Can I drink alcohol with high blood pressure? Why do some people say that drinking can lower blood pressure? Tell you the answer, make no mistake

If modern people don’t know how to drink, they might look a little special. They don’t drink alcohol when they go out. Some things are not clear. They all say that drinking is easy to do, and you can speak truth after drinking. The friendship on the wine table is also very deep.

However, we all know that drinking alcohol is harmful to the human body, especially those who drink a lot of alcohol for a long time, it will cause greater harm to the body. There are also many misunderstandings about wine.

Some health-preserving people have heard that a small amount of alcohol can maintain their health and can achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure, so they will choose a moderate amount of alcohol and think they are doing the right thing. But some people are sane, and they doubt that drinking alcohol has no such effect.

What is the effect of drinking on blood pressure? It should be understood clearly, lest the wrong choice will cause problems to the body.

Is drinking a step-down or a step-up?

Previous studies have shown that people who drink small amounts of alcohol have lower blood pressure levels than those who do not drink. It shows that a small amount of alcohol does have a certain effect on blood pressure. However, there is no too specific standard for the small amount.

And there is still no specific evidence that can show that a small amount of alcohol can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems. The key point is that a small amount of alcohol does not mean that you have to drink a small amount of alcohol every day. Over time, you will consume more alcohol in your body.

Increased alcohol content will increase the secretion of adrenaline in the body, the blood vessels will contract, blood circulation will produce pressure, and blood pressure will rise.

In order not to put pressure on the blood vessels, it is best not to drink alcohol. People with high blood pressure should drink less. It will interfere with the body's absorption and decomposition of antihypertensive drugs, and the effectiveness of the drugs will not be maximized, and the antihypertensive effect will not be achieved. It is easy to cause fluctuations in blood pressure and cause other damage to the body.

There are also people with high blood pressure. Each person’s condition is different. Some are more serious, while others are mild. For severe people, it is best not to drink. It is necessary to know that drinking a lot of alcohol will lead to increased blood pressure and faster heart rate, which may easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

If you don’t want your life to be greatly threatened, you must drink alcohol reasonably according to your own situation. Limiting alcohol intake can ensure good health and avoid problems. There is also the choice of alcohol. Drink as little high alcohol as possible. It would be more appropriate to control the amount of alcohol you drink at about 1 tael each time.

If people who drink a lot for a long time have any effect on the body?

Drinking alcohol hurts the liver. It’s not necessary to talk about other hazards. Alcohol needs to be metabolized by the liver to enter the body, and it also passes through the stomach. A large amount of alcohol flows into the stomach, causing irritation to the gastric mucosa. The secretion of gastric acid will also be abnormal, causing gastric ulcers and stomach discomfort.

Drinking also has a great impact on blood sugar. People with high blood sugar have to keep their mouths shut. Drinking a lot of alcohol will damage the pancreas, and abnormal insulin secretion will increase blood sugar. . Over time, it will bring a lot of concurrency problems.

People with diabetes, don’t be stubborn anymore. Quit drinking is responsible for your own life. If you are really greedy, you can drink a little bit. Be sure to limit it. Like people with high blood pressure, the intake should not exceed each time. 1 two.

Long-term heavy drinking can cause great damage to the brain nerves. Alcohol can inhibit the central nervous system. The more you drink, the greater the damage. Over time, it will cause mental disorders and mental decline. If you don't want severe damage to your brain, it's okay to stop drinking early.

Regarding the issue of drinking, I hope that it can be treated in a correct way. Don't be lucky. Don't be misled by rumors. In order to reduce damage to the body, no matter whether the body is healthy or there are related problems, you should drink limited amounts. It is best not to drink.