3 kinds of foods that are most suitable for autumn tonic

Chinese yam: the elderly can invigorate the spleen

Chinese medicine believes that eating yam in autumn has rich effects such as nourishing the kidney and nourishing essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Because yam contains effective substances such as amylase that help promote digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, it is also rich in a variety of protease that can prevent blood lipids from depositing on blood vessel walls and forming thrombi, which can prevent cardiovascular diseases. To a very good effect.

Lotus Root: Producing body fluid to quench thirst and appetizer

Chinese medicine believes that eating "lotus root" in autumn can help nourish the lungs and blood, clear the lungs and moisturize dryness. It is one of the best health foods in autumn. The elderly often eat lotus root, which can adjust the appetite, nourish blood and nourish the marrow, soothe the nerves and strengthen the brain, and prolong life.

lily: red tongue can eat something

children are prone to encounter lung fever in autumn. If you observe carefully, you will find that the child’s tongue is red. At this time, you can eat some lily, fresh lily or dried lily is all right, can be steamed, stewed or boiled, porridge. Used for lung heat clearing , can avoid lung heat coughing .

For middle-aged and elderly people, menopausal , and those who are weak after illness and have upset, insomnia, and low-grade fever, you can eat lily porridge .

edit / Huang Qianwen

data / Labor Daily
