International Day for Stomach Protection | What is superficial gastritis?

International Day for Stomach Protection is also known as International Day for Stomach Protection. April 9, 2006 was designated by the International Natural Medicine and Health Engineering Research Association and the World Health Management Union as the first "International Stomach Day".




We often go to see a gastroenterologist for symptoms such as stomach acid, bloating, and indigestion. The doctor often recommends that we have a gastroscope. After the gastroscopy, we often get a report that says: chronic superficial gastritis (chronic non-atrophic gastritis), what is wrong with this? Is it serious?

0d0da1#04a0#0d4a#04a0# Responsible to say that this is the mildest kind of chronic gastritis. Generally, doctors will tell you that there is no major problem, but they may also ask you if you are uncomfortable. At the same time, they will recommend you to check whether you have Helicobacter pylori infection. If you have a pathology, they will recommend that you wait for the pathology to have a result before further treatment .

Since "chronic superficial gastritis" mostly means that there is basically no problem, why do doctors still have so many suggestions? The Health Science Center invites Wang Heling, the director and chief physician of the Department of Digestion and Nephrology, Shenyang First People's Hospital, to answer your questions.

1. Why check Helicobacter pylori?

Because as long as Helicobacter pylori can cause chronic active gastritis, 80% of chronic superficial gastritis is related to it. If you have this bacteria, it will cause the stomach to shrink from the superficial surface, and cause indigestion symptoms. In other words, this bacteria is still related to gastric cancer, so it needs to be checked.


04a0 If the doctor has done a biopsy for you, you must wait for the pathological results to take a look again. This step is to confirm that you are definitely OK.

What issues should we pay attention to? Atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, etc., all require a professional gastroenterologist to give you a professional interpretation. According to the pathological results, the doctor will advise you on how to treat and how to observe.

3. Finally, analyze the results with the doctor, and then determine how to treat your stomach.

If there is Helicobacter pylori infection, sterilization is necessary. Helicobacter pylori is more resistant, and it should be reviewed regularly after treatment to determine whether it is eradicated. The treatment must be in accordance with the doctor's instructions, and the full course of medication is used. If you have an infection, other members of the family are advised to check it and pay attention to meal hygiene, because humans are not immune to Helicobacter pylori infection, and eradication does not mean that you will not be infected again.

Other bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, etc. need symptomatic treatment, and the doctor will improve your symptoms. There are so many stomach medicines in the pharmacy, which one to choose? Because no stomach medicine can eliminate all symptoms. It is necessary to know that poor sleep and poor mood can also cause stomach upset symptoms, all of which require the right medicine. Proton pump inhibitors are needed for acid reflux, prokinetics are needed for bloating, prokinetics and drugs that neutralize bile acids are needed for bile reflux, and digestive enzymes may be needed if there is still Does it feel very broken? Why so many medicines. So although it's just a simple "chronic superficial gastritis", how to take the medicine is still very particular, is left to the doctor to help you decide together.


4. What everyone thinks is that "the medicine will cure the disease". What if the medicine is not good? Then pay attention:

1. Is it a stomach problem?

This is the first one to consider. Although you have a "chronic superficial gastritis", it is not necessarily the root cause of your discomfort. As mentioned above, poor mood can cause stomach discomfort. In addition, the specificity of abdominal signs is not strong, and there are many abdominal organs. Therefore, when the effect of taking medicine is not good, we must go further to see if there are other things. The reason, is it discomfort caused by other problems? For example: liver disease, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, urinary tract stones, intestinal problems, heart disease, lung disease, etc.

2. Other problems of the stomach

If the effect of taking the medicine is not good, other diseases are also ruled out. At this time, you can consider rechecking the gastroscope and doing other tests to rule out some problems that have not been discovered before. Prevent whether there are some hidden diseases that have not been detected. Sometimes the gastroscope is not a panacea, and there are things it can't see.

3. Living habits problem

Healthy living habits are actually far better than medication.

Staying up late, anxiety, not being able to manage emotions well, etc. For stomach discomfort caused by these reasons, the effect of general stomach medicine may be worse. The solution lies in your own adjustment.

Drinking, hot and sour irritation must have a great impact on the stomach, so while eating and drinking, not paying attention to anything, I counted on stomach medicine, and said that the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not good. We don’t remember this pot. .

Therefore, if the disease is not difficult, just look at it right, and the medicine is not expensive and useful. The most important thing is to find out where the problem is.

Don’t take it seriously because the doctor said that “chronic superficial gastritis” is not a big problem. Small problems may become big problems because of your negligence, because sometimes the disease develops gradually, really In response to the old saying "three-part rule, seven-part nourishment", I hope we all have a healthy stomach.

[Experts in this issue]


Wang Heling, director of the Department of Digestion and Nephrology, Shenyang First People's Hospital, chief physician. For esophagitis, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, Crohn’s disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute and chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic liver disease, digestive system tumors, liver cirrhosis and liver caused by various reasons He has rich experience in diagnosis and treatment of common diseases such as sexual encephalopathy, acute cystitis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal insufficiency, and the treatment is standardized and effective.
