In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou.

2024/06/2905:32:33 history 1463

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call was made to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was from the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou.

The hydrogen bomb components escorted by two technical personnel on the train were accidentally stolen.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

Picture | Premier Zhou

The moment the news came, Premier Zhou suddenly woke up. Almost immediately, Premier Zhou picked up the phone and called Xie Fuzhi, the then Minister of Public Security.

"Organize forces immediately and solve the case within ten days."

But in the vast sea of ​​people, where will the stolen hydrogen bomb components be sent?

Hydrogen bomb components were packaged into several balls of scrap newspapers

Starting in 1967, the 703 Research Institute, a secret unit located in Taiyuan, followed the orders of the Central Military Commission to develop an important component of the hydrogen bomb - the TQD automaton. After two years of unremitting efforts by scientific researchers, was finally successfully developed. The leading cadres of the 703 Research Institute decided to send the components to Beijing and hand them over to the scientific researchers of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission for final identification. The

703 Research Institute has previously undertaken scientific research projects for the Central Military Commission and the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. Generally speaking, if the parts and components they develop are large and inconvenient to carry around, they will be escorted by special vehicles. The garrison is also asked to send armed personnel to escort it. If it is small and can be carried around, several people will be chosen to protect it and it will be taken to Beijing by train.

html For many years, 703 Research Institute has been using these two methods alternately, and there has never been an error.

Considering that the overall size of the "TQD Automator" is small, weighing only a few kilograms, and is only about the size of a radio, the institute finally decided to select two staff members to undertake the escort task. After Qin Jiakang, chief of the Security Section of the

Research Institute, was selected to undertake this task, he selected among the team members. Considering the importance of this task, Qin Jiakang specially selected a young team member Yang Xiaochen who was good at martial arts and could fight with his own hands. Go together.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

One day in the late spring of 1969, Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen bought 596 train tickets and got on the train. The "TQD automatic device" was packed in a black artificial leather bag. After they found seats on the train, they did not sit down immediately. Instead, he quickly checked the surrounding environment, and then locked the leather bag with an iron chain on the luggage rack of the train.

Even while driving, the two of them never let down their guard. They alternately stared at the leather bag on the luggage rack.

Until 9 o'clock in the evening, the train "squeaked" and stopped at Beijing Yongdingmen Railway Station. Yang Xiaochen took the key and opened the leather bag on the luggage rack. However, the moment they took advantage of it, the two of them suddenly realized something was wrong.

This train was from Taiyuan to Beijing, with a total distance of 561 kilometers. The normal travel time was 13 hours and 44 minutes. Considering the importance of performing the task, Qin Jiakang and the two had almost no rest on the way.

"It was too light."

Qin Jiakang hurriedly opened his leather bag and saw that there were only a few old newspapers stuffed inside.

The "TQD Automator" was stolen.

The two people who had never made any mistakes before were a little panicked at this time. Qin Jiakang quickly calmed down and reported the case to the police station and the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. After the Science and Technology Commission for National Defense reported to Premier Zhou, Premier Zhou quickly instructed the Ministry of Public Security to organize capable forces to investigate the case within a ten-day deadline.

When the Ministry of Public Security organizes capable personnel to investigate the case, the first thing to consider is:

"Is it possible that the enemy agents sabotaged it."

Considering that the enemy agents must transport the hydrogen bomb components out of the country as soon as possible after stealing them, the Ministry of Public Security almost immediately As a result, all border ports, border checkpoints and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications were notified to conduct strict inspections of all possible outbound items.

However, the theft was of great importance and there were almost no clues before and after. The police could only temporarily focus on Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen.

After receiving the order, Gao Mingyang, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, immediately assigned several investigators to the Zhanqian police station to question the two men in detail about the incident.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

Logically speaking, the two of them never took their eyes off the bag as they set off. Even under such circumstances, it was a miracle that the bag could be dropped by others.

A police officer named Ding Xuchang asked Qin Jiakang doubtfully:

"Are you sure you were staring at the bag the whole time without looking away? How could that thing disappear? Think about it again, was there anyone in the process? Talk to you."

Qin Jiakang himself was puzzled, and he knew very well that he was to blame for the loss of the thing, and he might be suspected of being a "thief shouting to catch a thief." He was questioned repeatedly several times. , he became more and more impatient:

"Comrade, we are from a scientific research institute, with strong principles and party spirit. If the automatic instrument is lost, I am more anxious than you. If you want to call someone suspicious, let me think about it. Several fellow villagers talked to us, gave us food, and asked us where the terminal was. Let me think about it for a while."

Ding Xuchang was helpless when he saw this, and he took a cup. Shui came over and asked Qin Jiakang to sit down and think about it.

Who knew that when Qin Jiakang heard the word "sit", he slapped his thigh suddenly: "I know, it must have something to do with him."

Upon hearing this, Ding Xuchang's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward to ask: "Who is related to whom?"

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

It turned out that just seven or eight hours after the train left, Qin Jiakang and Qin Jiakang were a little hungry, so while it was stopping, Yang Xiaochen got off the train to buy something to eat, right here At that moment, a big man with a Shanxi accent and messy hair got on the bus. When he saw the empty seat next to Qin Jiakang, he wanted to sit. After Qin Jiakang signaled that there was someone here, the man found another seat and sat down.

"Did he take that bag?" Ding Xuchang asked excitedly.

Qin Jiakang shook his head:

"I'm not sure about this. After he got up, he told me that the nearby luggage racks were full of things, so he could only put his bag on top of us. I watched him put it with my own eyes. Put the bag on, and then he took out a strap from his body, followed our example, and tied the bag to the luggage rack. I saw that my bag was intact, so I didn’t care. After all, his bag was dark brown, and ours It’s black!”

The police officers all realized that this was likely to be a breakthrough in the case.

Zhou Enlai instructed: Please ask some old comrades to come out and solve the problem.

In addition to posting the person's physical characteristics along the route, considering that the person is likely to have come to Beijing, the public security officers are also in hotels around Beijing to conduct detailed checks and registration lists. After an investigation, I found clues.

When a tourist named Sima Yuanfa registered his name at the hotel, he used traditional Chinese characters. You must know that since the implementation of the Chinese character simplification reform in 1956, basically most people under the age of 40 use simplified Chinese characters, and this registration Information: A 25-year-old young man can use traditional Chinese characters. This situation is indeed a bit abnormal.

Soon, the public security organs used clues to locate the man named Sima Yuanfa and arrested him.

should have been foolproof, but who knew there would be an accident on the road.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

(Internet picture)

Probably the police officer responsible for the escort was too excited and drove too fast. The vehicle accidentally fell under the dam while crossing the bridge. The police officer and the driver were basically unharmed, except for Sima Yuanfa. No trace.

Considering that Sima Yuanfa was handcuffed during the escort, the police officers thought that he accidentally drowned after falling into the water and did not swim out, so they drained the water in the pond, but did not find Sima Yuanfa's body. , everyone concluded that Sima Yuanfa had escaped.

Fortunately, Skynet was very careful and careful, and Sima Yuanfa was finally arrested again before he could escape far.After asking

, he found out that after the car overturned, Sima Yuanfa hid not far away. He also felt that the police would definitely block the surrounding area. If he couldn't escape, it would be better to hide for a while. had been hiding like this for three days. He thought the news was over, so he went out and wanted to steal eggs from a fellow villager's house, but he was caught by our police.

The problem is that in the subsequent interrogation, although Sima Yuanfa confessed the crimes of his own agents and confessed to several other agents lurking in the mainland, he did not admit that he had stolen hydrogen bomb components.

After investigation, the public security officers found that what Sima Yuanfa said was true.

As a result, the investigation of the case suddenly reached a deadlock.

In the Beijing Ministry of Public Security, Huang Bitian, the task force leader responsible for supervising the case, is in the office every day, guarding the phone 24 hours a day. Since the Ministry of Public Security cast a wide net, Huang Bitian has been receiving endless calls every day. People from Beijing , the Ministry of Railways, Hebei, and Shanxi. However, the investigation results returned by all parties are all without exception. There is only one answer:

"No breakthrough yet."

In order to investigate Sima Yuanfa, the public security department has used it successively. In 6 days, there are only less than 4 days left before the 10-day deadline set by Premier Zhou. Public Security Minister Xie Fuzhi also called several times to inquire about the progress of the case and told Huang Bitian:

"We must overcome the difficulties no matter what and get to the bottom of it, otherwise top-secret components will be lost abroad and national security will be greatly affected."

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

Picture | Xie Fuzhi

On this day, Huang Bitian was waiting anxiously in the office, but Premier Zhou suddenly called to inquire about the progress of the case. The theft of hydrogen bomb components is related to national secrets. It is impossible for Premier Zhou not to pay attention. When he heard about the case, he had no clue. Premier Zhou gave a special instruction:

"It seems that comrades are encountering unprecedented difficulties. No matter how many people you have, We have no clue and can't solve the problem. Can we find some old comrades who are retired or not working and let them come out to solve the problem?"

Huang Bitian wrote down Premier Zhou's instructions. After thinking about it over and over, he suddenly thought, The Ministry of Public Security has a temporary "May 7th Study Class" in Shanxi. Most of the students who study there are "old police officers" with rich investigative experience. As long as these people are invited to come out, there is no need to worry about the case not being solved.

What’s more, Huang Bitian knew such a suitable candidate.

Thinking of this, Huang Bitian no longer hesitated and made a call to the Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department and invited an old police officer of Guo Yingfeng to come out.

As an old police officer, Guo Yingfeng has passed the age of knowing his destiny. He has gray silver hair. Although he looks unremarkable, his investigative skills are second to none in the public security system. Before the 1960s, Guo Yingfeng has cracked many difficult cases, such as the "Flying Robbery Case of the Forbidden City", "The Marco Polo Bridge Dismemberment Case", and the "Guangzhou Premeditated Assassination of National Leaders Counterrevolutionary Case".

Huang Bitian excitedly stepped forward to shake hands:

"Old comrade, I'm sorry to bother you, we also encountered a difficult case, so we had no choice but to ask you to come out."

Guo Yingfeng said politely:

"As long as the country and the Ministry of Public Security need me, , I will appear as soon as possible. I am always a police officer. Leader, I can work now. Let me go to the detention center to talk to Section Chief Qin Jiakang first!"

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

Picture | Premier Zhou

After Guo Yingfeng arrived, he first talked with Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen talked with Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen at the police station. They inquired about the incident in detail, collected all the "24-hour investigation records" and relevant identification records that had been sent to Beijing since the case was filed, and ordered the staff to give him a room. He walked into a secluded room and asked no one to enter, so he walked in alone with these records.

For several hours, Huang Bitian was sitting on pins and needles outside, until Guo Yingfeng came out of the house. Huang Bitian hurriedly stepped forward to ask what he had found, and Guo Yingfeng told him:

"You guys should quickly release the two comrades Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen. They were not involved in this matter. At most, they were derelict in their duties. You should stop investigating in Beijing. The suspect was committed in Shanxi Province. She is a female thief in her early 20s. She has entered the field of pickpocketing not long ago. He may have been in a theater troupe, and he is not an enemy agent."

Guo Yingfeng's words were very surprising. After all, everyone had been investigating for many days, focusing on men, but they never thought that the perpetrator might be a woman, and from the hydrogen bomb. Looking at the case of parts theft, everyone initially thought that it could only be sabotaged by enemy agents, but they never thought that it might be an ordinary criminal case.

"Old comrade, how do you know such details? We always thought the suspect was a male?"

Guo Yingfeng: It is recommended not to arrest him for the time being.

Guo Yingfeng explained to everyone in detail that he noticed from the relevant identification and laboratory records , a little oil stain was found on the strap of the bag and the newspaper, and there was a slight fragrance after a closer smell. It was inferred that it should be skin care products or cosmetics used by women, and judging from the fact that Qin Jiakang and Yang Xiaochen only talked to men along the way , this woman must be proficient in makeup, so the two people with rich security experience did not notice her gender. Therefore, it is very likely that this person has worked in a theater troupe, and she can still steal under such tight supervision, which shows that she has the skills to pick and steal, but usually a thief will only find the right target to attack, but she stole it A " iron lump " that is of no use to her, so she should be a newbie.

Not only that, the reason why Guo Yingfeng speculated that the theft occurred in Shanxi was because he inferred from the clue of cosmetics that there should be only the red light brand skin care oil produced in Shanxi.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

Picture | Red Light Brand Skin Care Oil

From the above characteristics, it can be inferred that there is more than one theft case on the train, and there should be other similar cases that are similar to the case of the theft of hydrogen bomb parts.

According to Guo Yingfeng's analysis, the task force adjusted its direction and focused on collecting and sorting out the theft cases on the railway line centered on Taiyuan within one month before and after the incident, until 2:30 in the middle of the night on the ninth day, from all sides According to the collected information, there were a total of 42 train theft cases, of which 5 cases were consistent with the theft of the hydrogen bomb, all of which were committed by locksmiths.

After eliminating relevant suspects, the police finally targeted one person.

There is a woman codenamed "Butterfly", named Xi Ruolan, who is about 20 years old. She once worked in a theater troupe in Shanxi and was beautiful. However, not long after she started working, the troupe closed down. Xi Ruolan was originally a person who relied on appearance to make a living. He lost his job all of a sudden and could not find the shame to do other jobs. Later, by some strange combination of circumstances, he met the notorious thief king Jia Fukun. Jia Fukun taught him his lock-picking skills. After missing Xi Ruolan, he also embarked on the road of theft.

The public security organs quickly spread the net to control the situation. Not long after, news came from the police in Dai County, Shanxi, that traces of the "butterfly" were discovered.

could have been arrested immediately, but Guo Yingfeng objected at this time. He considered "Butterfly" to steal this hydrogen bomb component. It would be of no use to herself and might be thrown aside by her. Even if she were arrested at this time, it would be impossible. Once she denies it, there's nothing you can do about it. After much consideration, Guo Yingfeng decided to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish.

The next day, Xi Ruolan ate in a restaurant, and Guo Yingfeng also went to the restaurant with several police officers to pretend to eat.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

During the dinner, Guo Yingfeng pretended to be a thief and "stole" hundreds of dollars in cash from another policeman in front of Xi Ruolan. I have never been so agile before. If I can master this "technology", then I won't have to worry about food and clothing in the future.

Xi Ruolan caught up with Guo Yingfeng and insisted on becoming an apprentice to learn his "skill". Guo Yingfeng deliberately said:

"You said you wanted to learn skills from me, how could you ask me to believe you? What if you were a member of the police? You want to "Don't tell me what you have done before, are we the same person?"

Xi Ruolan did not doubt that he was there, and boasted about his past "accomplishments", and also mentioned that he once disguised himself as a man on the train and was not arrested. people discovered.

"Then you gained a lot that time, right?"

Guo Yingfeng asked deliberately.

In the late spring of 1969, a phone call came to Premier Zhou's office. The person on the other end of the phone was the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. They reported a very urgent matter to Premier Zhou. - DayDayNews

"No." Xi Ruolan said sadly:

"A few days ago I stole a leather bag from two men. Inside was an iron-like device. It looked like it was not a valuable item, so I threw it in casually. The pool in the park..."

Well, with Xi Ruolan's words, the truth about this hydrogen bomb component theft case has been revealed.

Guo Yingfeng waved, and the surrounding public security officers quickly dispatched and arrested "Butterfly" on the spot. After Xi Ruolan was arrested, he confessed to the crime he committed. Afterwards, members of the task force immediately took Xi Ruolan to the park pool to salvage it. Pick up the "TQD automatic device" that she threw into the water...

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