Do you know what the first of the "four cornerstones" of health is?

The World Health Organization puts forward the four cornerstones of health: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and mental balance. The first of the four cornerstones is a reasonable diet. The others are based on a reasonable diet. It seems that true health comes from eating.

my country’s former Minister of Health Chen Zhu pointed out: 80% of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes , stroke and 40% of cancers are preventable. It shows how important a reasonable diet is to our health. The following is a reasonable meal for myself after learning nutrition, combined with the scientific principle of three meals a day, I will share with you the following:

1. The four principles of scientific breakfast

1. Starchy food is not allowed few. It is the main source of energy and can protect our gastric mucosa.

2. At least one of milk, egg, meat, and beans. These proteins are sufficient, and there is nourishment to carry hungry.

3. Fruits and vegetables are at least the same. Provide us with a wealth of dietary fiber, dietary fiber can also extend the emptying speed of our stomach, and there are many benefits to our body.

4. There must be nuts and seeds. Nuts contain unsaturated fat, VE and many kinds of minerals.

Knowing this, when we eat breakfast, we don't want to eat a lot of the same kind of food. We must follow these four items with good ingredients.

I made two breakfasts:

(bread slices; beef, eggs in bread slices; lettuce, mango and oranges, black sesame and cashews; chrysanthemum and red date tea)

(corn flour, white flour) Steamed buns and bean paste buns, potato shreds and taro root shreds, millet porridge; duck eggs, ribs and intestines; tomatoes, cashews, etc.; milk and soy milk;)

2. The principle of healthy lunch:

Not disordered; eat 80% full, do not eat foreign fast food; I decide what to eat, not spicy and spicy; vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry and eggs; salt and oil are not excessive, delicious and light; balanced and nutritious, eat the emperor meal!

The lunch I made:

(rice,Wontons, corn; steak, saury; potatoes, scallions, fried carrots, peanuts mixed with vinegar; papaya, red dates; probiotic drinks)

3. The principle of healthy dinner

1. Dinner should be simple, eat up to five It’s enough to share the meal. The staple food must be rationed. The energy intake ratio of breakfast, lunch and dinner is 3:4:3, which means that breakfast and dinner each account for 30%, and lunch accounts for 40%.

2. Dinner should be low-fat, light and easy to digest.

3. It is healthier to eat a vegetarian diet for dinner, eat more fresh vegetables, eat some coarse grains appropriately, and eat some tofu or fish if you want to add protein.

4. Go out for a walk 40 minutes after a meal, which is conducive to the body's digestion and absorption of food.

The dinner I made:

(multi-grain rice; potato chips, fungus, cabbage fried carrots; celery, carrots mixed with peanuts; sea bass)

I hope we can have a reasonable diet and exercise moderately every day. Quit smoking, limit alcohol and mental balance, of which a reasonable diet is the most important, and a good body is what you eat!
