"The Legendary Distribution of Primitive Society Tribes in the Yellow River and Yangtze River Basins" depicts the scope of activities of various tribes in the Chinese civilization in ancient society. Which tribe do you belong to? Taihao Fuxi's name: "Zhuangzi" is the first book t

2024/05/1923:39:33 history 1522

" Yellow River , Yangtze River Basin Legendary Primitive Society Tribal Distribution" depicts the scope of activities of various tribes in Chinese civilization in ancient society. Which tribe do you belong to?

Taihao Fuxi's name:

The book "Zhuangzi" first records Fuxi's name.

"Fu Xi" or "Luxi" is called "Fu Xi" or "Luxi" in "Historical Records", he is the son of Hua Xu, the father of Shaodian, and the ancestor of Yan and Huang. The content of the Fuxi legend varies from time to time. According to legend, the Fuxi family taught people how to build nets, fish, hunt, and animal husbandry, and create gossip.

According to the ancient pre-Qin book "世本", Fuxi is the emperor.

In mythology, Fuxi is considered to be the ancestor of all human beings. Fuxi is one of the three emperors. He moved to rule Chencang and established his capital in Chenwanqiu (today's Huaiyang, Henan), with "dragon" as his name. Totem, Ancient Chinese legend "Fuxi" surnamed Feng.

▲Fuxi and Nuwa

"White Tiger Tongyi" says: "What are the three emperors? Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong are so."

The legend of Pangu's creation of heaven and earth appeared later. Some scholars Research suggests that it is likely that the legend of "Pangu opened heaven and earth" evolved after the legend of Fuxi spread to the southern ethnic minorities.

Yandi Shennong:

In the records of "Historical Records", Shennong was not a single figure, but a clan, which once ruled the world. During the time of the Yellow Emperor, the power of the Shennong clan weakened and was replaced by the Xuanyuan clan to which the Yellow Emperor belonged. In the same record, the Yellow Emperor fought with Emperor Yan at Banquan, and then fought with Chi You at Zhuolu Wilderness, eventually replacing the rule of Shennong.

Wang Fu of the Eastern Han Dynasty "Qianfu Lun" records that Shennong is a title inherited from generation to generation. The Red Emperor Kuikui's inherited the title of Shennong and was called Emperor Yan, replacing Fu Xi's and becoming the commonwealth of the world. host.

In the records of "Huainanzi" of Western Han , Shennong is the founder of herbal medicine. This view was inherited by the Eastern Han Dynasty edition of "Shiben", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and "Bu San Huang Ben Ji" by Sima Zhen of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty Lu Yu " The Book of Tea " said: "The drink of tea originated from Shennong."

In Song Dynasty " Taiping Yulan " cited Tang Dynasty "Book of Zhou" annotations, there is Shennong. The invention of pottery.

The Yellow Emperor has the Xiong family:

is the first of the Five Emperors in "Historical Records ".

According to myths and legends, the Yellow Emperor's father, Shaodian, was the king of the Xiong Kingdom. He lived in Xuanyuan Hill, so he was named Xuanyuan. Xiong (now Xinzheng, Henan), also known as Xiong's family name. According to legend, he was born on the third day of March. As the saying goes, "on February 2, the dragon raises its head; on March 3, Xuanyuan is born."

According to Volume 1 of "Han Shu Ren Biao Kao": "The Yellow Emperor, had the son of Shaodian, the king of the Xiong Kingdom King Wu. Shaodian married a man named Fu Bao, who felt great electricity around the pivot, and was pregnant for the second time. In the fifteenth month, the Yellow Emperor was born in Tianshui on the day of Wusi. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" records that Emperor Yan was defeated by the Yellow Emperor at the Battle of Banquan. Later, Chi You gathered Emperor Yan's subordinates to fight again at the Battle of Zhuolu. was defeated by the Yellow Emperor.

The earliest documents handed down clearly about the Yellow Emperor come from the bronze inscriptions of King Wei of Qi in the middle period of the Warring States period. , to confirm the legitimacy of the rule, so the "Yellow Emperor" is regarded as an important iconic figure in Chinese culture. He is one of the leaders of the ancient Chinese tribe and the blood ancestor of the Chinese nation and Han people.

Zhuan Xu (zhuān xū) Gaoyang's family:

is one of the five emperors. His father is Changyi. Changyi is the second son of Huangdi and Leizu. Because his virtue and talent were not enough to inherit the great throne, he was made a prince in ruoshui and married Changpu, the daughter of Shushan clan. was his wife and gave birth to Zhuanxu. Zhuan Xu has a deep and strategic character. When he was fifteen years old, he assisted Shaohao in governing the Jiuli area and was sealed in Gaoyang (now east of Qixian County, Henan), so he was also called Gaoyang's family. After the death of Huangdi, Zhuanxu was made emperor because of his saintliness and lived in Diqiu (southeast of today's Puyang City, Henan) at the age of twenty. Zhuanxu passed the throne to his nephew Emperor Ku, the Gaoxin family.

Legend has it that in the later years of the Yellow Emperor, Jiuli believed in shamanism, advocating ghosts and gods and abandoning human affairs. Everything was determined by divination. Every family had someone who was a witch and practiced divination. People no longer worshiped God sincerely and felt uneasy. in agricultural production. In order to solve this problem, Zhuanxu decided to reform religion and personally worship the ancestors of heaven and earth with a pure heart and sincerely, setting an example for all people. He also appointed Nan Zhengzhong to be responsible for offering sacrifices to heaven to reconcile the gods. Bei Zhengli was appointed to be in charge of civil affairs to appease the people, persuade them to follow the laws of nature to engage in agricultural production, and encourage people to cultivate fields. It is forbidden to use divination to communicate with people and gods among the people, so as to restore normal order to society.

Emperor Ku (kù) Gao Xin:

Emperor Ku has been virtuous, smart and capable since he was a child. When he was fifteen years old, he was selected as an assistant by Emperor Zhuanxu. For his meritorious service, he was granted the title of Xin (now Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province). After the death of Emperor Zhuanxu, he succeeded to the throne at the age of thirty.

It is said that after Emperor Ku succeeded to the throne of the world, he made Bo (bò) his capital and Mu De his emperor. At that time, the Gonggong clan on the west bank of the Yellow River in the upper reaches was very powerful and was extremely dissatisfied with Ku Ji's throne. He was so angry that he hit the Buzhou Mountain with his head, causing the sky pillar to break and the earth to tilt to the southeast, and then launched a rebellion. Emperor Ku ordered Huozheng Li ( Zhurong ) to lead troops to quell the rebellion of Gonggong , but failed and returned. Emperor Ku executed Li, and Li's younger brother Wu returned to to succeed Huozheng, once again led the army against Gonggong, and finally put down the rebellion.

Emperor Ku can also know people well and assign them well. Yi's archery skills were unparalleled in the world. Emperor Ku selected him as an archery officer and gave him tong bow and wormwood arrows. Yi lived up to Emperor Ku's deep wishes. When Bai Nan rebelled, he put him down in one fell swoop. Xianhei and Zabu were good at music and making musical instruments. Emperor Ku appointed them as music officials, and finally created the music of "Nine Moves" and drums, pipes, tubes, Xun, curtains, etc. New instruments.

Emperor Yao Tao Tang's family:

"Historical Records·The Chronicles of the Five Emperors" records: Emperor Ku had two sons, Zhi and Fangxun (i.e. Yao); after Emperor Ku's death, his eldest son Zhi Inherited the throne and became Emperor Zhi. Yao was eager to learn and capable. When he was thirteen years old, he was ordered to assist Emperor Zhi. Emperor Zhi's talents were mediocre and he failed to manage the country properly. But Yao was kind and loving to the people, he knew how to observe people, he governed well, and his virtues were famous all over the world. So the leaders of various tribes deserted Emperor Zhi one after another and joined Yao. Emperor Zhi also felt that he was not as wise as Yao, and finally ceded the throne to Yao nine years after taking the throne.

In order to regulate the world , Yao formulated the code to prohibit from deceiving . He set up a remonstrance drum so that ordinary people could express their opinions on state affairs. He established slanderous and encouraged people to criticize their own faults.

Emperor Yao appointed Xi and to be in charge of astronomy, formulated the calendar , and granted farming seasons to the people. Xi Zhong, Xishu , He Zhong, and uncle were assigned to live in four places, responsible for observing the sun, moon, stars all living things, in order to report climate changes, so that the people could sow and harvest in time. .

Emperor Shun had the Yu family:

According to ancient classics, Shun was a native of Jizhou (Jizhou at that time included today's Hebei, Liaoning, Shanxi provinces), the ninth grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the emperor The seventh generation grandson of Zhuanxu has been a commoner since his sixth generation ancestor Qiongchan. Shun, also known as the Yu family, was born in Yaoxu, north of today's Puzhou Town, Yongji, Shanxi.

According to " Historical Records ", Shun once farmed in Lishan, so that the people in Lishan gave up land boundaries to each other; made pottery by the Tao River, so that the pottery by the river no longer cut corners; in Leizefishing , let everyone in Lei Ze give in to the fishing industry.

When Shun was 58 years old, Shun served as regent for eight years. Emperor Yao died. After three years of mourning, Shun gave the position of co-ruler to Yao's son Danzhu and retreated to the south of Nanhe. However, the people of the world were dissatisfied, and all the princes went to see Shun, but ignored Danzhu. Those who filed lawsuits also complained to Shun, and the people made up many ballads to praise Shun, but did not take Danzhu seriously. Shun felt that the will of the people and the will of heaven could not be shied away from, so he returned to the capital and formally assumed the position of co-lord.

Dayu Xiahou's family:

Legend Wen Ming , later generations respectfully called Dayu . He is the great-great-grandson of the Xuanyuan clan of the Yellow Emperor. He is widely known for his role in Dayu's flood control work. According to legend, Yu was the founder of the Xia Dynasty, the first family-wide political power in Chinese history, with its capital in Yangcheng (there are many versions of the specific location). Yu was named Xia Bo during Yao's reign, so the history books also call him Bo Yu and Xia Yu.

In the thirty-third year of Emperor Shun's reign, he officially abdicated the throne of emperor to Yu. Seventeen years later, Shun died during his southern tour. . After three years of mourning, Yu took refuge in Yangcheng, a small city in Xia Dynasty, and gave up the throne to Shun's son Shangjun. But all the princes in the world left Shangjun to pay King Yu. With the support of the princes, Yu officially assumed the throne and lived in Yangcheng. His country was named Xia.

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