The "Big Three" of deep learning have developed the conceptual basis of the field of deep learning and verified surprising phenomena through experiments. In recent years, deep learning methods have promoted great achievements in application fields such as computer vision, speech

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From " Turing Machine " to "Turing Test", from deciphering the German Enigma to the mystery of suicide, Turing has been a legend throughout his life. We will not repeat the story of Turing here. Today we want to talk more about the highest award in the computer field - the Turing Award.


To commemorate Alan Mathison Turing 's outstanding contributions in the field of computing, the American Computer Association established the Turing Award in 1966. This award is known as the Nobel Prize in computer science.

Each year, the ACM will ask nominators to recommend candidates for this year's Turing Award and attach a 200 to 500 word essay explaining why the nominee deserves the award.

Anyone can become a nominee, but the Association for Computing Machinery will form a selection committee to conduct a strict review of the nominees and finally determine the winner of the year. The Turing Award of that year is usually awarded in late March of the following year.

Although the Turing Award has been called the Nobel Prize of computing, the Turing Award pales in comparison to the Nobel Prize's $1.4 million prize.

was originally worth US$200,000, which increased to US$250,000 in 1989. Starting in 2015, Google announced that it would sponsor the Turing Award bonus, with the amount reaching US$1 million.

An era of shining stars

Let’s take a look at the Turing Award winners and their main contributions in the past 54 years, and take a look at those "superstars in the computer field".


Alan J. Perlis Alan J. Perlis

Areas of contribution: Advanced programming skills, compiler construction

Achievements: Alan Perlis is a "disciple" in the ALGOL language and computer science "living", as defined in the ALGOL language He became the well-deserved winner of the first Turing Award for his significant contributions to the field of computer science and expansion, as well as his huge role in creating computer science education and making computer science an independent discipline.

ALGOL is the abbreviation of Algorithmic Language (ALGOrithmic Language). It is the first clearly defined high-level language in the history of computer development. The International Computer Society lists the ALGOL mode as a standard for algorithm description, inspiring ALGOL-like modern languages ​​​​Pascal, Ada, C language , etc. Appear.

Maurice V. Wilkes Maurice V. Wilkes

Contribution fields: Stored program computer EDSAC, program library

In May 1946, he obtained a copy of the design plan for the EDVAC computer drafted by von Neumann. In October 1946, after returning to Cambridge University, he designed and built the world's first stored program electronic computer, EDSAC, based on EDVAC.

It uses mercury delay line as memory, punched paper tape as input device and teletypewriter as output device. It was the first von Neumann architecture electronic computer.

Richard Wesley Hamming Richard Hamming

Contribution fields: numerical methods, automatic coding systems, error detection and error correction codes

He is one of the founders of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and served as the organization's president. President. In the Manhattan Project, he was responsible for writing computer programs and calculating solutions to equations provided by physicists to provide reliable calculation basis for nuclear bomb experiments.

"Hamming distance" and "Hamming weight" named after Richard Wesley Hamming are widely used in many fields such as information theory, coding theory, cryptography and so on.

Marvin Minsky Marvin Minsky

Contribution fields: artificial intelligence

Marvin Minsky is the creator of the famous frame theory in the field of artificial intelligence. The core of this theory is to represent knowledge in the form of a frame. The top level of the

framework is fixed and represents a fixed concept, object or event. The lower layer consists of several slots, which can be filled with specific values ​​to describe the characteristics of specific things. Each slot can have several sides (facets), and additional instructions are provided for the slot, such as the slot's value range, evaluation method, etc.

In this way, the frame can contain a variety of information. By using multiple related frames to form a frame system, knowledge can be expressed completely and accurately.


James Wilkinson James H. Wilkinson

Contribution fields: numerical analysis , linear algebra , backward error analysis

Wilkin Sen has made outstanding contributions in the field of numerical analysis, especially in numerical linear algebra, and has discovered many Meaningful algorithms. In 1960, while studying matrix calculation errors, he proposed the "backward error analysis method", which is the most commonly used error analysis method for various numerical calculations on computers.

At the British National Physical Laboratory, Wilkinson initially assisted Turing in designing the computer Pilot ACE. After Turing left the laboratory, he took over the entire project, resulting in the successful first official trial run of Pilot ACE on May 10, 1950.

John McCarthy John McCarthy

Contribution fields: Artificial intelligence

McCarthy is the famous inventor of α-β search. The α-β search method is still a commonly used and efficient method to solve artificial intelligence problems. The basic idea is to choose the larger value or the smaller value according to the calculation method of the backward value. During the expansion and calculation process, unnecessary branches can be cut off and efficiency can be improved.

He is also the inventor of LISP language. LISP language is a functional symbol processing language. Its program consists of some functional subroutines. It is the first and most widely popular language in the artificial intelligence world.

Edsger Dijkstra Edsger Dijkstra

Contribution field: The science and art of programming languages ​​

Dijkstra is called the "Father of Structural Programming" and "Prophet" (Oracle) by Western academic circles. He devoted his life to Develop programming and into a science. The most important quality of a scientific research talent is insight and the ability to discover promising new fields or discover and solve the most critical problems in new fields.

Charles W. Bachman Charles W. Bachman

Contribution fields: Database technology

Bachman’s main contributions to the database are two. The first is to preside over the design and development of the earliest network database management system IDS, and its design The ideas and implementation techniques were imitated by many subsequent database products.

Second, Bachman actively promoted and contributed to the formulation of database standards, which is the network database model proposed by the Database Task Group DBTG under the American Data Systems Language Committee CODASYL and the specifications of data definition and data manipulation languages, namely DDL and DML. , launched the first formal report, the DBTG report, in 1971, which became a landmark document in the history of databases.

Knuth Donald E. Knuth

Contribution areas: algorithm analysis, design of programming languages, programming

Pioneer of algorithms and programming technology, inventor of the computer typesetting system TeX and the font design system METAFONT, he is famous for these He is famous all over the world for his achievements and a large number of creative and far-reaching works.

"The Art of Computer Programming" can be called a classic masterpiece of computer science theory and technology. It was listed by "American Scientist" magazine as one of the 12 most important physical science monographs in the 20th century, together with Einstein "The Theory of Relativity" and Dirac "Quantum Mechanics", Richard Feynman's "Quantum Electrodynamics" and other classics stand side by side, and thus won the Turing Award in 1974.

Allen Newell Allen Newell

Herbert Simon Herbert A. Simon

Contribution fields: artificial intelligence, human cognitive psychology and list processing (list processing)

Simon and Newell gave "Physical Symbol System" He defined it and proposed the "Physical Symbol System Hypothesis" PSSH (Physical Symbol System Hypothesis), becoming the founder and representative of the most influential school of symbolism in artificial intelligence. This theory encourages people to make great contributions to artificial intelligence. exploration. This is also the most basic contribution made by the two people in artificial intelligence. Not only that, Simon was also the winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Economics.

Michael Rabin Michael O. Rabin

Dana Scott Dana S. Scott

Contribution field: Non-deterministic automata

Rabin and Dana Scott jointly published "Finite Automata and Their Determinability Problems" "Finite Automata and Their Decision Problems" paper proposed the idea of ​​non-deterministic automata, which proved to be a very important concept (in the scientific research of computing theory). Rabin and Scott's classic paper became the source of subsequent research in this field.

John Backus John Backus

Contribution fields: Advanced programming systems, formal definition of programming language specifications

He proposed BNF (notation used to define formal language grammar), invented the concept of functional programming and practiced this concept Family Planning Language, known as the "Father of Fortran Language".

Robert Floyd Robert W. Floyd

Contribution fields: Methodology for designing efficient and reliable software

Founder of the pre- and post-assertion method, one of the founders of the heap sort algorithm and the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, FPL (Floyd-Evans Production) One of the inventors of Language, FPL is used to write syntax analysis programs for computer languages.

Kenneth E. Iverson Kenneth E. Iverson

Contribution areas: Programming languages ​​and mathematical notation, design of interactive systems, teaching with APL, theory and practice of programming languages

He developed a set of mathematical expressions to operate array to teach students. While working at IBM, he developed mathematical expressions that founded the APL language.

APL language is a conversational language with strong expressive ability. Application scope includes mathematical statistics, business operations, information retrieval, report generation, financial budgeting, etc. It can also be used in simulation plan management, graphics processing, text editing, computer-assisted teaching, etc.


Tony Hoare C. Antony R. Hoare

Contribution fields: Definition and design of programming languages ​​

He designed the quick sort algorithm and Hoare logic.

quick sort algorithm, a classic sorting algorithm, is an improvement on bubble sort.

Hall logic is a formal system developed by Tony Hall. The purpose of this system is to use strict mathematical logical reasoning to provide a set of logical rules for the correctness of the computer program .

Edgar F. Codd Edgar F. Codd

Contribution field: database system, especially relational database

While working at IBM, he pioneered the relational model theory. He made many valuable contributions to computer science throughout his life, and the relational model, as a very influential basic theory in database management, is still considered his most notable achievement.

Stephen A. Cook Stephen A. Cook

Contribution field: Computational complexity

was awarded the Turing Award in 1982 for his contribution to computational complexity theory, especially his outstanding contribution in laying the foundation of NP completeness theory. prize. He organized the goals of NP completeness and also produced Gucker's theorem - the Boolean satisfiability problem is a proof of NP completeness. Because his paper started the study of NP completeness, this field became the most active and important research in computer science in the following ten years.

Ken Thompson Ken Thompson

Dennis Ritchie Dennis M. Ritchie

Contribution fields: UNⅨ operating system and C language

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie Designed B language and C language, and then rewrote UNIX in C language , installed on the PDP-11 machine. Not only that, in 2006, Thompson joined Google and co-led the development of the Go language with Robert Pike and Robert Grismo.

Nicholas Wirth Niklaus Wirth

Contribution fields: Programming language design, programming

The father of Pascal, who won the Turing Award with one sentence. The sentence that won him the Turing Award was the famous formula he proposed: " Algorithm + data structure = program ”.

Richard M. Karp Richard M. Karp

Contribution field: Algorithm theory, especially NP-completeness theory

has two main contributions. One is to standardize and unify the terminology in computational complexity theory . Naming problems with polynomial time algorithms as P-type problems was first adopted by Karp in this paper. It has been accepted and commonly used by the academic community, which has brought great benefits to academic communication.

The second is that when Karp characterized the "most difficult" problem class in the NP class, he proposed another reduction method that was different from Stephen Gook's reduction, called " polynomial time many-one reduction Reduction", sometimes it is directly called "Karp reduction".

John HopcroftJohn Hopcroft

Robert Tarjan Robert Tarjan

Contribution areas: Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures

Robert Tarjan is famous for his pioneering work on data structures and graph theory.Some of his famous algorithms include Tajan's nearest common ancestor offline algorithm, Tajan's strongly connected component algorithm and Link-Cut-Trees algorithm, etc. Among them, the Hopcroft-Tarjan planar embedding algorithm is the first linear-time planar algorithm.

Tayan also created important data structures such as Fibonacci heaps and splay trees (the inventor of splay is also Daniel Sleator). Another significant contribution is the analysis of the union set. He was the first scientist to demonstrate the optimistic time complexity of computing the inverse Ackermann function.

Hopcroft’s research area is theoretical computer science. He summarized the scattered results in the embryonic stage of computer science into holistic system knowledge, and proposed using asymptotic analysis as the main indicator to measure algorithm performance, which has become a pillar of today's computer science.

John Cocke John Cocke

Contribution areas: compilation theory, large system architecture, and the development of reduced instruction set (RISC) computers.

Cork hosted another project for the 801 computer, a special machine designed for an all-digital telephone exchange capable of handling one million calls per hour.

However, the implementation has been developed into a super general small format with a small instruction set, each instruction is a single address, has a fixed format, overlaps execution in a pipeline manner, and the instruction cache and data cache are separated and independent of each other. machine.

Coker conducted in-depth research on the code generation technology of compilers and proposed a series of optimization methods, such as integration of procedures, transformation of loops, elimination of common subexpressions, and code movement. (code motion), register positioning, storage unit reuse, etc., the quality of the compiler has been greatly improved, bringing the development of compilation technology to a new stage.

Ivan Sutherland Ivan Sutherland

Contribution field: Computer graphics

As the father of computer graphics and the father of virtual reality, the computer program "Sketchpad" invented by Ivan Sutherland is "the most important program ever written by people" A program”.

In fact, this was the first interactive drawing system ever created. This was also the beginning of interactive computer graphics. But it would take more than ten years for the computer industry and the engineering community to truly appreciate the epoch-making changes brought about by Su Zelan and the computer program "Drawboard".

William Morton William Morton Kahan

Contribution fields: Numerical analysis

Kahan, while working at Intel, presided over the design and development of the 8087 chip, successfully realizing high-speed and efficient floating-point arithmetic components.

At present, if computers with 80x86 as the CPU need to complete scientific and engineering computing tasks, some need to be equipped with a mathematical coprocessor such as 8087. Some well-known mathematics software packages must also run on machines equipped with the 8087 mathematics coprocessor. They won the Turing Award for their contributions to the formulation of floating-point arithmetic standards.


Fernando Corbató Fernando J. Corbató

Areas of contribution: CTSS and Multics

Successfully developed the world under Corbató’s leadership The first time-sharing system, CTSS, became a milestone in the history of computer development. , creating a new era of interactive sharing of computer resources by multiple users at the same time. The realization of the time-sharing system was also the beginning of the real popularization of computers.

Robin Milner Robin Milner

Contribution areas: LCF, ML language, CCS.

In terms of computer programming languages, Milner, Gorton and others jointly proposed a mathematical model of a formal logic system and implemented a system he called LCF - "the logic of computable functions". Another aspect of the contribution is about concurrent computing and parallel computing.

Butler Lampson Butler W. Lampson

Contribution areas: Distributed, personal computing environments.

Ramson has made many outstanding contributions in solving technical problems of computer file systems and distributed systems. For example, the concept of "atomic transaction" (atomic transaction) was proposed, and the solution of using "sandwich commit protocol" to improve system reliability was proposed.

Juris Hartmanis Juris Hartmanis

Richard Stearns Richard E. Stearns

Contribution field: Computational complexity theory

Juris Hartmanis collaborated with Stearns on " Shannon" Formula " carried out in-depth research, and the result was the famous paper "On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms". This paper opened up a new research field in computer science, namely "computational complexity", and laid the foundation for its theoretical basis.

Edward Feigenbaum Edward Feigenbaum

Raj ReddyRaj Reddy

Contribution field: Large-scale artificial intelligence system

Through experiments and research, it has been proved that the main means of realizing intelligent behavior lies in knowledge, which in most practical situations is a specific field knowledge, thus pioneering "knowledge engineering" (Knowledge engineering), and making knowledge engineering a branch that has achieved the most practical results and has the greatest influence in the field of artificial intelligence.

Manuel Blum Manuel Blum

Areas of contribution: Computational complexity theory, and its application in cryptography and program verification.

published the paper "Computational complexity of recursive sequences (Computational Complexity of Recursive Sequences)" at the Fifth Annual Academic Conference on Switch Circuit Theory and Logic Design held in Princeton. In the paper, "computational complexity" was used for the first time. A term that opened up a new field in computer science and laid a theoretical foundation for it.

Amir Bernoulli Amir Pnueli

Contribution areas: sequential logic, program and system verification.

's pioneering research work on introducing temporal logic in computer science, and his outstanding contributions in programming languages ​​and system verification.

introduces temporal logic into computer science. Linear temporal logic is an expansion of ordinary propositional logic (propositional logic), but this expansion is of great significance because it enables the system to handle changes in its value over time. The ability to have dynamic arguments (called temporal or temporal arguments).

In temporal logic, the structure of time can be linear, branched, discrete, or continuous. These different situations based on time points or time zones depend on the specific application background.

Douglas Engelbart Douglas Engelbart

Contribution fields: interactive computing

The father of the mouse, a pioneer in human-computer interaction, developed the hypertext system, network computers, and a pioneer in graphical user interfaces; and is committed to advocating the use of computers and networks , to collaboratively solve the world’s growing urgent and complex problems.

James Nicola Gray James Gray

Contribution fields: Database and transaction processing

Gray's creative thinking and pioneering work in transaction processing technology have made him a recognized authority in this technical field. His research results are reflected in a series of papers and research reports he published. Although transaction processing technology was born in database research.

But for distributed systems, data management and communication in the client/server structure are also of great significance for fault-tolerant and high-reliability systems.

Frederick P. Brooks Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Contribution fields: computer architecture, operating systems, software engineering.

presided over and led the development of the IBM/360 series of computers, which is known as a symbol of mankind's transition from the atomic energy age to the information age. It achieved brilliant success and became famous for a while.

In addition to computer architecture, machine language design, software engineering and large-scale project management, his research fields also include the visualization of dynamic architecture, human-computer interface, interactive computer graphics, etc., which are very extensive.


Yao Chi-Chih Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Areas of contribution: Computational theory, including pseudo-random number generation, cryptography and communication complexity.

first proposed the quantum communication complexity, basically completing the theoretical basis of quantum computer , and then proposed the distributed quantum computing mode, which became the basis for the security of distributed quantum algorithms and quantum communication protocols.

’s research interests include computational theory and its applications in cryptography and quantum computing. He has made outstanding contributions in three major areas:

(1) Created important sub-fields of theoretical computer science: communication complexity and pseudo-random number generation calculation theory;

(2) laid the foundation for modern cryptography, and played an important role in complexity-based cryptography and He has made fundamental contributions to security formal methods;

(3) solves open problems in the fields of circuit complexity, computational geometry, data structures and quantum computing and establishes new paradigms.

Ole-Johan DahlOle-Johan Dahl

Kristen NygaardKristen NygaardKristen Nygaard

Contribution field: Object-oriented programming

Kristen Nygaard and Ole-Johan Dahl developed the earliest object-oriented programming language SIMULA -I (1961-1965) and SIMULA-67, which first introduced the basic concepts of object-oriented programming languages: objects, classes, inheritance, virtual quantities, and multi-threaded (quasi-parallel) program execution.

Ronald Rivest Ronald L. Rivest

Adi ShamirAdi Shamir

Leonard Adleman Leonard M. Adleman

Contribution fields: Public key cryptography (RSA encryption algorithm)

Three people co-founded RSA Algorithm, that is, asymmetric encryption algorithm. The RSA algorithm is a basic security mechanism currently widely used in Internet transmission, banking and credit card industries.

Alan KayAlan Kay

Contribution field: Object-oriented programming

Alan invented the Smalltalk programming language. Smalltalk absorbed the concept of Simula's class and developed the graphical user interface (GUI), which is the Apple Macintosh computer. prototype.

Smalltalk is recognized as the second object-oriented programming language in history and the first true integrated development environment.

Vint Cerf Vinton G. Cerf

Robert Kahn Robert E. Kahn

Contribution field: TCP/IP protocol

Robert Kahn invented the TCP protocol and worked with Vint Cerf Together they invented the IP protocol, These two protocols have become the most important technologies used to transmit data on the Internet around the world. They won the Turing Award for their pioneering contributions in the Internet field.

Peter Naur Peter Naur

Areas of contribution: ALGOL 60 Languages ​​

developed the BNF paradigm, improved the programming language, and also contributed to the development of ALGOL 60, which is indispensable for many subsequent programming languages, including those today A prototype of a software engineering tool, Noel was awarded the Turing Award for his pioneering work in defining the programming language ALGOL 60.

Frances E. Allen Frances E. Allen

Contribution field: Optimizing compiler

Frances Allen is committed to studying the compilation issues of parallel computers. In his previous work, he has contributed to many programs that are currently widely used in commercial compilers. Optimization algorithms and techniques lay the foundation for modern optimizing compilers and automatic parallel execution technology.

Edmund M. Clarke Edmund M. Clarke

Allen Emerson Allen Emerson

Joseph Sifakis Joseph Sifakis

Contribution areas: Developing automated methods to detect design errors in computer hardware and software

The theoretical basis for model checking is It was independently proposed by Sfarakis in France and Clark and Emerson in the United States in 1981.

Model Checking (Model-Checking) uses mathematical algorithms to verify whether a software or hardware system design meets preset requirements. Industrial testing applications include: chip testing, communication protocols, external devices, master control software, embedded systems (such as in airplanes, trains, rockets, satellites or mobile phones) and security algorithms, etc.

Barbara Liskov Barbara Liskov

Areas of Contribution: Practice and Theory of Programming Languages ​​and Systems Design

Barbara Liskov led several important projects, including the first object-oriented support for data abstraction The design and implementation of the programming language CLU, the first high-level language Argus to support distributed program implementation, the object-oriented database system Thor, and the recent Byzantine distributed fault-tolerant system.

Among them, the CLU language has a profound impact on modern mainstream languages ​​such as C++/Java/Python/Ruby/C#. The data abstraction ideas she extracted from these actual projects have become one of the most important essences in software engineering.

Charles Thacker Charles Thacker

Areas of contribution: Helping design and manufacture the first modern PC

Charles Thacker is known as the "Father of the Modern PC" and presided over or participated in the design of Alto, Ethernet, laser printers, etc. and development. Among them, Alto is the originator of today's modern personal computers, equipped with a mouse, graphical user interface, and supports LAN networking.

Leslie Valiant Leslie Valiant

Areas of contribution: Transformative contributions to numerous computing theories

Leslie Valiant has worked in the fields of machine learning, computational complexity theory, parallel and distributed computing, etc. Outstanding contributions have promoted the development of artificial intelligence technology. The probabilistic approximately correct model proposed in 1984 solved a basic problem in machine learning, namely "how the system handles errors."

Judah Burr Judea Pearl

Contribution field: Artificial intelligence

Judah Burr proposed a calculation model of probabilistic reasoning and causal reasoning, which is a basic contribution to the field of artificial intelligence. It enriches the paradigm of AI and lays a directional foundation for the subsequent development of AI.

Shafi Goldwasser Shafi Goldwasser

Silvio MicaliSilvio Micali

Areas of contribution: For pioneering work in the field of cryptography and complexity theory

Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio O. Mikali co-pioneered the field of provable security and laid the mathematical foundation for modern cryptographic theory. By formalizing the concept that cryptographic security is computable rather than absolute, they created a data architecture that transformed cryptography from an art to a science.

Leslie Lamport Leslie Lamport

Areas of contribution: Outstanding contributions in improving the reliability and stability of computer systems

Leslie Lamport's distributed computing theory laid the foundation for this discipline. He The paper "Time, Clock Event Sequence in Distributed Systems" published in 1978 became the most cited document in the history of computer science, and he contributed core principles to the research on "Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems".

Michael Stonebraker Michael Stonebraker

Contribution field: Fundamental contributions to the underlying concepts and practices of modern database systems

Michael Stonebraker, for his work on relational database management systems (RDBMS) and data warehouses ( DWH) is world-famous for its foundational work in the creation, development and improvement of DWH.

Whitfield DiffieWhitfield Diffie

Martin Hellman Martin Hellman

Contribution fields: The founder of asymmetric encryption

Diffie and Hellman published the paper "New Trends in Cryptozoology", in which they elaborated on the public secrets A new concept of key encryption algorithm, that is, in a completely open channel, people can carry out secure information transmission without prior agreement.

invented the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, which allows both parties to create a key through an insecure channel without any prior information from the other party. This key can be used as a symmetric encryption key in subsequent communications. key to encrypt communication content. The protocol protects our daily internet communications and trillions of financial transactions.

Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee

Contribution field: World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. In 1991, he made the first graphical interface web browser, in 1994 In 2000, he established the standard for hyperlinks. So far, switching between web pages and information is as fast and direct as a "free door", without boundaries.

John Hennessy John Hennessy

David Patterson David Patterson

Areas of contribution: Popularizing the concept of microprocessors

John Hennessy and David Patterson developed the RISC microprocessor and co-authored The book "Computer Architecture: Quantitative Research Methods" spread the RISC concept to academia and industry. This book is still a must-read for programmers, computer engineers and processor designers.

Their research has had a huge impact on the development of many chips, from Arm to Alpha to PowerPC. These chips are widely used in today’s smartphones, Internet of Things, tablets, servers and other devices

Joshua· Bengio Yoshua Bengio

Geoffrey Hinton Geoffrey Hinton

Yan LeCun Yann LeCun

Areas of contribution: Contributions to deep learning in artificial intelligence

The “Big Three” of deep learning developed the conceptual foundations of the deep learning field and Surprising phenomena have been verified through experiments. In recent years, deep learning methods have promoted great breakthroughs in application fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, and robotics.

Patrick Hanrahan Patrick M. Hanrahan

Edwin Catmull Edwin E. Catmull

Contribution field: 3D computer graphics

They are veterans of Pixar Animation Studios. Animation and related technologies created during , which had a revolutionary impact on future CG special effects in movies and games.

Since 1966, there have been a total of 72 Turing Award winners, distributed in dozens of small fields. According to nationality, American scholars have the most, European scholars are occasionally seen, and the only Chinese scholar is Dr. Yao Qizhi.

As our government, universities, and Internet companies continue to invest in computer technology, perhaps in the near future, more Chinese talents will win the Turing Award and become great figures standing at the top of the computer science community.

It was the emergence of a genius like Turing that opened the door to computer science.


left | Alan Matheson Turing

right | von Neumann

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