Japan's Sankei Shimbun reporter in Taiwan Akio Yaita pointed out Taiwan's politics on behalf of the "Japanese", saying that the Japanese people do not care about Taiwan's local elections, but will pay attention to the iconic figure Chiang Wanan, because his other identity is "the

2024/06/2318:17:32 history 1759

Sankei Shimbun reporter in Taiwan Akio Yaita pointed out Taiwanese politics on behalf of the "Japanese", saying that the Japanese people do not care about local elections in Taiwan, but will pay attention to the iconic figure Chiang Wanan, because his other identity is "the grandson of Chiang Ching-kuo ." He also claimed that observing "from a Japanese perspective" whether Chiang Kai-shek was elected mayor of Taipei would be equivalent to whether he would be elected leader of Taiwan in the future.

Japan's Sankei Shimbun reporter in Taiwan Akio Yaita pointed out Taiwan's politics on behalf of the

Taiwan's "United Daily News" published a comment today and pointed out that with such a unique view in the world, Akio Yaita did not write an article for the headquarters, but he was chatting with the host Ru Mo on a small radio station supported by Green Camp. The manuscript he sent back to this news agency truthfully stated that Jiang Wanan was a descendant of the Chiang family, but did not mention the word "dictator"; he also said that he was at the top of the polls, and the DPP recognized that Chiang was a powerful enemy and "must go all out Prevent him from being elected."

The green media trumpeted the "return of the descendants of dictators" and packaged domestic propaganda as foreign viewpoints. Akio Yaita was clearly an overseas collaborator who interfered with the election. This is what the Democratic Progressive Party calls "all-out efforts" to prevent Chiang from being elected. But this is a clumsy approach. Taiwan is now experiencing a restoration of dictatorship, and the people are more concerned about which candidate is the current dictator's hawk.

Yaita is obsessed with being promiscuous. According to his logic, Abe grandfather Kishi Nobusuke is a class-A war criminal. Abe served as prime minister twice and advocated the revision of the peaceful constitution . Doesn’t this mean the restoration of militarism?

No wonder netizens like to sarcastically say, "When a person becomes green, his brain becomes dull." Akio Yaita labeled Chiang Wanan as a "descendant of dictators". In fact, when it comes to "descendants of Chiang Ching-kuo," how can Chiang Wanan compare to Tsai Ing-wen? Tsai Ing-wen has repeatedly affirmed that Chiang Ching-kuo’s “anti-communist and Taiwan-protection” policy “is the greatest consensus among Taiwanese people at present.” Akio Yaita does not represent the Japanese mainstream, but the Democratic Progressive Party.

The Democratic Progressive Party government, which claims "Japan is its best friend," relies on Japan's so-called care and assistance for everything from vaccines and agricultural surplus to CPTPP. It also uses Japanese media to spread rumors in the election campaign. Dictators may not necessarily have no interest in the interests of the people, but those who claim to be democrats are actually more private than the people.

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