In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ

2024/05/2712:34:33 history 1951

Britain has established a super global empire in its history. The sphere of influence it established spans three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. Not only did it take the lead in completing the industrial revolution, it also became a worldwide empire on which the sun never sets. The way it passes is to use its own advanced industrial civilization to export force. This form needs to support its own huge colony.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

and ultimately maintained the colonial process for a hundred years, making Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. Until the impact of World War I World War II, the British sphere of influence was greatly reduced, and the colonial system was also disintegrated.

In the history of world colonization, why was the British invaded the whole world but was not hated by other countries? What is the secret to its success? This has to be said that the British colonial form of is , which is an all-round coverage of of .

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

This also won him the recognition of the colonial government, compared to the colonial disaster . Giving local colonies development opportunities is also one of the reasons why it can be respected. HH? This has to talk about the three forms of and in the British colonies!

The output mode of British colonists

The British colonial form is a output mode of industrial industrial civilization. It is different from the Spanish and Portuguese modes of violent plunder by force. It is a new model of that has entered the era of industrial civilization. Its purpose is only to seize the raw material market and export industrial products.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

For this reason, a stable colonial order is needed, and the process of British colonization of Asia and Africa was an attack on the old and backward civilized systems. It first used military force to attack the old local models. .

created the product output channel for itself, which was used in backward areas such as Asia and Africa at that time. In a chaotic management mode, after the British export of force, the colonial government was integrated and established, making the local security management and political model relatively stable. This ended the local chaos, and the local colony transitioned to the stable political model.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

This is the first form, which is to use force to break the old system and establish a new order . And his second mode is to baptize cultural beliefs and use the religious model to control thoughts.

Westernized the Catholic brainwashing of the colonial race, religion and culture. Through this model, the colonies were carried out, Westernized reform . And his reform model is also very successful.

Whether it is Australia, the United States, Canada, or South Africa, they have all accepted this form of recognition. Even now, still recognizes the United Kingdom as the nominal suzerain country of . . It is because of the ties of cultural beliefs that this is the colonial output that is an advanced form of .

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

The last one is to open a local factory and invest in . And his model is to eliminate the backward industrial production capacity and carry out the preliminary processing of some products in the local colonies. That is, raw materials, mineral resources and energy are initially processed to form preliminary industrial products.

is used directly in the UK or is used for secondary deep processing. Although is the elimination of backward production capacity, it is still relatively capable of building a certain basic supply capacity for the backward form of local colonies, which is very needed for a country.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

For this reason, although Britain still existed in various plunders of the colonies, it had been broken through by force, and the barbaric mode of plundering had turned into a kind of economic plunder. was relatively mild. can be recognized by colonial countries and is within the acceptable range. The difference between

and Japan is that the output

is afraid of everything. has contrast with . For a form of British colonization, other countries have different modes of exporting force. The UK is an advanced model that developed earlier than and has a relatively high level of industrial civilization, but compared to other later colonial countries.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

It does not have Britain's huge colonies and markets, nor does it have a supply of raw materials, and its own reserves are also limited. For this reason, can only take the extreme pace of external expansion. Japan is a typical example of this . The way to acquire colonies is to plunder and exploit.

During World War II, the colonial model of Southeast Asia was severely opposed and resisted by the colonial countries. It was precisely because of the destruction model he created. A break from the relatively benign approach of the West, led by Britain.

also destructively plundered from its own country's industrial base and energy industry. This led to strong opposition from all Asian countries, especially those invaded by Japan. Comparing the two models, the British colonial model is relatively acceptable.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

peaceful settlement of the problem of colonial division

Moreover, the British also adopted a method of peaceful breakup to solve the loss of colonies , especially the partition of India India and Pakistan , the national independence of South Africa, and the peace of the Australian government in Australia separate.

and , the United States is independent of , and the United Kingdom is only carrying out 's last force to suppress . It also recognizes its independence if it fails. Including Canada's independence after World War II, it was all solved peacefully. When it came to the independence of the colonies in the Middle East, Britain chose to break up peacefully.

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews

Although it is de facto control by military means, it is still carrying out a kind of penetration in the economic aspect. The United Kingdom belongs to the rational group. When he was not strong enough, he decisively chose to let go in order to obtain his status as the nominal sovereign state of . Japan's colonial situation and Germany's colonial form were all due to their final defeat, and was unable to maintain its colonial costs, and finally had no choice but to give up. This kind of forced interruption of by was a forced helplessness. With these colonial countries for comparison, Britain has won relative recognition from the colonies, so it is not as difficult as for .

In the end, the colonial process that lasted for hundreds of years made Britain the most powerful empire in the world at that time. In the history of world colonization, why did Britain invade the whole world without being hated by other countries? What was the secret to its succ - DayDayNews


It can also be seen from this that even though Britain was the largest colonial country in the world at the time, it knew its own standard . They know what the strength is and what kind of demand it can have, and the British colonists also understand rational .

First, it used force to open up the market and win its own initial capital . Afterwards, through the raw materials, the primary processing plant is set up locally, giving the local people a certain foundation to accumulate .

also exports culture, causing the colonized countries to recognize as their sovereign state, and directly uses culture as a link to carry out long-term ideological control. It has a certain degree of authority in terms of legal principles and cultural cognition. For this reason, the British are among the most successful colonial countries.

It was only because of the impact of World War I and World War II and the suppression of the United States that he finally fell from the altar of to . His current territory and nominal dominance, but for these countries in the later period, there is still a feeling of gratitude to him . After all, it gives all countries the opportunity to break up peacefully and leaves behind the original industrial system. Although it is not perfect, it has a certain foundation of , and is also the main reason why colonial countries are grateful to him.

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