During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y

2024/05/2518:09:33 history 1529

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family Fang Kui, with a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin's had only two brothers, Fang Youqian was the eldest brother, Fang Youkun was the younger. As a younger brother. Everything in the world is subject to reincarnation, and humans, as the primates of all things, are no exception. After the two brothers got married, Fang Kui and his wife were supposed to have grandchildren and enjoy their family life, but they died of illness one after another. The two brothers divided the large business into seven parts, each taking three of them, and the remaining part was shared by the public. When there were public colleagues, they would take it.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y - DayDayNews

My elder brother, Yougan, gave birth to two sons in succession. His younger brother, Youkun, had no children shortly after his marriage. The death of his parents was a huge blow to him, and he was depressed all day long. Later, he died of an unknown disease, leaving behind his beautiful appearance. The lovely wife Zang's is quite pitiful. She is already four months pregnant. She only has an eldest brother in her family, who is loyal and honest. When Fang Yougan saw that his younger brother had no children, he wanted to use up all the family property, so he forced his younger sister-in-law to make his own son his heir. When they heard that she was pregnant, they not only looked angrily, but also said that her brother had been ill during his lifetime. How could Zang be pregnant? Either a hypothesis, or the pregnancy was due to an affair, not the blood of the Fang family.

Mrs. Zang, a weak girl, said with shame and anger: "Brother, why are you so impatient? After only a few months of pregnancy, you can see the difference, and there are differences between men and women. If you give birth to a daughter, there is no doubt that the family property will not be lost to your uncle? What if? I am lucky enough to give birth to a boy, but I am not blessed to be born without a father. How can I bear all the wealth? My orphaned and widowed mother only needs a few acres of farmland to maintain food and clothing and three shabby rooms. Brother, please wait patiently. In a few months, the rich and the poor will have their own fate, and they will never compete with you about the wealth." Fang Youqian was speechless for a moment, speechless. But I was thinking in my heart: How to stop Zang's mouth? Then he filed a complaint and took the Zang family to the county government, and asked someone to bribe the county magistrate with a large sum of money, vowing to force his sister-in-law to admit that the pregnancy was not her brother's posthumous pregnancy.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y - DayDayNews

At that time, he was Dantu County Magistrate Lin Wei, who was born in Shanxi and donated his life. He was originally a dandy, but he was short-lived because of his predestined destiny. He was mediocre and incompetent and extremely greedy. As the saying goes, "Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others." After receiving the money from someone below, he naturally tried every means to plan for him, thinking about how to win the case in court, forcing Zang to bear the humiliation and admit that he was infertile or pregnant. Posthumous.

In the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign (1777), Lin Zhixian violated the regulations (in Qing Dynasty inhumane criminal cases, women were not allowed to enter the court) and had Zang family arrested. Zang family thought that she was a female generation and could not go to the court to evade the case. Lin The county magistrate refused and insisted on having him detained and summoned to the Yamen. She knew she had bad intentions, so she had no choice but to put the scissors in her arms before leaving, just in case she felt pity.

On the day of the court hearing, the county magistrate Lin sat high in the middle, with wolf-like and tiger-like officers lined up on both sides. Zang was forced to admit that he "pretends to be a posthumous child in an attempt to seize the family property." Zang knelt down and cried: "I am destined to be alone. My husband died early and was widowed. When my husband was alive, he and his brother had separated and lived separately, and they were not involved in each other. Today, The uncle wanted to deceive the widow into having a baby, and falsely accused Fang's posthumous pregnancy. Please take a closer look." Magistrate Lin said: "Your husband died without a son, and he was supposed to be an heir. Why did you fabricate the pregnancy out of thin air? What's the point? Is there someone behind the scenes? If you don't make a true confession, why don't you blame me for not showing mercy to you?" Zang replied, "How can you be false if you are pregnant after giving birth? Knowing this, how can you falsely accuse me of being a concubine based on your brother's words? As for the envoy, it is even more nonsense." Lin Zhixian said angrily: "What a clever woman, if she is pregnant, she will give birth. "You have your own areola. If you can admit that you have no fetus, I can still give you mercy outside the law and exempt you from prosecution. If you say that you have left your body, you will have to take off your clothes and present it for examination. How can I allow you to lie?" Poor Zang, a weak woman, it was already unbearable to show her face in court. If she was naked and humiliated in public, in that era, it was like forcing a chaste woman to commit suicide, which was even worse than the punishments in the underworld.

Mrs. Zang cried out and complained, but Magistrate Lin continued to press hard. He said that if there was no inquest in court, there would be no posthumous pregnancy. Evidence is the only basis and no excuses are allowed. After ordering the government officials on both sides to take action, they wanted to force Zang's skirt off in front of the court. Zang knew that he could not be kind, so he scolded Zaoli, swept his cold eyes over the people in the hall, and said loudly: "Three feet above your head, there are gods. The pure ones will become clear themselves, and the turbid ones will become turbid."Without bothering you officials, I will perform a caesarean section and submit it for examination! "Zang was extremely angry, so he tore his coat, unbuttoned the inner buttons, stabbed himself with scissors, and died.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y - DayDayNews

All the men in the hall looked on wretchedly at first, but when they saw that he was actually taking action, they were unable to save him and were stunned on the spot. Then Lin Zhixian was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated to the back hall and asked the boss for advice. He actually accepted a heavy bribe from Fang Yougan, which led to this situation. How did it end? "The plaintiff used a thousand gold as a bribe." , must confuse right and wrong, self-involved in false accusations, it really shouldn’t be accepted, so just accept it, it can still be remedied, but to test a woman’s pregnancy, the mother-in-law or the woman must be forbidden to conduct the inspection in a secret room. How can they be forced in court? Now Splattering blood in the court will put you in jail. The Zang family will never give up. The situation is over, and you can only hope for happiness! "After Lin Wei heard this, his face turned pale and he remained silent.

But he said that Zang's natal brother, Zang Tiancheng, was waiting for news about his sister outside the Yamen. When he suddenly heard the bad news, he was filled with grief and anger. There was no one in the lobby except Zang. The corpse was lying on the bricks with rigor mortis. Tiancheng suppressed his grief, picked up the body, and walked along the street to express his grievances. Passers-by looked sideways and came to the Zhenjiang government office in Gutougang (Dantu is from Zhenjiang Fuguo County), and rang the bell. Tanggu .

Li Shizhu, the then magistrate of Zhenjiang , was born in Gongsheng in Licheng, Shandong. He hated evil as much as he hated evil and was an upright person. After hearing what Zang Tiancheng said, he summoned Wenpo for an autopsy and confirmed Zang. She was already four months pregnant and was found dead, which filled people with outrage. Magistrate Li was furious and immediately issued an official ultimatum, ordering Magistrate Dantu to transfer the case to the magistrate immediately and escort Fang Yougan to the magistrate for hearing.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y - DayDayNews

Who knows. It took a long time for the dispatched government officer to return and report that Lin Wei, the magistrate of Dantu County, had hanged himself in Houyamen. It turned out that he was frightened to death when he heard that Zang's brother took the body to the Zhenjiang government office to complain about injustice. He went there, knowing that he would die, so he hanged himself in fear of the crime.

The county magistrate had brought Fang Youqian and the case files. Magistrate Li ordered him to be temporarily imprisoned, and led his co-workers and the government officials to go to the county government to inspect the forest. After the corpse of the magistrate was confirmed to be a suicide, Fang Yougan was brought to the court for interrogation. The evidence was conclusive. At first, he was still lucky and continued to slander the Zang family as a property of the Ba family. The pregnant woman was pregnant. Magistrate Li had evidence in hand and ordered people to clamp him to death immediately. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he knelt down and told how he wanted to force his sister-in-law to have an heir and how he colluded with bribery. Magistrate Lin falsely accused his sister-in-law. How did Magistrate Lin fail to extract a confession during the court trial, resulting in blood splattering in the court, etc.

Magistrate Li ordered him to sign a confession and adjourn it, and then drafted the verdict in court: Fang Yougan was a bad brother, and falsely accused his brother in vain. My daughter-in-law bribed the public and forced her to die. Although she was the culprit, she was not a huge evil. She was sentenced to death and reported to the Ministry of Punishment for approval. All Zang's family property was returned to her parents' family to comfort her brother Lin Wei, who was afraid of the crime. Hanging oneself is indeed a crime well deserved, and the emperor has made it clear that there will be a replacement.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Dantu County in Zhenjiang, there was a wealthy family named Fang Kui, who had a fortune of tens of millions. His wife Qin only had two brothers. Fang Youqian was the elder brother, and Fang Youkun was the y - DayDayNews

More than a month later, the approval letter came back, but it was the superior who blamed Magistrate Li for being too light, and changed Fang Yougan's sentence to death and executed him immediately. When the sentence was changed, people at the time said, "It is probably because of Lin Hang that the public's anger has not been vented, and the anger is so great!" "

Summary :

Human nature is most tested in the face of huge profits. In this secular world, people's love for money cannot be miscalculated. But don't you hear that "a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way." "What is Tao? The bottom line is Tao. It seems like the greedy magistrate in the article has no bottom line. He has no moral integrity and is for his own selfishness. The magistrate is like a gangster, forcing a weak woman to present herself naked, which eventually leads to a tragedy. Although the culprit uncle was hateful, he was not as evil as the evil Lin Wei. It was too easy for him to hang himself. Although the case has been settled for more than two hundred years, it still makes people feel indignant.

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