji family used it as a base to govern the Lu government, and was stronger than the two families. The Meng family was successful, and the Shu family was rich. The capital was close to Qi, and its power was not consolidated.

In 510 BC, " Duke Wen of Lu died, and Dongmen killed his legitimate concubine, and the king of Lu lost his country" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 32nd year of Zhaogong). . Later, Dongmen clan was eliminated by Sanhuan due to political disputes. From then on, the political power was concentrated in the Ji family. In 562 BC, Lu "organized three armies and divided them into three official houses." ("Zuo Zhuan" in the eleventh year of Duke Xiang) According to the report, the Duke of Lu was originally the second army, but now it is the third army. It was changed to Jisun, Shusun and Mengsun each having their own army. The remaining three families were divided into three. The original private carriages were supplemented. From then on, the power of the three families was extremely strong. In 561 BC, Ji Wuzi took over the political power. ", "Four-divided public houses, the Ji family chose two, and one of each of the two sons, all of them were conquered and paid tribute to the public." "Beigong's house" (see "Zuo Zhuan" in the fifth year of Zhaogong). From then on, the people of Lu State Only three families paid tribute, and then the three families turned to Zhao Gong to pay tribute. In this way, Lu State was actually divided into three kingdoms, and Lu Jun only retained the title of a suzerain and some of the civil taxes.

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 517 BC, Zhao Gong could not bear it. The Ji family was forced to attack the Ji family. With the help of their uncles and Meng families, the Ji family worked together to drive Zhaogong out of the capital. From then on, the Ji family took over the power of the king and died in the eighth year of Lu Zhaogong. When he was abroad, " Zhao Jianzi asked Yu Shi Mo : "The Ji family gave birth to its king, and the people obeyed him, and the princes followed him. If the king died outside, and Mo did not do it, why should he be guilty? (The word "He" does not exist in each edition, but is added from the Kanazawa Bunko edition.) The answer is: "I was born in the Ji family, and I have been the second Luhou for a long time. Isn't it appropriate for the people to obey you! The Lord of Lu will follow you forever." (Zuo Zhuan, 32nd year of Zhaogong) It can be seen from this that the Ji family has been diligent and diligent, and the people have lost their ruler. Although he died outside, who will care about him? In the struggle with Lu Jun for political power, he paid attention to winning over the people and won the support of the people. Therefore, Le Qi of the Song Dynasty said: "Government has been in the Ji family for three generations, and Lu Jun has been in power for four generations. Those who can achieve their ambitions without the people will not be able to achieve their goals." "Yes" (Zuo Zhuan, the 25th year of Zhaogong).

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

Zheng Guo

Zheng Guo was a conservative Zhou Dynasty because of its close Zhou Dynasty , and it was also a country ruled by a public family. The downward movement of Zheng's political power began with "Zheng Qimu" (the 26th year of Duke Xiang in "Zuo Zhuan"). Zheng Mugong has eleven sons, Ziran, Zi Kong, Shizi Kong. The three tribes have died, and Ziyu is no longer a minister. The surviving ones who are in power are Zhan, Gongsun She, who is the Han family, and Zixi, Gongsun Xia, who is Si. The surname, Zichan Gongsun Qiao is the Guo surname, Bo Youliangxiao is the Liang surname, Zi Dashu You Ji is the You surname, Zi Shi Gongsun Duan is the Feng surname, and Zi Shiyin Duan is the Yin surname, so it is called Qimu .

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

In 605 BC, Zheng Linggong died, and "Zheng Ren established Ziliang" (the fourth year of Xuan Gong in "Zuo Zhuan"). This was the beginning of the rule of Mu clan . From then on, various clans of Mu Gong took over the government.

In 571 BC, "Zihan came into power" (the second year of Duke Xiang in "Zuo Zhuan").

In 563 BC, "Zi Si was in power" (the tenth year of Duke Xiang in "Zuo Zhuan").

In 555 BC, Zi Kong came to power and "wanted to get rid of all the officials" (Zuo Zhuan, the 18th year of Duke Xiang).

In 554 BC, "the people of Zheng made Zizhan the ruler of the country" (Zuo Zhuan, the 20th year of Duke Xiang).

In 544 BC, Boyou was in power, Zheng was in civil strife, Boyou died, and Zipi was in power, authorizing to produce .

In 522 BC, Zi was born, and "(zi) Taishu was in charge" (Zuo Zhuan, the 20th year of Duke Zhao). Since his son Taishu, the rulers of Zheng State also included Si Zhuan, Handa, and Si Hong, all of the Mu ethnic group, so I will not go into details. What needs to be pointed out here is that both Zipi, the ruling official of the Zheng State, and Sicheng Zihan, the ruling official of the Song State mentioned below, loaned grain to the people, and thus gained the support of the people. Therefore, Shu Xiang, an official of the Jin State, said: "Zheng Zhihan (Zizhan, Zipi, Hanshi), Song Zhile (Song Zihan, Leshi), who died later, both of them will gain the country! The people will return. "If you give without virtue, then the Song Dynasty will be promoted and demoted!" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 29th year of Duke Xiang)

The Song Dynasty

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

The Song Dynasty has always been weak among the vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period. The main reason is that Because his patriarchal system is stable, powerful clans dominate power, and they are politically conservative. Sima Leyu of Song Zhaogong said: "The public clan is the branches and leaves of the public house; if it is removed, there will be no shelter at all" ("Zuo Zhuan", the seventh year of Duke Wen); the Grand Prime Minister of Chu State also said this : "The princes only serve their kings in the Song Dynasty" (Zuo Zhuan, the 21st year of Zhaogong) is the proof. However, after the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, the power of the Song State also shifted slightly. First Hua Yuan was in power for a long time, then Sicheng Zihan, and then Xiang Xu. After Xiang Shu came Hua Hai, after Hua Hai came Le Da Xin, after Le Da Xin came Huang Yuan, and after Huang Yuan came Huang Yan. , until the Spring and Autumn Period, it was not a happy raft.


After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

Weiguo was still a big country in the early Spring and Autumn Period. However, after the "Di people attacked the Wei" (the second year of Min Gong in "Zuo Zhuan"), especially in the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi and Jin invaded and gradually became a big country. A small country. Although there is no need to examine the changes in the internal situation of the Wei State in detail, it is sufficient to point out that the Sun and Ning clans were both powerful families who forced the emperor. Weijun was expelled from the country, and then the two families were annihilated. After that) he is in power and has all the power in his hands, so he can take care of the rest.

The officials of the above-mentioned countries are also constantly annexing each other, expanding their territories, and competing for slaves and wealth. For example, Duke Min of Lu Fu "seized the divination field" (in the second year of Min Gong's "Zuo Zhuan"); the official of Jin " Que Qi captured the five fields of Yiyang. Que Qi and Chang Yu Jiao competed for the fields and held them captive. , the same family as his parents and wife" ("Zuo Zhuan", the 17th year of Chenggong's reign). In addition to "fighting for land", there are also "fighting for houses", "concurrent houses" and "dividing houses". What exactly does this “room” include? Fan Wenzi of the Jin Dynasty criticized Duke Li of the Jin Dynasty and said: "Now I have defeated Jing and Zheng again in the battle. My king is generous in his personal warmth and benefits his wife's fields. If he does not seize the fields of the officials, how can he use them to benefit them? The ministers have appointed their families. "How many people will be with the disciples who retreat?" He also said: "So you are wise and powerful, neglecting teaching and restraining, exaggerating your privacy, killing three people and killing all the dynasties, and taking their houses to divide the wives." (Both see "Guoyu·Jinyu Six").

After the annihilation of troops in the Central Plains, the internal affairs of various countries gradually moved down to the hands of the ministers, and the dictatorship of the ministers emerged. In the year 633 BC of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty began to

It can be seen from these two paragraphs that Duke Li "extended his privacy and benefited his wife's land", which should be "if you don't seize the land of the officials, how can you use it to benefit it?" General and several people", and the result was that "three counties were killed and all dynasties were killed, and their houses were kept to divide the women." The "room" here, Wei Zhao noted: "wives, concubines, goods and wealth" and "family assets". It can be seen that this includes land, wives, children, officials, servants, slaves and other wealth. Therefore, Cui Xing of Qi State killed Gao Hou and "shared his family" ("Zuo Zhuan" in the 19th year of Duke Xiang). The Chen family and Bao family defeated Luan Shi and Gao Qiang and "divided their family" ("Zuo Zhuan" in the 10th year of Duke Zhao). ), Duke Shen of Chu State Wu Chen took Xia Ji and went to Jin Dynasty. Zizhong and Zi killed his clan and "divided their houses" (Zuo Zhuan, the seventh year of Chenggong). Chu Gongzi besieged and killed the great minister Ma Fang. Cover it up and "take his room" (Zuo Zhuan, the 30th year of Duke Xiang).

In the process of annexation of dafu, the status of powerful dafu was strengthened, and they became the actual rulers in various vassal states. The reason why the ruling officials of various countries can win in the struggle against the monarch is mainly because they have the support of the people. The above-mentioned officials alternated in power, which ended the situation where ritual and music conquests came from the princes.

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