There were no beds or bedding at that time, and I was not familiar with Nanjing. Xiong Tianjing was from Nanjing, so I gave her money to buy them. Because it was hot, a mat, a pillow and a sheet would be enough.

2024/05/2416:57:34 history 1652

There were no beds or bedding at that time, and I was not familiar with Nanjing. Xiong Tianjing was from Nanjing, so I gave her money to buy them. Because it was hot, a mat, a pillow and a sheet would be enough. - DayDayNews

On August 21, 1937, after Zhou Enlai and Zhu De left Nanjing, Ye Jianying stayed in Nanjing to continue negotiations and rescue comrades in prison. He and I moved into the small building we just rented at No. 66, Fu Hougang, . Three lesbians, Xia Zhixu, Wang Genying, and Xiong Tianjing, who were taken out of prison, also lived here.

There were no beds or bedding at that time. I was not familiar with Nanjing. Xiong Tianjing was from Nanjing, so I gave her money to buy it. Because it was hot, a mat, a pillow and a sheet would be enough. She hired a nanny to cook and clean the house, and then they officially started working together. Like a small family.

html On August 25, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China issued an order to reorganize the National Red Army into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, with Zhu De as commander-in-chief, Peng Dehuai as deputy commander-in-chief, and Ye Jianying as chief of staff. Since then, Ye Jianying has carried out united front work as the Eighth Route Army's chief of staff and the Eighth Route Army's representative in Beijing. No. 66, Fu Hougang, also officially became the "National Revolutionary Army Eighth Route Army Office in Beijing." In the name of the secretary of the office, I went to the street to engrave seals, print stationery envelopes, and buy office supplies. At that time, the central government had decided to transfer Li Kenong, the director of the Shanghai Red Army Liaison Office, to be the director. Before he took office, we officially opened.

's first task is to rescue political prisoners in prison. Therefore, the first official letter was sent to Minister of Military and Political Affairs He Yingqin to release political prisoners in the name of Ye Jianying. Xia Zhixu waited at the office and handed over a list of those still in prison. Ye Jianying asked me to write a letter to He Yingqin for bail. This is really hard for me. Although I worked as a secretary in the Red Army for several years and wrote many requests for instructions for the chief, I always got straight to the point, simple and clear. I have been at the Red Army Liaison Office in Xi'an for more than half a year, but I have not written any official letters. I had no choice but to ask Ye Jianying for advice on how to write. He taught me step by step: in the beginning he wrote "He Minister Junjian", in the middle he said that someone was to be released from prison and transferred to serve in the military, and the last sentence was "Please approve it." The word "nuclear" should be raised on a new line to show respect for the superior. When signing the signature, the word "job" must be written next to Ye Jianying, indicating that she is his subordinate. I just copied the gourd and copied it carefully, word for word. Because I was very nervous, I either dropped words or forgot to look up. I had to rewrite it, and it took me several times to get it right, which made me sweat profusely. It was sent to Ye Jianying for review and seal before being issued. I have been very busy these days. I have to write official letters, entertain comrades who have been released from prison, and read telegrams. Because we don’t have a radio station, I sent the telegrams myself to Yan Xishan, the station of the Second War Zone. Sent by the Beijing office.

html At the end of August, Li Kenong came from Shanghai, and he took over the overall responsibility of the office. Qian Zhiguang also came to Nanjing from Xi'an on the assignment of Zhou Enlai. He was responsible for military supplies, finance and other work. As more and more comrades were released from prison,

Li Kenong designated comrades such as Xia Zhixu, Xiong Tianjing, Liu Shunyuan, and Xiao Guichang who were released from prison to be responsible for reception, registration, and review. First, we rented a few bungalows in Xiliuwan, but we couldn't live in any more, so we rented a small hotel in Gulou. After the comrades were released from prison, they were first given a bath, haircut, and replenished with clothes and daily necessities, and then registered, filled out forms, and studied the Party Central Committee's manifesto, the "Ten Major Programs," etc.

In early September, Bogu arrived at the Eighth Office of Nanjing as a representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. His task was first to discuss with representatives of the Kuomintang on the finalization and publication of the CPC Central Committee's declaration. This task was completed on September 21st and published publicly on the 22nd. The second step is to restore and establish party organizations in the Kuomintang-controlled areas of the Yangtze River Basin.

Because Zhou Enlai had gone to Shanxi to discuss the Shanxi Anti-Japanese War with Yan Xishan, Wei Lihuang, and others, and Dong Biwu and Lin Boqu were in Wuhan and Xi'an respectively, the Yangtze River Coastal Committee was not established. Therefore, Bogu was responsible for this work, and Ye Jianying participated. Since a large number of responsible party cadres were rescued from prison, they have white area work experience, which provides cadre conditions for carrying out work. From August to October, about 1,000 political prisoners who were released from prisons in Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, as well as from the Introspection Institute, were received by the Eighth Route Army Office in Beijing.Among them, important cadres include Huang Wenjie, Liu Shunyuan, Li Shinong, Wang Kai, Chen Nongfei, Zheng Shaowen, Wang Heshou, Tao Zhu, Fang Yi, Shi Lei, Qian Ying, Zhang Qinqiu, Liu Ning, Xiao Guichang, Yu Ping, Lin Liming, Zhang Kaifan, Gu Yuliang, Cao Diqiu, Peng Kang, Deng Ken, etc.

Bogu, Ye Jianying and Li Kenong discussed and appointed Huang Wenjie, Liu Shunyuan, Wang Heshou, Li Shinong, Liu Ningyi, Qian Ying, Xia Zhixu, Fang Yi and others who had experience in organizing work and understood the situation in prison to be responsible for the registration and review of people released from prison. , reception work. After review, they will be dealt with separately: Those who behave resolutely in prison will be sent to Yan'an or assigned to work in the Kuomintang-controlled areas; those who behave in an average way and have some problems will be sent to Yan'an to study and continue to be reviewed; a few who behave poorly or have serious problems will be sent to Yan'an for further review. They were given travel expenses to go home or find a job, and they were asked to actively participate in the Anti-Japanese War. A total of about 700 to 800 people were sent to the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi'an for transfer to Yan'an. The Nanjing Office bought train tickets, organized them in batches, and issued Eighth Route Army passports to leave.

Bogu and Ye Jianying gradually established many local party leadership organs based on their cadre qualifications and submission to the central government for approval. In September, Yang Xuecheng, a student sent from Beijing to the south, established the Wuhan Working Committee in Wuhan, mainly to lead student work. In early October, Zhou Enlai sent a telegram to Bogu from Taiyuan and sent his adjutant Qiu Nanzhang to Hankou to deliver a letter to Dong Biwu. He accompanied Mr. Dong to Nanjing to discuss with Bogu the organizational work of the Hubei Party. After Mr. Dong arrived in Wuhan, he agreed with Bo Gu and Ye Jianying to send Tao Zhu and Qian Ying, who had just been released from prison, to Wuhan to organize the Hubei Provincial Working Committee with Guo Shushen, who was sent from the central government. Guo Shushen served as secretary of the working committee. In November, Bogu sent Fang Yi, who was released from prison in Suzhou, to Hubei to participate in the work of the working committee. It was also agreed to send Zheng Weisan to eastern Hubei as secretary of the special committee to strengthen political work against the Gao Jingting guerrilla forces. Li Tao, the former director of the Red Army Liaison Office in Xi'an, was sent to Hankou to prepare for the establishment of the Eighth Route Army Office in Han.

In October, the central government decided to establish the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, with Liu Xiao as secretary and Liu Changsheng as deputy secretary. The central government sent Zhang Aiping to Shanghai via Nanjing to serve as secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee's Military Commission. Ye Jianying discussed with Zhang Aiping the issue of establishing an anti-Japanese armed force under the leadership of the party in Jiangsu. Bogu sent Liu Ning to the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to participate in the workers' committee work.

In November, the Provisional Provincial Working Committee was established in Zhejiang and the Central Anhui Working Committee was established in Anhui. Both were organized by Bogu sending cadres from Nanjing.

In late September, Xiang Ying, the person in charge of the three-year guerrilla war on the border of Jiangxi and Guangdong, went to Nanchang to negotiate with the Kuomintang authorities in accordance with the declaration of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party announced by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Because he did not understand the specific situation of the negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he made some inappropriate remarks. The Central Committee telegraphed Bogu and Ye Jianying and tried to send people to Jiangxi to find Xiang Ying to convey the Central Committee's instructions, asking Xiang Ying to go to Nanjing and transfer to Yan'an to discuss the reorganization of the southern Red Army guerrillas. Bogu and Ye Jianying sent Gu Yuliang, who had come out of prison and met Xiang Ying, to wear military uniforms and take his passport to Nanchang in the name of the captain's adjutant of the Eighth Route Army Office in Beijing. He was taken to Ji'an by the Kuomintang members to meet Chen Yi. Orally conveyed the central government's instructions that the southern guerrillas should not concentrate down the mountain on their own. Then he went to Gannan Dayu to find Xiang Ying, verbally conveyed the central government's instructions, and handed over the letters and central documents entrusted by Bo Gu and Ye Jianying in person. Then he accompanied Xiang Ying to the Eighth Office of Nanjing and transferred to Yan'an.

In November, Bogu and Ye Jianying sent Gu Yuliang to find the leader Huang Dao first in the Jiangxi Qianshan Soviet Area in Northeastern Jiangxi, and then to find Ye Fei in the Mindong guerrilla zone in Fujian. They sent them the central documents and the spirit of the instructions, and accompanied Ye Fei and Huang Dao to Nanchang. The New Fourth Army reported to the military headquarters. Let them understand the spirit of the central government in time to avoid being fooled by the Kuomintang.

has also done a lot of work in terms of publicity. Bo Gu, Ye Jianying, and Li Kenong all met with many friends and Chinese and foreign reporters to promote the policies of the Communist Party of China and the achievements of the Eighth Route Army. Especially after the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army annihilated more than a thousand Japanese troops at Pingxingguan in Shanxi on September 25, 1937, the Eighth Route Army became more famous at home and abroad. Many people came to inquire about the news, and they were overwhelmed.Li Kenong asked Adjutant Yuan Chaojun to buy an mimeograph machine to print and distribute the battle reports sent from the Eighth Route Army headquarters, and use different methods to disclose them in the newspapers through progressive or central newspapers. The "Jinling Daily" run by Lu Chao, the Chief of Staff of the Nationalist Government, had poor sales. Chen Nongfei, who had just been released from prison (they knew Chen who had run the newspaper before), was asked to be the editor-in-chief. With Bogu's consent, the newspaper did not need to be submitted for review because of its backing. You can often publish news about the Eighth Route Army. Foreign reporters Epstein also sent the information we provided to foreign newspapers for publication.

In October, a tabloid in Nanjing published a report that "the Eighth Route Army roamed without attacking." Li Kenong was very angry and discussed with Ye Jianying to protest against the newspaper. Li Kenong asked someone to go to the street and buy a major general collar badge and a major collar badge. He asked me to put on the military uniform with him and the Eighth Route Army armband. He put on the major general collar badge and asked me to put on the major collar badge. He said he wanted to show it to the editor-in-chief of that newspaper. Then I asked the adjutant to call the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. He asked me to greet me at the door while he sat in the living room and waited. Soon, the editor-in-chief came. I said, our section chief wants to see you for something, so I led him into the living room. Li Kenong asked him to sit down, took the newspaper and said to him: "Your news said that 'the Eighth Route Army roamed but did not attack'. What is the basis? The Eighth Route Army fought such a great victory at Pingxing Pass . Don't you know? Tomorrow Correct it in the newspaper." The editor-in-chief nodded and admitted the mistake and said, "I will correct it tomorrow, I will definitely correct it." He was sweating profusely. An announcement was posted the next day. Afterwards, the comrades in our office said to Li Kenong: "Ke Gong is really capable." Li Kenong smiled and said: "This is unity and struggle at the same time."

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